
Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Medicare and Medicaid - Our Road to Ruin - by Karl Denninger

 Read full text: 

No, drilling for more oil is not going to lead to conditions similar to the creation of the Internet.

Yes, I understand that so-called "entitlements" are third rail of politics.  But just like politicians always conflate Social Security (which is easy to fix) with Medicare and Medicaid (which isn't, as the grift is in the latter and not the former) only Medicaid is an "entitlement", that is to say WELFARE in that the other two you paid for during your working life.  Further, fixing it does not require refusing to cover what people paid for and while changing what Medicaid is ought to be done, as I've outlined, you can fix the problem immediately by removing the fraud, theft, and other outrageously felonious behavior without refusing to honor the agreement Americans entered into.

You can huff, puff and chin-wag all you want but the facts are what they are.  The entire problem forcing the deficit higher resides in CMS and it is occurring on an exponential basis -- it is not Social Security.  Yes, discretionary spending is also out of control but cutting discretionary spending back (and we must) will not resolve the issue; you must dismantle the medical monopolists and only the threat of hard prison time, which incidentally 15 USC Ch 1 already provides for and thus there are no new laws required, will do the job and it must be done immediately, not over 4 years or worse, into the next term after Trump leaves office.

We are out of time and must deal with this problem now.

The inflationary spike from October is already baked into the cake because that spending has already happened and essentially all of it was in CMS.  Bessent either knows this and is lying or he hasn't read the MTS in which case, given that he wants the Treasury Secretary's job and claims to be competent to take it he should be locked in a paddock with Mr. Hands after having mare scent slathered on his bare asshole.

This is going to blow up in our face come next year and this chucklefuck is proposing to jam the accelerator to the floor while we're already headed for a solid granite wall, making the outcome much worse.