
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A Racial War That Dares Not Say Its Name, by Pierre Simon - The Unz Review

(When one mentions race - the average American knee-jerk reaction is 'it's the Blacks'......the fact in reality is IT IS NOT! But of course, that requires some reading and research...... - CL)

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No one today in our well-meaning woke society where racial reality is staunchly denied would be allowed to admit that racial and not religious considerations, for example, are the Jews’ main motive for waging war on humanity. But truth be told, Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881), the Jewish prime minister of Queen Victoria from 1874 to 1880, was right:

No one must lightly dismiss the question of race. It is the key to world history, and it is precisely for this reason that written history so often lacks clarity—it is written by people who do not understand [or do not want to understand] the race question and what belongs to it.[22]

Thus, you cannot understand Globalism and its off-shoot, Zionism, if the racial factor is excluded. Race is real[23],[24]; competition between races and individuals is a basic instinct — it’s survival of the fittest — and Jews are exceptionally good at this game. Not because they are more intelligent but because they are better organized and have a higher degree of racial solidarity (hyper-ethnocentrism). As Wilmot Robertson explains in his book The Dispossessed Majority, one of the best contemporary American underground bestsellers ever published,

The truth seems to be that any organized minority with a given amount of intelligence can obtain supremacy over a disorganized majority of equal intelligence. A race-conscious population group is far more effective and successful than in most forms of endeavour than a race-unconscious population group. … To put it in a different perspective, Jewish power may derive as much or more from majority weakness and disorganization as from Jewish strength.[25]

As a minority, always on the defensive, Jews developed by natural selection effective competitive and survival skills. Lacking in brute force, they learned early on that as a minority, money and deception as a group evolutionary survival strategy was the best way not only to protect themselves but to achieve their hegemonic goals by weakening and destabilizing the majority. This is a well-known fact across history and one of the main reasons many Jews are so disliked by everyone that deals with them. Jews have the reputation of being masters of lying and deceit.[26]

About Last Week… - by thomas buckley - The Point

(Maybe the eternal cash cow is threatened... - CL)

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At one point, there was a deal, an understanding.

Government workers got paid a bit less than their compatriots in the private sector – in exchange, they got pensions and benefits and, essentially, jobs for life.

Firing an (un)civil servant has always been difficult, but that was part of the plan. In theory, this protection made them far less susceptible to outside influence when it came to making decisions. If you can’t get fired for doing the “right” thing then you will always do the right thing.

It was a classic safe bet.

Obviously, over the past few decades, that deal changed. Three of the five richest countries in the country are near DC and they are not entirely filled with skeevy lobbyists and private sector influencers.

These two vids from Yes, Prime Minister, as usual, sum up the issue. First, salaries compared to what? and second, easy tricks to minimize the issue:

....That’s how DC has worked, putting your tax dollars to work…for themselves.

Additionally, when you have a fed job you get discounts on things like loans and insurance and such because the company knows – absolutely knows – that the chance of you getting fired are infinitesimal.

Like using a trust fund as collateral, the risk is minimized because, no matter what, the money will always be there…eventually.

That is why various and sundry fed workers are so confused and angry and upset and apoplectic and terrified right now.

Even though they broke the deal decades ago, Donald Trump and his buy-out offers are being called evil because they never thought they would be called on it, that they would have to explain why (this goes for local agencies, by the way) they enjoy pay and benefit packages better than the private sector while retaining immunity from being fired.

What Women Need: Unrelenting Accountability Rev. Matthew Littlefield


There is one clear and present reason why conservative men, whether in politics or religion, are largely incapable of really transforming our culture, and it is a glaring issue. What is this issue? It is simply the fact that they by and large do not understand how to hold women truly accountable for their role in degrading society, or even really think that you should hold them accountable. I have seen this problem for a while now and it is incredibly widespread, endemic really, and is probably one of the core reasons why our society is in the bad moral and cultural situation that it is.

The reason this is such a problem is that these conservative men will look at the bad behaviour of women and then immediately look around, behind, or above that woman who is acting badly and try to find the man or men responsible for her sin. And if they cannot identify a specific man or class of men, they will just broaden it to all men or male society in general. Now, of course, as a bible believing Christian, I do believe that men should be held ultimately responsible for errors in their family, community, church and wider society. God has created men to hold authority and lead. When Adam and Eve both sinned in the garden it was Adam that was held responsible, for instance. This is not an interpretation just held up by a so-called “patriarchal lens” either, the entire gospel hinges on this point; Jesus Christ, the second Adam according to Paul, came to reverse the sin and damage done by the first Adam. This shows who God held ultimately responsible. So, these conservative men have started off with the correct basic assumption that men are ultimately responsible and need to be held to account, but they have not applied this accountability properly. Because they have failed to recognize that part of being a man and holding the perpetrators responsible, is to also hold women to unrelenting accountability as well as men......

