
Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Opportunity Ahead: Seizing Power in the Trump Era – Daily Stormer

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A Call to Action

If you’re an American with any qualifications, now is the time to apply for jobs in the Trump Administration or run for local office on an “anti-woke” platform. The field is wide open. Assess your skills and qualifications, then visit government websites to submit your resume. While you might take a pay cut, government experience is valuable for your future career. More importantly, if you play your cards right, you could rise through the ranks and wield real influence.

If you lack specific qualifications, consider running for local office. Position yourself as a “self-made” working-class hero fighting against the woke agenda. This narrative resonates with many voters and can help you gain traction.

Navigating the Process

It’s crucial to keep certain views private. Avoid discussing controversial topics like race and IQ or other hot-button issues. Stick to mainstream conservative talking points about wokeness, immigration, foreign influence, and economic prosperity.

Trump is currently firing hundreds of thousands of government employees, which means there will be a massive need to fill those roles. Even with minimal qualifications, you can secure one of these jobs by expressing your support for Trump’s agenda and your desire to help “Make America Great Again.”

Here are a few of the avenues through which you can apply for a job in the Trump government:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to Donald J. Trump’s campaign website and fill out the general application. By providing your phone number, you consent to receive communications from the Trump National Committee JFC, Inc.
  2. Apply Through USA Jobs: Apply via USA Jobs. These positions often include unpaid internships for students, offering valuable experience in history, public policy, and the presidency.
  3. Submit Resumes and Recommendations: If you might be qualified for a political appointment, send your resume and policy recommendations to the Office of Presidential Personnel. The Partnership for Public Service provides a platform for submitting materials intended for the Trump administration.

This is list of available department jobs from

If you have a college degree and you’ve ever done any job at all, you likely qualify for one of those job areas.

Again: Trump is moving to fire hundreds of thousands of government workers, and they’re going to have to hire people to fill these jobs. Even if they cut a lot of the jobs, we’re still talking about hundreds of thousands of job openings, and if you know the basic script of what the Trump people are looking for, this is going to be very easy.

The Big Picture

If we end up with 20,000-30,000 totally redpilled patriots in the government, working their way up the ranks and gaining serious influence, we will have the ability to completely shift the direction of the government.

As you are aware, most of the things we hate in the Republican Party are the result of boomers, who are already dying and retiring. Ben Shapiro is literally the last media figure promoting “old school” Jew-obsessed “conservative” politics, and the average Shapiro fan is over 70 years old.

This is our moment to act. Submit applications, attend interviews, and see where it leads. You don’t have to quit your current job unless an opportunity arises, so there’s no reason not to try.

Final Thoughts

No one is coming to save us. We have to do it ourselves.

This is our last chance.

We only get one shot at this.

I believe in you, friend.

We can do this

Five Takeaways From Trump's Plans To Build An Iron Dome For America | ZeroHedge

Trump’s plans to build an Iron Dome for America are a game-changer in the New Cold War since they’ll take the US’ rivalry with Russia and China to a qualitatively more dangerous level.

The consequent hyper-militarization of space that’ll occur as a result of him wanting to deploy interceptors there, which could disguise offensive arms like “rods from God”, spikes the risk of war by miscalculation.

A space-based arms control pact between them is unlikely anytime soon, but it’s the only way to reduce this risk.

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Race Realism Vindicated: Archaic Human DNA Found in Black Africans, by Spencer J. Quinn - The Unz Review

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That Africans carry more ancestral alleles (=archaic or apes) has been well demonstrated by the rooting of phylogenetic trees in Africa for both autosomes and uniparental DNAs by using the outgroup rooting method. Biological significance of this? Eerie silence.

Of course, we all know what this eerie silence entails—educated people once again confronting their reflexively liberal worldview with stubborn and uncomfortable facts. If black Africans interbred with more primitive humans after Homo sapiens departed from Africa, then that explains much, doesn’t it? It explains the relative low intelligence among sub-Saharan blacks as well as their violent tendencies and general lack of impulse control—which is, frankly, chimp-like. Sub-Saharan blacks are effectively a sub-species of Homo sapiens, and a more primitive one at that. The elegance of this explanation—in its simplicity, brevity, and harmony with obvious facts—should be lost on no one, including honest blacks themselves. But falling sway to this elegance comes at a political price, which is to vindicate the traditionalist, segregationist Right. Those who cling to liberal egalitarian principals are loath to do this, and thus dig their heels into race denialism—or squirm in “eerie silence,” hoping the issue will go away.

