
Monday, March 7, 2022

“A Finger in Every Pie”: Scott Howard’s Open Society Playbook – The Occidental Observer - by Edmund Connelly, Ph. D.


Pay attention here. Howard throughout the book indeed recognizes that the world is now facing Evil, as he writes in his own conclusion: “Without question, the long shadow cast over the earth today is one of evil.” This is not simply an economic or political struggle, it is, Howard insists, one against Lucifer himself. Jews want “wet clay for their golems, and that is what they are getting. They ‘open up’ to eventually lock down. They want total control and they are playing for keeps.”

Yet again we have been warned.

Scott Howard’s excellent new Open Society Playbook reminds me a lot of Jeff Gates’ 2008 book Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War, which I described as “a tour de force exposé of Jewish power. It is a big-picture look at how Ashkenazi groups have achieved the stunning level of control they exhibit in the two former Cold War adversaries, Russia and the United States. Much of this power — which should come as no surprise — springs from Jewish acumen in acquiring wealth, both lawfully and otherwise.”

Like Gates, Howard devotes considerable attention to the “otherwise” aspect of Jewish financial dealings, though Howard doesn’t go quite as far as Gates in making a claim like “The Zionism chronicled in this account [Guilt by Association] describes a transnational organized crime agenda featuring financial and political domination by elites and extremists.”

But that’s only one aspect uniting these two books. What allows both books to stand out is their proper understanding of the ties among these common ethnics operating institutionally throughout the Western world, through government, NGOs, private organizations and the military. “The connections between ‘social justice,’ governmental and supra-governmental entities, big business, and high finance,” Howard writes, “are not incidental. They all mutually reinforce each other and work synergistically to amplify profit and accelerate what is framed as ‘progress,’ but is really a world-wrecking endeavor.” Of the White world, we can add.

In addition to explicitly describing the heavily Jewish composition of the forces aiming to transform the White world, Howard clearly comes down on one side: OUR side. In fact, his introduction begins with the question “Noticing that the world seems to be falling apart around you? This is largely by design … .” The current kerfuffle in Ukraine aside, I do notice this worrisome decay, as have others. For instance, a close acquaintance, whom I consider among the top five or ten writers in English on The Jewish Question, just wrote privately to me (Feb. 26, 2022) in more detail about our situation:

I have a bad feeling about everything right now.

We are already under full-blown communism, I suspect. It’s too much at once, with zero ability to push back, and precious few even wanting to.

Martial law in Canada. … They treated the truck protesters the way Jews here are treating the Charlottesville and 1/6 protestors: the same way a communist regime would. All the excitement about Berkeley, Charlottesville, 1/6, and the truckers was just a ruse. The Jews crushed them all, quickly and easily.

Meanwhile, their own highly organized domestic terrorists burn, loot, and murder with abandon while cops, prosecutors, judges, and secret police agencies in the nation — every single one of them — look on, not arresting them. Letting them out on bail to murder people, to mow them down with their SUV, ginned up on the hate speech blasted out by the Jewish broadcast, cable and Internet media 24/7/365. …

Groups are being co-opted with money: “Tone down the radical stuff, go after blacks, and we’ll help you out.” Nick Griffin said several times that he was offered huge sums of money if he would do everything the same but lay off criticism of Israel….

Cooptation. “Tone it down, go along, and you’ll stay in business. Keep it up and you’ll go to jail and we’ll throw away the key.”

These are dark days.

I wish there was some sign of Good in the world.

Overstated? I’ll bet Howard doesn’t think so, for he closes Ch. 1, his George Soros chapter, by writing, “There are essentially no limits to the subversive and destructive reach of Soros and the Establishment.” Of course Jews will read “Soros and the Establishment” as “Jews” — and they will be right because that is mostly how Howard is using the term.

Very much to his credit, Howard identifies the leading designers of this new world and names them on page after page: Jews. More and more I appreciate and respect those Whites willing to “Name The Jew,” an indispensable first step in our quest for understanding the world and ultimately our own survival. Howard’s chief method of doing this is to add the term “the Jewish” before the many, many Jewish names of players in this unhappy drama, beginning, not surprisingly with George Soros. Additionally, in paragraph one of Ch. 1 we learn that Soros’ Open Society Foundations “have officially dispensed nearly $17 billion over tens of thousands of grants.” Well, that amount overshadows what we White activists and supporters receive — by a vast measure, I’m sure.

