
Sunday, December 29, 2024

No Meritocracy Without Nationalism - Vox Popoli

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With apologies to Lee Kuan Yew:

“In multiracial societies, you don’t hire in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you hire in accordance with your race and religion.”
– Vox Day

Fake Trump Backs Fake Americans - Vox Popoli

 (Short Trump vs tall Trump? Just like there were 5 fake Bidens? - CL)

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There are two possibilities here. One is that Donald Trump simply changed his mind and is now on the side of the foreigners and the Swamp. The other is that the same people who produced five fake Bidens and hid the real one’s senility for five years with the complicity of the mainstream people have also produced a fake Trump, who is saying the same thing that the fake Bidens were saying before him.

However hard it is for you to believe that the media would deceive you, Occam’s Razor strongly suggests the latter, especially when the pro-invasion Trump is seven inches shorter than the Trump who opposed H1-B visas.

The Devil Champions Foreign Invasion - Vox Popoli

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I warned everyone not to go back to Twitter after it was acquired and rebranded by Elon Musk. It was just swapping King Log for King Stork, which is becoming increasingly obvious as Musk is now seeking to deplatform, demonetize, and suppress the reach of Americans who criticize the federally-approved foreign invasion that has disemployed millions of Americans and lowered their wages......

.......An invader is willing to go to war to import more invaders in order to defend himself from the natives. How very new and different… America would be much better off if he and Ramaswampy would go back to their homelands and take SpaceX, Tesla, and every other fake, propped-up company they’ve financialized with them. What they represent isn’t economic strength, but what is known in the economic literature as “malinvestment”.

No Room for Growth - by Todd Hayen

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Even if I am absolutely certain of something, I am still open to discussion with an opposing view. If nothing else, this is how I strengthen my argument. I want to know exactly what the contrary position is so I can see if there are any weaknesses in my own hypothesis.

There is always room for growth.

I do not typically go into these discussions with any intention to change someone’s mind, and usually, I do not expect the opposition to change mine, although I am open to that possibility.

With things I am not 100% aligned with, I definitely want to hear the other side, for obvious reasons. If I am not certain, the more information I get, the better I am set up to make decisions about the strength of my “side.” This just seems like common sense to me, and I am continually flabbergasted why everyone does not feel the same way. Well, a lot of people do. They are the shrews. I have not met a shrew yet that has a completely closed mind Well, I have met shrews who are a bit more close-minded about a few things, but never everything. I have met many sheeple-types who are completely closed up—to the point of hilarity.

Why is that?

Nationalism > Meritocracy - Vox Popoli

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In short, what the wicked call “hate” is morally and rationally superior to inclusivity, be it nominally meritocratic or diversity-fueled. Notice that for all of their blathering about “merit”, they’ll be the first to declare they would never hire a racist no matter how intelligent, accomplished, or capable he might be. Their entire position is an obvious lie.

Elon Musk, Ramaswampy, and the short Trump are as fake and as in service to Clown World as the overt globalists they pretend to oppose. I’ve never understood why anyone on the Right took Musk or Ramaswampy any more seriously than Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, or any other member of the controlled fake opposition.

Homogenous group strategies offer better, more legible protection than diverse meritocratic ones

 Roko 🌊🪨🏙️ (@RokoMijic): "Homogenous group strategies offer better, more legible protection than diverse meritocratic ones Ethnonationalism is a legible, simple protective group strategy strategy in the grand game for power and influence. You have a ...

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Mass immigration, diversity quotas, legal protections etc claims to offer the same protection. "We'll make the workforce more diverse, but only by hiring the best candidates", "There aren't enough skilled white candidates!" But violating the constraint of hiring in a colorblind way is extremely illegible. The entire recruitment process is full of hidden information - the employer secretly runs some process to hire people and can even incentivize hiring managers to hire 'diverse' candidates. You have absolutely no idea how many times you have been discriminated against for being white and male. But of course occasionally bosses will blurt it out - I've heard it at least twice personally. And then there are ways to craft the selection criteria that appear to be colorblind but actually aren't (this has been done to exclude East Asians from Elite schools), or to demand equal representation based on an assumption of equal skill (low quality black doctors being hired for DEI). There are just so many ways to cheat to gain advantage in a more diverse society, and those forms of cheating are harder to check for or politically hard to get rid of (because everything in a democracy needs to be politically viable in addition to being technically viable) "We'll just take the most talented people from everywhere so everything will be better" simply ignores political economics and game theory. In fact I think these kind of appeals to meritocracy are bad on purpose - the people making them know that a more diverse game will be more corrupt and they like it that way.
Roko 🌊🪨🏙️
Replying to @RokoMijic and @GrantSlatton
Legal and political protections against becoming a victim of reverse discrimination are fickle. Simply not allowing people from other racial groups into your country (AKA White Nationalism) is a robust, legible form of protection because it's easy to measure and virtually
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An Apple Manager's Experience - Vox Popoli

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If you don’t hire and protect your own, you will soon be swamped by those who do. Unlike the tango, it doesn’t require two to play the nationalism game. And if you’re not playing, you’re losing.

When you are speaking with an Indian, you are not communicating. You are engaging in a choreographed dance

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Over ~2004-2014, the volume of resumes from Indian schools skyrocketed, virtually all the "superstar" IITs. I was always unbiased about the protected categories. Looking back, my all-male team was quite “diverse” although everyone was probably INTJ, now that I think about it. /13
I talked at many dozens of Indians, and quickly learned a few things that are invariant: they are helpfully accommodating to the point of obsequiousness, and this holds regardless of whether they have any clue what they’re talking about. This is crucial to understand. /14
When you are speaking with an Indian, you are not communicating. You are engaging in a choreographed dance where they are exclusively tasked with mirroring your moves, and leaving you to walk away thinking that your needs will be satisfied. And that is all that has happened. /15