The problem is that it doesn’t go away. With more black people in our midst, the problems only increase as does the evidence of our obvious differences. It may sound like basic bitch at this point (for those readers familiar with my writing), but the crime, violence, poverty, chaos, corruption, and drug abuse black Africans bring with them everywhere they go becomes a serious burden for any nation of non-blacks which takes them in.

White Racialism in America, Then and Now, by Ron Unz - The Unz Review

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Most present-day Americans, whether young or old, have lived their entire lives undergoing a form of psychological conditioning that causes them to suffer a sort of allergic reaction at ideas that fall into certain particular categories. Some of the most notable triggers include topics involving race, ethnicity, and sex, and encountering such forbidden material may be a painful experience, with the discomfort only gradually subsiding after repeated exposures. One of the most terrifying subjects for a man is the nature of mankind.

Testing the Free Trade Hypothesis - Vox Popoli

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Remember, the theoretical justifications for free trade have always been false and incorrect, as first demonstrated by Ian Fletcher and then conclusively disproved by me. Free trade is absolutely and inherently detrimental to a nation, because its logic of efficiency and optimally pairing labor with capital absolutely requires the complete destruction of families, local communities, and the demographics of the nation itself.

Want to help me upgrade digital identity? by Steve Kirsch

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Usernames and passwords are ancient. 2FA is ancient. Passkeys are better, but you can't safely share or delegate them. There is a better way...

I’ve been spending a lot of time in the background thinking about how to advance digital identity so that your identity can’t be shut down by the government, by Google, your money can’t be locked up (like what happened to my Coinbase account), and to make it easier and safer for people to authenticate, authorize transactions, and assert claims (such as proof of a minimum age), as well as give people unprecedented control over their identity such as being able to share passkeys yet limit how they are used.

To sign up with this system, all you need is to pick an alias which is the only thing you have to remember. No password, no master password, no PIN, no email, no phone number, no 24 word seed phrase you have to securely store, etc. We basically do not know who you are (and we don’t want to know). If you lose all your devices, you don’t have to remember anything to get your identity back.

I have a design that I’m liking a lot and want to collaborate with an experienced Applied Cryptography Engineer or Cloud Security Architect on getting feedback on the idea and potentially joining a startup to help architect and implement it.

Right now my focus is making sure we have the right architecture.

On Karl Denninger

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In 2023 NASA recovered a spacecraft it had sent to deliberately collide with (and was designed to survive that) and thus obtain samples from the asteroid.

What was found in said samples is astounding.

The majority of amino acids that form the basis of all life on Earth were found -- 14 of the 20.  Further, all five of the nucleobases used to craft DNA and RNA into those amino acids were also found, as well as ammonia and formaldehyde, which between the two are the precursors for those.

In addition salts -- including sodium chloride, or common salt, was also found.  That finding is equally significant as it is essential for the formation and maintenance of all life and for all of this to be found in one place is akin to the 2010 (movie) segment when they find chlorophyll where it has no reason to be.

One caution: As I've repeatedly observed over this column's lifetime, and long before it as well in other context, science is not simply the process of discovery; science is, in every case, about replication and conclusions cannot be drawn without replication.

Not in this case and not in any other case.

But -- assuming the findings are true and were not the result of contamination (pre or post), malfeasance or other-than-straightforward presence and recovery the findings are profound.

Transitioning the Federal Workforce into Farmhands By J.B. Shurk

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“Rule by mediocrity” has created a widening gulf between the American people and their government.  It has enabled a few million bureaucrats to work around the will of voters.  It has effectively transitioned America from a representative republic to a “blob”-ocracy that listens to and represents only the blob.  Consequently, Americans see their government as something separate from themselves — an exotic beast that has grown in spite of the Constitution’s explicit limitations.

