With Oreshnik now entering the picture, everywhere the Hegemon will try to harass China they will also have to face Russia.
When it comes to state of the art Russian weaponry, what the inestimable Ray McGovern defines as the MICIMATT – the whole Hegemonic complex – seems to dwell in perpetual stupor.
They had no clue about Kalibr, Sarmat, Khinzal, Zircon or Avangard before they were introduced. They had no clue about Oreshnik (‘Hazel”) before the 30-minute protocolar warning by the Russians, stating a missile test was coming, and it was not nuclear. The Americans assumed that would be just another ballistic missile test, as they happen routinely close to the Arctic.
Even President Putin didn’t know Oreshnik was ready for its close-up until the last minute. And Kremlin spokesman Peskov confirmed that only an ultra-rarefied circle knew Oreshnik even existed.
In a nutshell: the MICIMATT only sees what Russia shows off – and when it happens. Call it a leak-proof vow of secrecy permeating the Russian military complex – which, by the way, is a massive state, nationalized company, with a few private components.
And that offers the Russian government, in practice, better engineering, better physics, better mathematics and better practical, final results than anything across the self-important collective West.
Oreshnik – a kinetic weapons system – is a certified game-changer when it comes to military technology and warfare in more ways than one: actually several. Simple physics tells us that by combining enough kinetic force and mass, utter devastation is guaranteed, comparable to a low-to-medium yield nuclear weapon. With the added benefit of no radiation.
Most Americans continue to believe that the United States will prevail in a conventional war with Russia. But that is simply not the case. For starters, Russia’s state-of-the-art missile technology and missile defense systems are vastly superior to those produced by western weapons manufacturers. Secondly, Russia can field an army of more than 1 million battle-hardened combat troops who have experienced high-intensity warfare and are prepared to engage whatever enemy they may face in the future. Third, the United States no longer has the industrial capacity to match Russia’s impressive output of lethal weaponry, artillery shells, ammunition, and cutting-edge ballistic missiles. In short, Russian military capability far exceeds that of the US in the areas that really count: High-tech weaponry, military industrial capacity, and experienced manpower. In order to drive this overall point home, I’ve taken excerpts from the work of three military analysts who explain these matters in greater detail underscoring the dramatic shortcomings of the modern US military and the problems it is likely to encounter when faced with a more technologically advanced and formidable adversary…
We see the same criticisms reiterated over and over again : Insufficient industrial capacity, dwindling stockpiles, “insuperable production limitations”, and diminished technological superiority. When we add these to the myriad logistical problems of conducting a war in eastern Europe with an ad hoc army of inexperienced volunteers who have never seen combat, we can only conclude that the United States cannot and will not prevail in a prolonged conflict with Russia. Even so, Washington continues to fire ATACMS missiles into Russia (13 more were launched over the past two days) apparently believing that there will be no response to the provocation. Even so, NATO Command continues to entertain illusions of victory by pressing for preemptive “precision strikes” on Russian territory welcoming the prospect of a direct conflagration between NATO and Russia. And even though, both France and the UK threaten to deploy combat troops to Ukraine thinking the inexorable trajectory of the war can somehow be reversed. It’s madness.
Five centuries of primacy have produced a cadre of western elites so drunk with hubris that they are incapable of seeing what is painfully obvious to everyone else, that the imperial model of western exploitation (the ‘rules-based order’) is collapsing and that new centers of power are rapidly emerging. It appears now that these same elites are prepared to drag the world into a catastrophic Third World War to preserve their grip on power and to prevent other nations from achieving the independence and prosperity they’ve earned. Fortunately, Washington will fail in this effort just as it has failed in all its other interventions dating back to 1945. Because the United States no longer has the technology, manpower or industrial capacity needed to win a war with Russia.
I’m no professional military analyst. But I reached the same conclusion before the Special Military Operation began in 2022, and nothing that has happened since suggests otherwise. All of the US and NATO sabre-rattling is counterproductive, because it’s like bluffing in poker with nothing in your hand but Uno cards.