So there we have the source of the title of Howard’s book and, I would argue, a representative way of viewing the goals and actions of Soros and others named in this thorough book: Agents of World Jewry. Though I would have been even more explicit than Howard in making this a central theme of the book, it is nonetheless an unmistakable conclusion any careful reader will draw, and for this careful and honest writing, we can be thankful. We can also be thankful that he clearly spells out the target of world Jewry when he writes that the narrative “has been constructed to paint one side — white, Christian — as the villains and the other as the perpetual victims, regardless of the truth of the matter.”

For good reason (personal destruction, end of career, intense harassment, etc.) few politicians in the entire West are willing to be this explicit at naming the White, Christian targets of this Open Society Playbook. When, for example, was the last time a sitting U.S. president ever said “White” in a supportive way? It’s been a while. Ditto for Europe as well. At best, we’ll get occasional dog whistles about race, which invariable leads to screeching by the usual suspects that so-and-so is a racist, White Supremacist, anti-Semite, or all of the above. Assuming that intended readers of this book will be White Christians, Howard has usefully told them who their enemies are. Time to wake up and face this atrocious assault, folks.

Having said that, however, I do have to share some concern that Howard at times conflates world Jewry with other more impersonal forces, such as when he writes that France’s Yellow Vests have been “actively suppressed because it runs contrary to the aims of undercutting extant native [read “White”] populations for the benefit of global capital.” I’d wager that most Jews would recognize “global capital” in a book like this as code words for “Jews.” This confusion over the chief actors applying The Playbook is particularly acute in the middle of the book (chapters 3-5), which we will address shortly. On the whole, however, once we end the book, we know precisely who Howard is talking about — on both sides.

For instance, Howard insightfully employs Lothrop Stoddard’s famous quote, which reads, “Before the revolutionary onslaught can have any chance of success, the social order must first have been undermined and morally discredited. This is accomplished primarily by the process of destructive criticism.” I’ll mildly amend Howard’s words that follow to show exactly what The Open Society [Jewish] Playbook is all about. “Detonate the foundation,” Howard writes, “and the body of the population becomes plastic in the hands of the [Jewish] ruling class, ready to be made into whatever shapes [Jews] so choose.” Howard makes a pretty compelling case for this interpretation.

But is it really fair that I amend it like that? Yes, given the fact that just two pages prior, he employed his naming technique, writing about “the Jewish Laura Rosenberger,” “the Jewish neocon Bill Kristol,” and “the Jewish Michael Chertoff.” On the page after, we read more names that could echo, and Howard offers that “The reader may note that many of those figures are Jewish.” Far more writers should write like this.

Next, what does the book really teach us? In essence, Howard is drawing our attention to the fact that Soros and others of his ethnicity have already displayed their “playbook” for us right out in the open, beginning with the “color revolutions” in Eastern Europe. Though it should be obvious, Howard still provides the parallels found in the United Nations, Western Europe and the United States. In other words, the same script. Thus, in both the Eastern and Western parts of the White world, we see that “groups organize youth movements, create influential media outlets and organize violent protests to undermine the institutions and policies implemented by government.” One might also add the introduction of Critical Race Theory to the repertoire, for it also advances the goals of those using “the Playbook.”

As mentioned, Chapters 3-5 confused me somewhat because I became unsure if Howard was still talking about Jewish networks seeking to transform the Western world or just myriad elites operating under “neoliberalism,” which includes not just a quest for profits but social engineering such as promoting diversity, multiculturalism, gay and lesbian rights, etc. Thus, for instance, when elites decided to decolonize African countries, “white settlers were left exposed and unprotected,” yet the “corporate and moneyed interests,” along with the military- industrial complex, realized “enormous financial windfalls” and that were “incredibly profitable.”

Adding in the special confection of gay rights to traditional capitalist greed, we have the Globohomo mixture so often lamented by critics of this process. Or, as E. Michael Jones labels this profitable advance of Western finance, “the Gay Disco” with its Rainbow Pride flag and such. But when Howard writes that “This project is about cleaving off states and bringing them into the orbit of neoliberalism and high finance, and then detonating them in the name of greed and malice,” I find it harder to identify what is particularly Jewish about it.

In this and the next two chapters, we are treated to long lists of actors in this process, but the Finnish Foundation for Media and Development, the Japan International Cooperation Agency, Bruce McNamer, and the many Christian organizations named are hardly Jewish. Instead, I felt like I was reading a standard Marxist critique of capitalism and high finance, and worse, Ch. 4 in particular read like it was written for a different project and shoehorned in here.