Adding insult to injury, none of Wilson’s dreamy benefits materialized from the construction of a “professional” government.  Elevating “experts,” he insisted over a century ago, would allow the federal government to react quickly to domestic problems and foreign challenges.  “Smart” people who were well trained for the tasks at hand would be equipped to overcome any difficulty at a moment’s notice.  Do those descriptions remind anyone of the federal government?

Of Two Minds - AI Is a Digital Parrot: Word-Traps, False Logic and the Illusion of Intelligence

 Word traps and false logic don't lead to dominance of the future or monopolistic grips on limitless profits.

The heart of the current euphoric expectations for AI is a simple but problematic proposition: the equivalence of function equals intelligence. If using natural language requires intelligence, and a computer can use natural language, then it's intelligent. If it takes intelligence to compose an essay on Charles Darwin, and an AI program can compose an essay on Charles Darwin, then the AI program is intelligent.

The problem here is this "equivalence is proof of intelligence" is a function of word-traps and false logic, not actual equivalence; what is claimed to be be equivalent isn't equivalent at all. In other words, the source of confusion is how we choose to define "intelligence," which is itself a word-trap of the sort that philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein attempted to resolve using koan-like propositions and logic.

Imagine for a moment we had twenty words to describe all the characteristics of what we lump into "intelligence." We would then be parsing the characteristics and output of AI programs by a much larger set of comparisons.

The notion of equivalence goes back a long way. As science developed models for how Nature functioned, the idea that Nature was akin to a mechanism like a clock gained mindshare.

The discoveries of relativity and quantum effects blew this model to pieces, as Nature turned out to be a very strange clock, to the point that the "Nature as a mechanism" model was abandoned as inadequate.

We have yet to reach the limits of the "equivalence is proof of intelligence" model, which is as outdated and nonsensical as "the universe is a mechanism" model. We keep finding new examples of equivalence to support the idea that a computer program running instructions is "intelligent" because it can perform tasks we associate with "intelligence" because we're embedded in a mechanistic conceptualization of the entirety of Nature--including ourselves.

How I Write a Book in a Weekend (Without Using AI) - By Allan Stevo

 There are programs out there for writing books quickly using AI. I am not talking about that. I am talking about using your own mind. It is possible to write a book in a weekend. I talk more about all the steps that I use and that anyone can use to write, publish, and market a book in a year free here.

But I’m going to go into more detail in a different area, an area that I would like more people who share my mindset about the world to understand, in hopes that you, too, can be more effective in promoting your ideas in the world.

Beware of the Know-It-Alls

Before the Four-Minute Mile was run, it was considered a physiological impossibility by many. After the Four Minute Mile was run, it soon became a plausible goal that many attained and achieved. The psychological breakthrough was achieved, which meant that the artificially imposed limits no longer existed.Speed Reading with the...Butler, DavidBest Price: $2.81Buy New $16.99(as of 06:16 UTC - Details)

There are many know-it-alls in life. One should watch out for them. When someone tells you how to do something, a good next question is, “Have you had personal experience with this topic?” and “How you had success in this area?”

There are millions of know-it-alls who do little more than walk through the world squelching human potential with no regard for the fidelity of their words. I despise such behavior. There are other more sickening behaviors, but I put this behavior on my list as one of the sickest things that exist in the world around us.

I am a bestselling writer. I have done hundreds of media interviews. I have published thousands of pieces. I have written and published scores of books. In a weekend, a person can write a book. In fact, a weekend is a perfect time to write a book, because you are giving yourself a compact amount of time to get the work done.

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NATO: The Case To Get Out Now - By David Stockman

(In this lengthy history is a gem of information which leads me to ask - if our military security only requires 7 percent of our present 1.4 TRILLION $$$$$ spent - what exactly does the 93 percent of budget pay for? Don't ask! It's a national security it, dummy? - CL)

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Needless to say, there is no way, shape or form that America’s nuclear deterrent can be neutralized by a blackmailer. And that gets us to the heart of the case for drastically downsizing America’s military muscle. To wit, according to the most recent CBO estimates the nuclear triad will cost only about $75 billion per year to maintain over the next decade, including allowances for periodic weapons upgrades.

That’s right. The core component of America’s military security requires only 7% of today’s massive military budget as detailed on a system-by-system basis by CBO.