One hopes President Trump is getting better advice from his experts than Clown World is getting from its various professionals, analysts, and strategists, all of whom have invested too heavily in their word spells to be capable of admitting even the most obvious truths. This is how imperial overstretch happens.
And forget China, let alone the Sino-Russo-Persian alliance.
(Americans have been so brainwashed to the extent that we believe our beneficent financial leaders operate in a free market designed for the general welfare of all Americans - and thus have achieved a level of national wealth which benefits all - because we're better people than those Chinese commies......right? - CL)
There are two reasons China’s global primacy is inevitable. First, China remains China, not a subverted, invaded, demoralized shell of a nation. Second, the government refuses to let the financial sector run amok and pillage the rest of its economy:
.....Can you imagine comparable anti-corruption efforts being carried out in the USA? This is the equivalent of Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke being arrested and sentenced to death. But the problem in the USA is so out of hand that it would probably be far more efficient to ask the Russians to drop a few Oreshnik’s on Wall Street.
(As I've said before - if Trump can successfully navigate the American ship of state through his own party's 'Israel first' minefield - he would be the greatest American president ever - if not, he would preside over the collapse of America and all of Western Civilization. - CL)
The other putative war – Iran – is the more dangerous to Trump. Jewish political influence and the Lobby has taken the U.S. into multiple disastrous wars before. And now, Netanyahu desperately needs a war and he is not alone. Much of Israel is clamouring for war that would end ‘all the fronts’ facing it. There is a profound conviction in this prospect as the solution and the ‘Great Victory’ that Netanyahu and Israel so desperately need.
The ground has been dug-over, both by propaganda that Iran’s nuclear programme is ‘staggeringly vulnerable’ (which it isn’t), and by the media’s onslaught that replays the meme that to attack Iran now represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, with Hizbullah and Hamas already weakened. War with Iran – totally erroneously – is thus being sold as an ‘easy war’.
There is an unshakeable certitude that it must be so. ‘We are strong, and Iran is weak’.
Who will roll-back the Israel Firsters? They have the momentum and the fervour. A war against Iran will fare badly for Israel and the U.S. The wide ramifications likely will precipitate precisely the severe financial and market crisis that could derail Trump’s ‘Storm’.
Parents looking for a homeschooling curriculum that provides a well-rounded education that incorporates the ideas of liberty should consider my online curriculum. Instead of indoctrinating students with critical race theory, transgenderism, or neoconservatism, my curriculum provides students with a solid education in history, literature, mathematics, and the sciences. It also gives students the opportunity to create their own websites and internet-based businesses. This provides students with “real world” entrepreneurial experience that will be useful to them no matter what career path they choose.
The curriculum is designed to be self-taught, with students helping and learning from each other via online forums. Starting in fourth grade, students are required to write at least one essay a week. Students post their essays on their blogs. Students also take a course in public speaking.
The curriculum does emphasize the history, philosophy, and economics of liberty, but it never substitutes indoctrination for education. The goal is to produce students with superior critical thinking skills.
If you think my curriculum may meet the needs of your child, please visit www.RonPaulCurriculum.com for more information.
Overall, the remarkable illustration of this corruption was the fact that families eventually began suing hospitals to allow the use of ivermectin for a relative who was expected to die even after being subjected to Fauci’s hospital COVID protocols. Remarkably, because there was so much money on the line, the hospitals chose to fight these lawsuits in court rather than just give ivermectin to the patients. In turn, of the 80 lawsuits filed by lawyer Ralph Lorigo, in 40 the judge sided with the family, and in 40 with the hospital, and of those, in the 40 where patients received ivermectin, 38 survived, whereas of the 40 who did not, 2 survived—in essence making suing a hospital arguably the most effective medical intervention in history. Yet, rather than take this data into consideration, the profit-focused hospitals banded together to develop an effective apparatus to dismiss further lawsuits.
<p><a href="https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/17/health/rfk-jr-ozempic/index.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Note the bald lie here</a>:</p><br><blockquote><br><p>“I don’t think anyone who is in the health care busi
In short if you're not hungry you have no reason to eat and if you don't eat as much then yes, body mass goes down.