Not to worry, however, for at the end of Ch. 5, Howard roars back by reminding us that

Clearly, all roads lead to the same destination. Remember, it was Western, predominantly Jewish capitalists who funded the Bolsheviks, giving rise to the USSR and massacres in the millions; similarly, it was the Jewish Sassoons (of the burgeoning opium trade) and Kadoorie families who are commonly credited with “opening up” China, and it was the Jewish Alan Greenspan who funneled enough money into the coffers of the Chinese Communist Party to keep it solvent before super-charging its economy on the back of outsourcing and dismantling US manufacturing capabilities.

For the remainder of the book, Howard is laser-focused on the Jewish role in this world-disrupting economic and social process. In fact, Ch. 6 is actually titled “The Zionist-Occupied Government,” and under that title Howard writes that “Western governments do not govern on behalf of or for their own constituencies, in most cases going so far as to ‘elect a new people.’” In other words, Jews now govern many Western nations and are actively implementing “The Great Replacement” about which so many Whites are (rightly) concerned. Further, what is the following if not a scathing moral critique of Jewish behavior in all of this: The Neoliberal Empire is “an ersatz empire built on deception, coercion, fractional reserve banking, and inversion of goodness and godliness”?

Howard’s critique only gets stronger. “Jews are the system’s primary drivers and beneficiaries, and no discussion of neoliberalism and the various factors presently imperiling the West is complete without an understanding of the centrality of Jewish interests.” Yes, ZOG is a reality.

At this point, I have to say that two books that could have monumentally reinforced all that Howard is describing come from Catholic writer E. Michael Jones (EMJ), beginning with his classic The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History (JRS), which is a colossal account of Jewish activity in the West throughout history. That book was soon followed by the economic treatise Barren Metal (2014) where Jones shows that it is the moral aspects of the economy that overwhelmingly trump the mundane financial ones. I’m not suggesting that Howard needs to go back and add this information to the next edition of The Open Society Playbook, but future writers interested in furthering Howard’s thesis certainly should.

In particular, readers of The Playbook should carefully parse the economic (and moral) topics addressed on pages 111-115 and make a note that EMJ has minutely unpacked exactly these topics in Barren Metal. Specifically, attention should be given to the writings of German Jesuit Heinrich Pesch (1854– 1926) and his penetrating critique of capitalism and especially usury. Consider what Howard writes:

Capital is a conduit, a medium by which we exchange goods and services, but it is not in and of itself anything beyond the value we place upon it. Feder [a German writer who influenced Hitler] understood this and deplored the idea of compound interest, which creates nothing but rampant inequality and debt slavery and allows for a parasitic class of financiers to get rich off the work of others.

That is pure EMJ, and reading Barren Metal in light of JRS from six years earlier would surely show that the modern world has an unmistakeable Jewish Problem on its hands. That Scott Howard is also willing to acknowledge and address this is a most welcome development.

While I’m on the topic of recommending books that Howard should have cited, I’ll also note my disappointment that despite the importance Howard gives to massive non-white immigration into most historically White countries, he fails to mention the work Kevin MacDonald has done in describing the Jewish group evolutionary strategy that benefits Jews by fracturing solidly White societies through the importation of non-Whites.

Clearly, Howard understands the Jewish roles, as he quotes another writer saying that Jews are “the most ethnocentric of peoples” and they promote diversity in countries outside of Israel. “Their separatist Zionist agenda can only remain undetected amidst a pluralistic, multicultural regime.” Now that is patently Kevin MacDonald territory.

Continuing, we see that Howard adequately addresses the nexus of Jewish actors and high finance, specifically that of BlackRock, Inc., an investment management corporation based in New York City and headed by the Jewish Larry Fink. Here, Howard emphasizes the sheer preponderance of Jewish financial power as well as how it is employed in furthering larger Jewish interests globally. Again, the parallels with Jeff Gates’ Guilt By Association stand out. While Howard does not explore financial irregularities in Ch. 7, he certainly does in Ch. 8, further cementing the similarities to Gates’ book. For example, Larry Summers was centrally involved in a massive scheme to appropriate up to a trillion dollars from Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, prompting Steve Sailer to write that it was “the Jewish aspect of the entire scandal that stands out. The principals of this scandal were Jews, and they were allegedly protected by fellow Jew Summers.”

