Having written
extensively in these pages (read here, here,
and here)
on the catastrophic flooding of the Missouri River basin in 2011, I believe
that the occasion of this present flood disaster plaguing Nebraska, Iowa, and
South Dakota has given rise to many questions. Foremost, I have been
asked if there is an environmentalist element, as there was in 2011, when the
Corps of Engineers intentionally permitted the flooding of eight states in
order to further their highest priority (as per the Master Water Control
Manual) of "habitat restoration for riverine wildlife" at the expense
of the original top priority, flood control, and the preservation of human life
and property.
"deism" does play a role in our current woes, but not as directly as
it did in 2011. More of a "Best supporting Actor," in this
Master Water Control Manual is the bible of the Missouri River basin dam
system. It defines the duties and protocols to be followed in order
to best meet the various needs represented in the list of priorities.
the completion of the dam construction (in 1967) until 2004, the Master Water
Control Manual listed the priority functions in order of importance, with flood
control being number one.
flood control
2) irrigation and upstream beneficial uses
3) downstream water supply
4) navigation and power
5) recreation and wildlife
2) irrigation and upstream beneficial uses
3) downstream water supply
4) navigation and power
5) recreation and wildlife
In 2004, under pressure from
environmentalist organizations who had been lobbying hard for the previous
decade, Congress approved a revision to the manual that no longer specifically
prioritized the uses of the system, leaving the order of the functions to the
discretion of the Corps of Engineers.

The previous list was then essentially
upended, with wildlife (habitat restoration, preservation, and imitation of
natural cycles) becoming the top priority, and all the others swapping places
back and forth depending on the year.
control slipped lower and lower on the ladder as the Green movement grew in
strength, demanding a return to the "wild rivers" that, in their
sainted opinions, man should have never attempted to control.
led the Corps to utilize the dams in a way for which they were never designed —
to attempt to mimic the natural cycles of the river through the seasons.
spring, the pre-dam river rose and flooded with the snow melt and spring
rains. In the summer, flows slowed, and levels dropped until fall
and early winter, when rains and sporadic snow-melt cycles increased the flow
prior to hard freezing.
The "engineers," guided by the
Endangered Species Act, not the Flood Control Act, bank water throughout the
fall and winter, preparing to release it in spring to mimic nature with a sort
of controlled flood.
they get away with the gamble, but other times nature intrudes on their
Gaia-worshiping skit and provides a stark reminder that "playing God"
and "being God" are quite different things, indeed. Nature
lets loose with the real thing in the form of heavy snowfalls, heavier than
normal rains, or a super-thaw from a rapid increase in temperatures and a
wind-driven warm rainfall that rid thousands of square miles of an average
three feet of snowpack in roughly 36 hours, as happened last
week. And once again, the faux gods were caught short.
the Corp cause the current flooding? In my opinion,
no. However, it greatly contributed to its severity in numerous
ways, not the least of which is its influence on the management of smaller
tributary rivers and streams throughout the basin — the very rivers and streams
that are presently roaming miles from their banks. The primary
reason the Corps deserves a major share of responsibility is its mismanagement
of the dam system. Had they been drawing down water throughout the
early winter in anticipation of a higher than normal runoff due to higher than
normal snow accumulations in the lower reaches of the basin, then the
tributaries presently flooding would have had more room to drain through their
natural outlet, the mighty Missouri river.
it have eliminated the flooding we see destroying farms, homes, and roads on
our televisions (or right outside our own windows!)? Not entirely,
no. However, it is unarguable that managing the Missouri River
mainstem dams with an eye toward flood control above all else would have
greatly minimized the severity of the event.
forget: we still have all the mountain and plains snowmelt in the upper reaches
of the basin yet to come, as melting in that region doesn't begin in earnest
until late April and early May. Fortunately, the accumulated
snowpack levels in the upper basin are roughly normal, unlike in 2011, when
they averaged 275% of normal — a circumstance of which the Corps was repeatedly
made aware, and one it chose to ignore.
After the 2011 flood and my subsequent
exposure of the Corps's liability through the series of articles (linked
above), a congressional investigation was
launched into the management of the system. A civil
lawsuit on behalf of affected landowners was also filed.
The congressional investigation found
precisely what I had described: that the disordered priorities rendered
millions of people vulnerable to the very circumstances the dam system was
built to prevent.
However, under pressure from extremely well
funded environmentalist organizations, Congress stopped short of ordering the
Master Water Control Manual to be revised, failing to order flood control to
again be the top priority. Instead, legislators settled for the
Corps of Engineers promising to do better next time.
civil suit fared better, as politics and intimidation were largely removed from
those proceedings. They won their case against the Corps and a
375-million-dollar judgment as damages.
the Master Water Control Manual remains untouched to this day, and the people's
safety remains suborned to the fevered dreams of wild-eyed greeniacs populating
the agencies charged with management of our natural resources. As of
this writing, 74 cities, four tribal areas, and 65 counties in Nebraska alone
were under declarations of flood emergency, with the bulk of those towns cut
off from the rest of the state entirely by standing flood water or destroyed
roads and bridges. South Dakota and Iowa both tell similar stories
of disaster.
Iowa, a small town southeast of Omaha, experienced terrible flooding in
2011. The town bolstered and raised the levee that protected their
town and managed to save some of it from further ravages during that
months-long catastrophe. Always eager to help, the Corps of Engineers
informed the city of Hamburg that its levee had to be "brought up to
standard" or reduced to its original height.
cost of such a project, 5.5 million dollars, was simply too expensive for such
a small town, still reeling from the flood aftermath. Sadly, they
acceded to the Corps's demands and removed the portion of the levee that had
saved them in 2011.
Hamburg is now almost entirely underwater —
not a few inches, mind you, but several feet underwater,
across the town. It is entirely likely that Hamburg will simply fade
into memory once the waters recede, a victim of environmentalist hubris and
bureaucratic formality, a footnote in the Corps's grand march to restore the
mighty river to its once untamable self.
There is no way to eliminate the
possibility of flooding. The best we can do is to prevent flooding
to the greatest extent possible. There is only one way to accomplish
that: revise the Master Water Control Manual and make flood control the highest
priority once again. Then ensure that the Corps follows it to the
letter — under penalty of law.