
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Judeo-Christian Paradox, Part II - by Scipio Eruditus

(When Jesus called them the Synagogue of Satan - was He kidding? Did your pulpit dispenser ever dare to reveal that? And why not? If you need to find out who rules you - just determine whom you CANNOT CRITICIZE!

The term Judeo-Christian itself is an oxymoron - - read for a week! - CL)

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The origins of Rabbinic Judaism, as we understand it today, are not ancient or continuous but a product of the post-exilic period, emerging during the 2nd Century AD as a response to the failed revolt of Bar Kokhba and the subsequent Roman destruction of Judea. The transformation from a nationalistic, temple-centered religion to the synagogue-based system that characterizes modern Judaism was not a natural evolution, but a radical reconfiguration orchestrated by a select group of Pharisees. Seeking to preserve their influence and way of life, the Pharisees adapted to the loss of the Temple and the dispersion of the Judean people.

This transition marked the birth of what we now recognize as Talmudic or Rabbinic Judaism — an invention, not a continuation of the faith of Moses and the Prophets.

LA 2.0 - Vox Popoli

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There can be absolutely no doubt that a) the Los Angeles fires were not organic and b) they were part of a plan to rebuild the city in accordance with the principles and preferences of the ruling elite. It’s exactly the same situation as Maui, only on a larger scale. The property is too valuable to be left to the plebs, so the insurance policies have been cancelled, and various other legal machinations will be created in order to incentivize homeowners to sell their properties for dimes on the dollar.

The corrupt California governor, Gavin Newsome, has been caught on camera talking openly about how the planning teams for LA 2.0 are already in place and at work, which means that they were being put together long before the first fire even started.

Neither the Maui nor the LA fires were an accident.

UPDATE: Miles Mathis knew something was afoot very early on:

This might blow your mind.....about Trump etc.

 This might blow your mind - but here goes:

There are two possibilities here. One is that Donald Trump simply changed his mind and is now on the side of the foreigners and the Swamp. The other is that the same people who produced five fake Bidens and hid the real one’s senility for five years with the complicity of the mainstream people have also produced a fake Trump, who is saying the same thing that the fake Bidens were saying before him.

However hard it is for you to believe that the media would deceive you, Occam’s Razor strongly suggests the latter, especially when the pro-invasion Trump is seven inches shorter than the Trump who opposed H1-B visas.

Think I'm crazy? Maybe, but here goes - - everything seems to be fake....why not a president?

The Conservative Rock Star - Vox Popoli - because conservatives are wishful thinkers - not doers!

(I learned years ago that my 'conservative' leanings were nothing more than an attempt to learn reality - it wasn't until I escaped conservatism that I learned it was simply a Synagogue of Satan ruse to misdirect our search for truth - - and if you want more evidence, word search where this came from. - CL)

....and yes.....conservative Boomers have always been suckers for those who despise them pretending to be one of them.

It’s mildly amusing that even a puff-piece article about Ben Shapiro can’t help but show what a complete fraud he is. The thing is, I knew Ben Shapiro back when he had a conscience. He made a conscious, informed decision to sell his soul and his mind for fame and money. And I can assure you, he knows better than anyone else what an intellectual imposter he is.

As for the so-called “fastest-growing conservative empire”, the Daily Wire, well, conservative Boomers have always been suckers for those who despise them pretending to be one of them. But the Daily Wire has never been able to conserve its professed positions and principles any more than conservatives managed to conserve marriage or the Ladies Room.

Universal Press Syndicate signed my WND column because they thought I was the intellectual heir to William F. Buckley. As it turns out, it’s Ben Shapiro who was his true heir. In more ways than one..

One World Trumpenstein vs. the Lesbian Firefighters

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So we wait with bated breath for Donald Trump to take the oath of office again. Maybe he’ll use one of his Trump Bibles to be sworn in on. I’m sincerely hoping that he does deport millions of illegals. That he fires Elon Musk over the H-1B issue. That he lets RFK, Jr. make the revolutionary changes he’s talked about. That he settles the dispute between Russia and Ukraine and ends all of our senseless forever wars. That he finally mentions The Great Replacement. That he rebuilds and upgrades our decaying infrastructure. That he appoints that Commission to study assassinations. That he abolishes the Department of Education, the IRS, and hopefully the FBI. That he stops taxes on Social Security and tips. That he builds factories to go along with his tariffs. That he pardons all the January 6 defendants. Nobody voted for him to rename the Gulf of Mexico, annex Greenland, make Canada the 51st state, or send the military to take back the Panama Canal.