Your body has the capacity to automatically titrate its food consumption. You poisoned it over a period of years and are doing so today which is why you did and today do get fat and what you poisoned it with are things that either didn't exist at all or weren't consumed in material quantity 100,000 years ago.
Specifically, seed oils and fast, processed carbohydrates.
The realization that the world is often quite different from what is presented in our leading newspapers and magazines is not an easy conclusion for most educated Americans to accept, or at least that was true in my own case. For decades, I have closely read the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and one or two other major newspapers every morning, supplemented by a wide variety of weekly or monthly opinion magazines. Their biases in certain areas had always been apparent to me. But I felt confident that by comparing and contrasting the claims of these different publications and applying some common sense, I could obtain a reasonably accurate version of reality. I was mistaken.
Aside from the evidence of our own senses, almost everything we know about the past or the news of today comes from bits of ink on paper or colored pixels on a screen, and fortunately over the last decade or two the growth of the Internet has vastly widened the range of information available to us in that latter category. Even if the overwhelming majority of the unorthodox claims provided by such non-traditional web-based sources is incorrect, at least there now exists the possibility of extracting vital nuggets of truth from vast mountains of falsehood. Certainly the events of the past dozen years have forced me to completely recalibrate my own reality-detection apparatus.
During the darkest days of Stalinism, maintaining a subscription to Pravda was useful less for the falsehoods it regularly published than as a means of monitoring the twists and turns of the official Soviet narrative. These days I mostly retain my longstanding subscription to the New York Times for much the same reason, balancing that value against the extremely irritating dishonesty I so often encounter in its pages, with the Wall Street Journal being only somewhat less egregiously bad.
A French regulator has ruled that since unborn children are not “living beings” it is forbidden to state that abortion can be a cause of death on the airwaves. Even though abortion is observably the world’s leading cause of death among homo sapiens sapiens. The French media regulator has fined the conservative channel CNews €100,000 […]
This decision demonstrates Clown World’s complete detachment from science, medicine, law, and reality. If unborn children were not “living beings” then no doctor would ever tell a woman that her pre-natal child had died in the womb. In fact, it would be impossible for any baby to die in the womb if the pre-natal baby was not a living being.
Never buy into the false dichotomy of something being EITHER evil or stupid. In most cases, evil is stupid, because it is intrinsically detached from, and actively opposed to, God, Nature, scientage, logic, reason, and observable reality.
The fact that abortion is undeniably the current leading cause of death for human beings is why I describe feminism as one of the very worst ideologies in human history, worse than Communism, worse than fascism, and worse than National Socialism. Those who have supported feminism in any way should reflect about the fact that future generations will regard them as having been more evil, and more horrifically stupid, than they now regard those who supported the historical Communists, fascists, and Nazis.
Back in the days of the barbarous relic, frivolous expenditures depleted a sovereign’s treasury and plunged his realm into a poverty that invited invasion from abroad. Bankrupt and beleaguered by rivals nipping at the boundaries of his realm, the insolvent sovereign was faced with two options – remain bankrupt and get ignominiously deposed, or submit to vassal status in exchange for the silver needed to defend his rights. Medieval wizards were mostly employed by the Catholic Church to keep the serfs in line with promises of salvation in exchange for a life of drudgery in the muddy furrows producing useful stuff for the nobles and wizards. There were few wizards around to ponder upon a royal fiduciary predicament save the odd court Jew here and there. Medieval macroeconomics were simple - when the gold and silver ran out there was no more gold and silver left to squander, especially on war. An empty treasury stopped wars in their tracks because martyrdom for the nation state had yet to be invented and there was no economic science back then to figure out how to prosecute war after the gold and silver was gone.