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.......What would you do? “Get up on my feet and let go of every excuse.” What is he saying here? Woman, take responsibility for your life. And then he tells her that is exactly what his mother did. And countless women have done this. It is a bit of a trope in society that women do not like having accountability. If this is the true, and many people can give anecdotal evidence that it is, then the person who struggles to do something, should not they be held to a stricter standard to help them achieve it?

The people who wrote this song knew that a large part of the answer to the problem was holding women relentlessly accountable. He does not say, “Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear that.” He instead says, “let go of every excuse.” Conservative men need to realize that to help change society around you cannot fail to call 50% of society to a much higher level of accountability. The next time you see a woman who has had an abortion don’t think, “Oh you poor girl.” Think, “That poor kid, what kind of mother does such a thing to her child?” This does not mean the woman cannot experience grace and forgiveness and that you cannot have compassion on her. It just means we should not immediately default to absolving the perpetrator of harm to that child by shifting the blame away from her. The child is the victim. Abortion is a form of abuse. We would never absolve a man who hurt his child, so why do it with a woman?

I do not believe this issue can change until conservative men in this public space fearlessly hold women to the same level of accountability that they would any adult man. Ironically, this is actually men taking responsibility and being willing to receive all the attacks for being labelled “anti-woman” etc, etc, when this could not be further from the truth. Abortion and porn do hurt women. And holding women to a higher account than we generally do, will help steer more and more women away from these things. Which is the ultimate goal, is it not?

From the Archives: This Is What Inflation Does To Our Kids - John Rubino

How will they rebel? 

In recognition of the role that impoverished young people are playing in the global populist revolution, here’s a reprint of a post from 2023 showing how it might play out.

Mainstream economists portray inflation — defined as a currency that loses a bit of purchasing power each year — as necessary to lubricate the gears of commerce.

What they don’t seem to understand (or would like the rest of us not to understand) is that inflation is also a tool for redistributing wealth from one class to another. It pushes up the prices of stocks, bonds, and real estate, enriching the owners of those assets while making day-to-day life a lot harder for people who live paycheck to paycheck.

This obviously makes the victims mad. Here’s a 20-something American explaining their situation:

And here’s a chart that illustrates how this works for housing (the yellow line is home prices, blue is incomes).

Say you’re 28 years old in today’s America and you’d like the kind of starter house that your parents bought at a similar age. You’ve cobbled a couple of part-time jobs into 40 hours a week and make, in dollar terms, pretty much what your parents did 30 years ago. But the $90,000 house they bought back in the day is now $300,000, which is orders of magnitude beyond your means. What do you do? You rent, of course, with exactly zero chance of ever buying because your part-time jobs don’t offer a path to middle-class money.

The story is the same for health care, college tuition, food, cars, and pretty much everything else. The life that was easily accessible for your parents in the 1990s is out of reach for you.

Then add in all the headlines about illegal immigrants being put up in luxury hotels, politicians insider trading their way to massive fortunes, and hundreds of billions of dollars being dumped into proxy wars around the world, and you’re naturally going to resent the rigged game you’ve been born into. You’ll be open to populist and/or socialist political pitches. You’ll look for ways to cut corners the way boomers seem to do. Or you’ll just opt out of the system, joining the “I don’t want to work” movement that has your grandparents so aghast.

You’ll have a valid point. A financial system that relies on ever-increasing debt and a soaring money supply, by definition, transfers wealth from workers to investors. So it’s no surprise that the monetary reset of 1971 and the banking deregulation of the 1990s produced today’s world. The people in charge know exactly what they’re doing. And now your generation is, as a result, impoverished and radicalized.

What kind of awakening?

A rebellion is coming, and there are (at least) two ways it could go:

  1. Authoritarian redistribution. This is the banana republic scenario that plays out regularly in developing country oligarchies. A handful of people gain control of the economy and enrich themselves at the expense of the peasants until the peasants rebel and redistribute everything by force. The resulting police state turns into a different flavor of oligarchy and collapses via a military coup. Rinse and repeat.

  2. A return to first principles. The peasants (and an enlightened handful of elites) conclude that today’s widening inequality is caused by unsound money that gives governments and bankers carte blanche to manipulate markets for their own enrichment. But instead of going authoritarian, the rebellion takes the shape of a return to sound money and limited government — in other words, they just reinstate the Constitution. The big banks and other near-monopolies are broken up, the military empire is shut down, factories are brought back home, and competition for workers drives wages back up to their historical norms. And an updated version of the gold standard eliminates inflation as a wealth transfer scam.

Which is more likely? 90-10 in favor of scenario 1, based on recent history. But we can always hope.