American Pravda: China vs. America, by Ron Unz - The Unz Review

(The first interesting observation - while both China and DaUS have corruption - only DaUS has made it normal and legal - so much for Judeo-Christian ethics, eh? - CL)

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The first of these posts began by setting forth the author’s position in very clear terms:

After a year of observing the utter criminality and inhumanity of Israel’s actions in the Middle East, I have decided to investigate the origins of its dark national/racial/religious ethos from historical documents.

There seems to be numerous sources to draw insights from and there are many interesting analytical perspectives one can take, including –

  • The relationship between the decline of the west and the rise of the jews in western political establishment, especially in the US
  • The complete convergence of Zionism and neoconservatism to the point they are now interchangeable concepts
  • The roles played by the jews in the increasing militarism and jingoism in the west
  • The surprising (maybe not so surprising) similarities and parallel of Zionist ideologies and actions with the Nazis

One interesting piece of historical records seems a good place to start to understand Judaism and Zionism – the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

As an outside observer completely free from generations of our own ideological conditioning, the author simply went through numerous elements of that notorious early twentieth century document and noted how many of these seemed eerily similar to exactly what had taken place in the West since that time, especially with regard to the successful political strategies followed by its very powerful Jewish and Zionist minorities.

And although the third, shorter post had a much more innocuous title, some of the simple observations it contained were just as explosive. Although many Westerners might share his view that the economic doctrines promoted by the University of Chicago have inflicted huge damage upon America and the rest of the West, no one of any respectability would have dared to describe the ethnic dimension as Hua so freely did:

It promotes a fundamentalist free market concept, featuring privatization, deregulation, and formation of trusts.

The resultant financialization of the economy directly led to deindustrialization and a crumbling of manufacturing and the real production and consumption economy.

It gave birth to popular business practices such as asset-light strategy, offshoring and outsourcing which have hollowed out the productive economy.

The current US economic system is a rentier oligarchic system where financial parasites feed on the real economy and will eventually subsume it.

This economic system has led to unprecedented wealth gap and societal polarization.

– On the political front, long time University of Chicago political scientist Leo Strauss was the intellectual godfather of neoconservatism ideology.

The ideology promotes hegemonic imperial designs based on militarism, racial supremacy, and fervent Zionism. The neocons have adopted an Israel-first expansionist foreign policy coupled with aggressive military postures across the world.

The neocons are directly responsible for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East. These wars have cost taxpayers over $7 trillion, estimated by Brown University’s Watson School.

Interestingly Leo Strauss studied in Germany under Carl Schmitt, the chief Nazi legal scholar and political theorist.

Strauss’ students at the University of Chicago include some of the most renowned neocons such as Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, and Samuel Huntington who invented the Clash of Civilization concept to justify the hawkish US military expansionism.

The hardline neocon support of Israeli genocide in Gaza and Lebanon has destroyed US reputation, making a mockery of its hypocritical advocacy of human rights and freedom.

Interestingly, both Milton Friedman and Leo Strauss are Jewish. Most of the neoliberal free market economists and neoconservative foreign policy makers are also Jewish.

These include Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Paul Krugman, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, Paul Bremer, Douglas Feith, Madeleine Albright, Robert Kagan, Irving Kristol, Victoria Nuland.

Collectively, these Jewish economic and foreign policy makers have done great damage to the world.

The intellectual takeover of the University of Chicago by the Jews is a reflection of the Jewish takeover of the US. This takeover is leading to the bankruptcy of the US economic and political systems.

The parasites have won and will consume the host.

The Wikipedia page for the Protocols of the Elders of Zion runs 10,000 words with a multitude of references and notes, and as might be expected it provides a very establishmentarian view of that controversial topic. The Protocols are described as a work of stark antisemitic lunacy, only taken seriously by the ignorant and the deranged, but the introductory section closes by quoting a scholar who characterized that document as “probably the most influential work of antisemitism ever written.” I think that the vast majority of today’s mainstream Westerners would hold views very similar to those of the Wikipedia article, being totally at odds with the posts published by the Chinese author.

However, as I explained in a 2018 article, Western views had actually been very different a century ago. In the aftermath of the successful Bolshevik Revolution, whose leadership was overwhelmingly Jewish, the Protocols soon became one of the most widely published documents in history, with the contents endorsed by the august Times of London, the world’s most influential media outlet.