Classical European bankers learned well this vital liquidity lesson from their profligate feudal predecessors. Instead of curtailing wasteful expenditures when the silver ran low, the illuminated bankers concocted the deferment of the national bankruptcy using the black financial magic of fractional reserve alchemy. It was through the adoption of this monetary magic in the late 17th century whereby the Great Britain launched and sustained three large-scale naval wars against their Dutch rival in a bid to wrest from them their control over the world reserve currency. Thousands of fractional pounds sterling were squandered, inflation ran rampant throughout Britannia, and the poorest of the Queen’s subjects starved in the streets for want of the price of tea and a slice, only to see the French and their livre grab the guilder up for themselves as it fell to the ground. Yet most of the silver in Her Majesty’s treasury remained untouched and ready to prosecute yet another war. Commoners had magically foot the war bills through the mechanism of inflation. The costs for prosecuting Britain’s side of these three Anglo-Dutch wars had successfully been socialized upon the people, and the great British monetary experiment proved that if a nation aspired to superpower status, it had no option but adopt fractional reserve banking to fund its wars at the cost of inflation to its subjects.
It was an unlikely coincidence that in 1776 the world did not see the formation of the Bavarian Illuminati but it did see the great American experiment in popular self-government.
So what followed from there during the 18th century was another seventy-four years and eight declared wars pitting Great Britain with its fractional pound sterling against France and its gold backed livre. But the classical French treasury lacked an economic science so it was drained of its gold and silver, where financing had continued to rely on the old school shakedowns of the aristocracy and heavy taxation placed upon the poor. So by the time the French Revolution erupted as a result of an illuminated sorcery conjured up by a shadowy social science, the economic science had established the precedent that monetary sorcery must be practiced concurrently with the prosecution of war.
Thus back in the days of the barbarous relic it was a more civilized time when the wars and killing actually came to a close when the gold and silver ran out. The death and destruction were contained, and inflation remained a consequence of a war’s disruption to trade.
It was the Bolshevik Soviets who were the first to attempt the grand sleight of hand of fiat money on the world stage when in 1924 they abandoned the Czar’s Gold Rouble and unleashed pure fiat upon the proletariat. But that trick was not followed up with the social euphoria required to sustain the hoax, and communism ultimately ended up being just plain boring. The launch of the Soviet fiat money was not accompanied by flappers, negro jazz bands, nor a single guy going over a waterfalls in a barrel to spice up the drudgery of meeting production quotas. There were few amusements for those united workers of the world, just vodka and rape and endless bread lines. There was no magic spell cast over communism’s monetary system, it was just Holodomors and gulags and the NKVD to back up the fledgling fiat rouble. So the Soviet fiat system was destined to collapse and despite a last desperate attempt using glasnost to import some rock ‘n roll and hamburgers, it did collapse spectacularly in 1989. In the end, it was boredom and the resulting apathy that killed communism, and with communism dead its fiat rouble and the empire it ruled died with it.
Fiat money without the accompanying magic spell is always a short-lived endeavor....
.......But everyone had to be all in the American Dream together, everyone watching the exact same movie on the exact same frame at the exact same time. The American people had to not just act in unison, but to think and believe as a cohesive unit. The goal of The Apollo 11 Show’s white magic was to pave the way for the release of the black magic finance that kept the people acting in unison once the triggers were broadcast across the mass media programming. Everyone had to unwillingly play out their roles in the great scripted play without thinking. The stubborn and rugged individual had to be deconstructed into and played out as a prefabricated stereotypical archetype. The American people had to be placed into the correct frame of mind to accept the black magic to come. And it was hard to engender Hope into that late 1960s America as its people were in a sullen mood what with the recessions and that hippy social unrest and civil rights anarchy and those dead Kennedys and the grinding Vietnam War and a summer of love ending in ritualistic murder.
There had to be an unthinking and unflinching belief in the unlimited potential of America before the fiat money was released. And within that unlimited potential, every man had to see his role clearly defined with a place for himself as the beneficiary of that promise. Hi Mom, We’re #1 had to reign supreme at home while a constant and pervasive fear had to grip the world abroad. There had to be the right zeitgeist permeating American society before the wizards could summon the black magic of fiat money. Because once it was released, it was going to be a very rough ride into the beginnings of the End of History......
.......After August 15th of 1971, debt and proxy wars were cemented as the dual pillars of American foreign policy. There was no other logical alternative after the jump to Full Faith and Credit because when credit was issued, an equivalent amount of money was conjured up somewhere in The UNITED STATES of AMERICA and through statistical magic, both debt and war were entered into the Grand Ledger as GDP growth. Most new domestic money creation was squandered, so this waste added to the inflation which increased asset prices that in turn created the new incremental collateral that beget the issuance of more credit that led to the ever expanding GDP growth ad infinitum.......
