Americans are divided on what we want: the
sovereign Republic bequeathed to us, along with liberty and our constitutional
form of representative government, or an open-borders one-world socialist
"utopia." Thanks to the radical left's long march through the
institutions – especially influential in our public schools and colleges – many
young people have eagerly embraced socialism or even communism.
But there is one thing I believe we can all agree on: we don't
want an oligarchy.
Here's the rub: we don't know what an oligarchy looks like up
close. Let me give you a few examples.
Back in the summer of 2016, there was an item in a local
California newspaper about an odd occurrence in the tiny, upscale town of St.
Helena. A big, shiny black SUV swooped across both lanes of traffic,
flashing red and blue lights in both its front and rear windows, and then
parked in a red curb-fire hydrant zone in front of a store named Footcandy.
Now, Footcandy sells $1,000 shoes and is patronized by celebrities like
Oprah. The SUV driver opened the door for his passenger and escorted her
to the pricey shoe store. Who got this regal treatment on a shopping
expedition? Former speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
Say what you will about $1,000 shoes; it is a fact that We the
Taxpayers paid for her limo and security chauffeur, and we have bestowed upon
her and her ilk the sense of entitlement that goes along with such unearned
A police officer hollered at the SUV driver, who'd made an illegal
cross-traffic U-turn and parked in a red zone – for Nancy's convenience, no
doubt – but, as St. Helena's police chief, Bill Imboden, later confirmed, he
could do nothing because the driver could claim "dignitary
protection," which allows for violation of some state and local laws.
Turns out Pelosi frequents St. Helena and frequently violates its traffic
laws, as she and her husband own a large winery nearby. Politics has been
very good to Nancy. In fact, since she has apparently profited from some
insider trading deals, Congress dubbed a proposal to prevent a particular form
of this practice – special access to IPOs by its members – the Pelosi
Speaking of insider trading, that seems to be quite a popular
sport for those in Congress, though you and I would be serving jail time for
such shenanigans. It turns out that Congress, highly skilled at looking
after number one, made it legal for its members to profit from inside information,
leading to many of our erstwhile middle class representatives suddenly becoming
multimillionaires. Welcome to the American aristocracy and its Politburo
privileges. Obamacare for you, superior medical plan for them. No
wonder Nancy feels so entitled – the laws don't apply to her.
Here's another case in point, described by Paul Nehlen in his
book Wage the Battle.
Nehlen escorted a group of Angel Mothers – each of whom had lost a
child in a crime committed by an illegal alien – to the walled mansion of
speaker of the House Paul Ryan. The mothers wore shirts emblazoned with
pictures of their slain children. They conducted a respectful protest,
with Nehlen pointing out the hypocrisy of Paul Ryan's wall around his property
and his open borders policy.
Ryan would not step outside his mansion, refusing to engage with
these people he represents. But as Nehlen and the women were leaving,
Ryan finally emerged from the house, and the mothers approached him to hand him
a letter. What did the speaker do? Did he graciously accept the
letter? Did he listen to the women? Not for a moment. Ryan
pretended they didn't exist. Ignoring them completely, he hopped into
another of those big, shiny black SUVs with the security chauffeur and sped off.
No time for the peasants who pay for it all, and who've lost children as
a result of his open-borders agenda.
These are two small examples of what oligarchy looks like up
What does it look like writ large?
In two words: Hillary Clinton.
The issue is not just that while secretary of state, Hillary used
a private server – it's that she used it to conceal the fact that she was
leveraging her State Department role to conduct pay-for-play deals to funnel
money into the Clinton Foundation. Among her dirty deals, she managed to
finagle selling 25% of our uranium to, of all people, the Russians.
The very fact that both the Obama administration and the Trump
administration have refused to prosecute Hillary for her many egregious high
crimes, possibly including treason, is the unmistakable mark of the oligarch –
those mighty elites who are above the law.
We can't have America – a nation of individuals all equal under
the law – and have an oligarchy at the same time. It's one or the other.
Many people say socialism and communism don't work. I say
they work perfectly. They work to enrich a small, privileged oligarchy by
exploiting and enslaving the masses. That was the real plan all along.
And I'll wager that not even the most idealistic social justice warriors
would champion the "socialist paradise" if they understood its bleak