A decade of exhaustive archival research by Prof. Joseph Bendersky, a mainstream Holocaust historian, revealed that America’s entire national security establishment also took the Protocols very seriously at the time, believing that the document accurately described the conspiratorial and subversive plans of organized Jewish groups, who constituted a deadly threat to Western civilization. The private correspondence of some of those leading American officials demonstrated that they still retained those views as late as the 1970s.

During the 1920s, billionaire Henry Ford ranked as our greatest industrialist, an international hero of towering reputation, and he also endorsed the Protocols, which he excerpted and discussed in the Dearborn Independent, a newspaper he established that achieved America’s largest national circulation. Ford played a central role in creating the American middle class, while the Chinese writer argued that the economic policies advanced by so many American Jews have now reversed that great achievement and largely destroyed that same middle class.

Hua explained that he had been prompted to investigate the Protocols after witnessing the unending scenes of horror that had been inflicted upon the Middle East over the last year by the Zionist Jews of Israel, and I found this explanation quite plausible. Indeed, since October 2023, I have repeatedly suggested that such international reactions might be the most important long-term consequence of the bloody Israel/Gaza conflict, for example doing so in the closing paragraphs of a May 2024 article:

Several months ago a young military serviceman named Aaron Bushnell from a strongly Christian background became so distraught at his country’s active involvement in what he regarded as the supreme crime of genocide that he set himself on fire and died in an act of protest, an event certainly without precedent in American history and extraordinarily rare elsewhere in the world. Although the story quickly vanished from our own media, the coverage on global social media was enormous, and may have lasting consequences.

After discussing that tragic incident, I went on to suggest that the dire fate of Gaza’s Palestinians might ultimately be seen as having played a similar role. Their deaths may have now suddenly revealed America’s long-concealed rulers both to our own people and to the rest of the world…

For similar reasons, I think that the tens of thousands of dead Gazans did not lose their lives in vain. Instead, their martyrdom has dominated the global media for the last five months, conclusively revealing to the entire world the moral bankruptcy of the international system that had condemned them to their fate.

Probably hundreds of millions of people worldwide have now begun asking themselves questions that they never would have previously considered. I suspect that those responsible for the destruction of Gaza may come to rue the day when they helped open doors that they may eventually wish had been kept tightly shut.

Wildfires, Fried Smelt, and the Hoary Hoax of a Burning Planet - David Stockman

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Here they go again, blaming the wildfire catastrophe in Los Angeles on Climate Change when the actual culprits are the very politicians who never stop howling about what is a monumental hoax.

In the first place, of course, the current raging California fires, like those which have periodically gone before, are largely a function of misguided government policies. Officials have essentially curtailed the supply of water available to LA firefighters, even as they have drastically increased the supply of combustible kindling and vegetation which feeds these wildfires. The latter, in turn, are being amplified by the seasonal Santa Ana winds, which have visited the California coast since time immemorial.

The kindling at issue stems from forest management policies which prevent the removal of excess fuel via controlled burns, which are fires intentionally set by forest managers to reduce the build-up of hazardous fuels. As we amplify below, red tape and bureaucratic obstacles have frequently delayed or prevented these controlled burns, allowing brush, dead trees, and other flammable materials to accumulate excessively.

In this case, state and Federal politicians have simultaneously curtailed the supply of water available to Los Angeles firefighters in order to protect so-called endangered species. Specifically, southern California is being held hostage by sharp curtailment of the water pumping rates from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta in order to protect the Delta Smelt and Chinook Salmon.

These former are shiny but tiny little buggers, as suggested by the handful of Smelt in the first picture below. But apparently, if they are protected, fished and then fried up, they make for a certain kind of delicacy, as shown in the second picture.

Needless to say, California is entitled to stew in the foolishness of its own policies—if that’s what its voters really want. But its self-imposed misery should not be an occasion for more howling in favor of Washington policies to fight climate change.

At least with respect to the latter, the Donald has his head-screwed on right. And he does not hesitate to opine on the matter, which is all to the good of balancing what has otherwise been a wholly one-sided and utterly misleading Climate Crisis narrative. Naturally, the latter has been promulgated and peddled by statists because it provides yet one more big, scary and urgent reason for an “all of govenrment” campaign of more spending, borrowing, regulating and curtailing of free market enterprise and personal liberty.The Politically Incorr...Morano, MarcBest Price: $8.67Buy New $14.99(as of 05:10 UTC - Details)

So let us once again review the bogus case for AGW or what is known as Anthropogenic Global Warming. And perforce it must start with the geological and paleontological evidence, which overwhelmingly says that today’s average global temperature of about 15 degrees C and CO2 concentrations of 420 ppm are nothing to fret about. And even if they rise to about 17-18 degrees C and 500-600 ppms, respectively, by the end of the century owing mainly to a natural warming cycle that has been underway since the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA) in 1850, it may well on balance improve the lot of mankind.