............The great significance of August 15th, 1971 is that it marked the official beginning of the American transition from a goods producing economy into primarily a non-productive economy dependent upon the conjuring up of debt, foreign proxy wars, and stuff that nobody needed like pet rocks and lava lamps. Most of the “jobs” created henceforth were in petty services and government which required little to no skill or know-how yet gave the home front the illusion of value creation from those carefully curated economic data that were allowed to appear on the Six O’clock Evening News. The American nation had the look and feel and statistics of a productive and vibrant economy, and people expended lots and lots of energy in that economy, but the reality in the basement was that this credit driven “prosperity” masked the massive productive job losses and factory town despair arising out of the American de-industrialization program.
And there was a good reason for that American de-industrialization program. A nation could never be pushed into the End of History if it practiced and retained its collective knowledge of how to produce real and useful stuff. Only the Eloi can be allowed to remain on a planet ruled by Morlocks.
This transition into financialization would beget an almost “perfect” system that was nearly immune to waste, sloth, arrogance, and incompetence. Indeed, the system would only grow stronger the more voracious and wasteful and stupid it became. The stronger the system became, the more slothful, arrogant, and incompetent it grew. And the more slothful, arrogant, and incompetent the system grew, the more voracious and wasteful and violent it became.
Ad infinitum.
But the fiat money system would eventually reach a point where it ran out of suckers to fleece. The day would come when everyone trapped in the circus side-show had figured out what “To the Egress →” meant. At that point, the system would start to devour its self and its sole purpose become the creation of waste - not as a by-product of productive economic activity, but as the end activity of economic conjuring in and of its self. Financialization under fiat money has no choice but create waste as its primary output since all its productive capacity and shop floor technical know-how get jettisoned and off-shored to facilitate the build-up of foreign earned export dollars for repatriation to feed this home based Frankenstein of fiat money’s creation – the “virtuous cycle”. The Economic Science™ knew this well – they had discovered this in their calculus but dare not publicly publish their findings. In fact, they created a great and sprawling de-education edifice to hide and divert from their occult knowledge, and that edifice produced the captains of finance with their MBAs that knew how to get things done but couldn’t do a damn thing themselves......
.....Using interest rates, the Philosopher Kings deliberately wiped out the vast majority of American manufacturing capacity and the blue collar skilled jobs that went with it. Once the “virtuous cycle” was globally up and running, The Economic Science™ could claim it had “tamed inflation” and begin steadily reducing those job killing interest rates. This about face then subsidized Wall Street’s speculation foray into a “technology based” economy and facilitated America’s transition into a sea of white collar jobs that produced little except waste and a bigger pile of debt. And the squandering and inflation continued to work their magic on asset prices, and interest rates nearly ground the US construction industry to a halt. America and its suppressed real wages were brought from the brink, and the Six O’clock Evening News could not shower enough praise upon the Ashkenazi genius of The Economic Science™. But it was all economic theater As Seen on TV!
And it was at this point just before 1980 when Joe Six Pack finally broke. Sporadically employed, in poor health from a beer and cigarette too far, his local bowling alley long ago closed, and with a stack of “FINAL NOTICE” piled up on his kitchen table, he threw in the towel and, one after another, just quietly disappeared. And those swarms of ineducable immigrants who had finally figured out the operating intricacies of the indoor plumbing flush toilet occupied Joe Six Pack’s former urban tenements by the millions. Joe Six Pack had lost his social status, his standard of living, had an entire day of television viewing leisure, and was left with no political clout whatsoever. And it only took 10 years to kill him off. From Joe Six Pack’s vantage, America had abandoned him - yet he refused to question America’s greatness. He still firmly believed that America had always been his country and that it could all still be fixed to become again what it was always supposed to be.
But what Joe Six Pack never saw was that the permanent fix was in on August 15th, 1971. Joe Six Pack was not in on the joke. What he never saw was that the joke was on him.