No Safe Words with Neil Gaiman - Vox Popoli

(This is the price our society and culture pay for our lack of discernment - throughout both secular and churchian - Hebrews 5:11-6:2 - how often has the pulpit of your church addressed this issue...if ever? At best, we simply ignore it and hope our kids won't see it - depending on their ignorance to keep them safe. If anyone can point out that the Bible teaches ignorance - as compared to knowledge and understanding - please inform me as to where. If we are to be salt and light.....when do we start? When exactly are we to be serious?

What exactly is the purpose of  the church - meeting with friends and entertainment? You can do that in a bar!
Some might ask what does this article have to do with the church - Matthew 28:18-20 might be your answer - just for starters. 
I have lately come to wonder about something - after reading the New Testament gospels and the writings of the Apostles, especially Paul - which are full of conflicts between Jesus, DaSynagogue of Satan - and false brethren and preachers after Jesus’s ascension. Why do things seem so peaceful when we attend church these days? Have we resolved all these issues that existed during the first century churches......or have we acquiesced to DSOS? - CL)

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New York Magazine publishes a cover article going into copious detail on Neil Gaiman’s alleged sex crimes. There is only one new accuser, and the article abruptly shies away from the obvious question about his current relationship to Scientology and how that has benefited his career, but the details of the existing accusations are worse than even those of us with longtime suspicious about the man had imagined. Note that the quoted section below is about as innocuous as it gets, be warned that Gaiman’s described behavior isn’t merely immoral, illegal, and offensive, but very literally disgusting.

Around four in the afternoon on February 4, Pavlovich took the ferry from Auckland to Waiheke, then sat on a bus and walked through the woods until she arrived at Gaiman’s house, an asymmetrical A-frame of dark burnished wood with picture windows overlooking the sea. Palmer had arranged a playdate for the child, so not long after Pavlovich arrived, she found herself alone in the house with the author. For a little while, Gaiman worked in his office while she read on the couch. Then he emerged and offered her a tour of the grounds. A striking figure at 61, his wild black curls threaded with strands of silver, the author picked a fig — her favorite fruit — and handed it to her. Around 8 p.m., they sat down for pizza. Gaiman poured Pavlovich a glass of rosé and then another. He drank only water. They made awkward conversation about New Zealand, about COVID. Pavlovich had never read any of his work, but she was anxious to make a good impression. After she’d cleaned up their plates, Gaiman noted that there was still time before they would have to pick up his son from the playdate. “‘I’ve had a thought,’” she recalls him saying. “‘Why don’t you have a bath in the beautiful claw bathtub in the garden? It’s absolutely enchanting.’” Pavlovich told Gaiman that she was fine as she was but ultimately agreed. He needed to make a work call, he said, and didn’t want Pavlovich to be bored.

Gaiman led Pavlovich down a stone path into the garden to an old-fashioned tub with a roll top and walked away. She got undressed and sank into the bath, looking up at the furry magenta blossoms of the pohutukawa tree overhead. A few minutes later, she was surprised to hear Gaiman’s footsteps on the stones in the dark. She tried to cover her breasts with her arms. When he arrived at the bath, she saw that he was naked. Gaiman put out a couple of citronella candles, lit them, and got into the bath. He stretched out, facing her, and, for a few minutes, made small talk. He bitched about Palmer’s schedule. He talked about his kid’s school. Then he told her to stretch her legs out and “get comfortable.”

“I said ‘no.’ I said, ‘I’m not confident with my body,’” Pavlovich recalls. “He said, ‘It’s okay — it’s only me. Just relax. Just have a chat.’” She didn’t move. He looked at her again and said, “Don’t ruin the moment.” She did as instructed, and he began to stroke her feet. At that point, she recalls, she felt “a subtle terror.”

Now that a mainstream magazine is willing to directly address the issue, and now that it’s apparent from the details provided that this guy is not merely bumping up against the borders of consent, but is a full-fledged predator and rapist, it’s going to be a lot harder for publishers like Harper CollinsFolio SocietyEaston Press, and Penguin Random House to blithely continue publishing his work while simultaneously asserting their dedication to social justice