The final chapter, “The Dark Underbelly,” is a familiar recount of the endless Jewish involvement in wealth transfers through organized crime, prostitution (of White women), drug dealing, organ theft and trading, and, of course, pornography. I see the value of this chapter in its message that many Jews are unique globally in their unwillingness to adhere to the moral and legal norms of any Gentile society, becoming far richer in the process. Further, the accounts we read here should inculcate in the (presumably Gentile) reader the fact that they are in imminent danger given the fact of who their rulers are. Truly, ZOG does not have Gentile interests at heart. (I’ll add that Howard closes the chapter with documented Jewish behavior that I simply cannot reprint here, given its revolting character. Perhaps a reader could include it in the comments below.)

Before offering my own conclusion, I’d like to add a few reactions I had reading the book, beginning with Howard’s description of how little American Jews physically contribute to American war efforts despite the massive aid and war-waging given on Israel’s behalf. He then notes in passing that Israel in 1967 “knowingly fired on the USS Liberty,” a clearly marked Navy intelligence gathering ship off the coast of Israel during the Six-Day War. When I read that understatement, I burst out laughing because it is like saying John Wilkes Booth had a disagreement with Abraham Lincoln on the night of April 14, 1865 at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C.

Israel didn’t just “fire” on the Liberty; they strafed it, dropped napalm on the ship and life rafts, and finally torpedoed it in a deliberate attempt to sink it, as chillingly documented by an officer aboard the unlucky ship, James Ennes Jr. In 1979 Ennes released a book on the attack called Assault On The Liberty: The True Story Of The Israeli Attack On An American Intelligence Ship. I found the story so compelling that upon dedicating my life to a deeper understanding of the Jewish Question, I drove clear across the country to meet Mr. Ennes, where we met and talked at a McDonald’s in a suburb of Seattle. Chapter 8 of The Open Society Playbook could have benefited from a much longer discussion of this infamous direct attack on the United States.

I can also say that I was exceedingly impressed by the scholarly quality of Howard’s prose and the obvious care he gave to getting things right. In the whole book, I might have noticed only two or three typos and no errors of substance. Kudos to Howard and Antelope Publishing for composing such a professional book, one which easily rivals the offerings of major academic presses. The bibliography was in a format new to me but entirely useful once I figured out its style. Also, I didn’t find its lack of an index a hindrance, in that the major appendices offered sufficient information.

Finally, I came away from the book reminded yet again of the need for individuals like Howard to have access to something larger than himself or even a steady publisher. Now a few words on that.

The Need for Institutional Support 

Just the other day I was reading something unrelated by Spencer Quinn of Counter-Currents, and a comment from “Alexandra O.” referred to The Open Society Playbook.

Replying to author Quinn, Alexandra wrote,

I notice on the back of a book by Scott Howard “The Open Society Playbook,” that you wrote a blurb pointing out [the book’s] importance. I think it is — if nothing else — the best listing of all our enemies worldwide, by name, by affiliation, and by affiliation with other affiliations worldwide. Banks, Bankers and Financiers, Governmental Agencies, Non- Governmental Organizations, etc., ad fin. And — not to be ‘racist’ by listing them — the religious affiliations of such.

It’s mind-boggling and belongs in every White Nationalist’s library. You are the only person that has said anything about this book — my post on Amazon under ‘Patti’, another handle, is the only comment on the books thus far. Something’s going on here.

I take that comment to suggest that The Open Society Playbook deserves to live on, to have greater reach, to assist subsequent generations of Whites in avoiding reinvention of the damn wheel again. And to achieve this “immortality,” Howard’s book deserves institutional support, but I don’t see anywhere in the world he can get it. The Vatican? Doubt it. A reputable university? Forget it. A Think Tank? Naw, it’ll probably just get firebombed.

Researchers like Scott Howard need a secure home, where funding is available, along with camaraderie, a reliable library and research base, and so on. With such, Howard’s book would be excellent addition, joining the books of E. Michael Jones, Kevin MacDonald, Jeff Gates, James Petras and many others. I can’t think of any other way to preserve and transmit this critical information if the White race is to survive. It’s really that simple. How else are younger Whites going to learn about these invaluable sources? Without an institution, it is purely hit or miss, and relying on the Internet is clearly not going to work given the ephemeral nature of blogs and podcasts, not to mention the strenuous Jewish efforts to censure writing like ours. No race can flourish without some such institution to inculcate into its members love of self, race, community and country, or the conception of duty and the highest regard for honor. Today we have only the opposite — hatred of Whites and vast incentives to turn on ourselves. This situation has to change.


The Open Society Playbook is a worthy addition to books on the awesome scope of modern Jewish power. And, unlike more and more writers and podcasters who undoubtedly know better, Scott Howard both names the Jew and draws the necessary conclusions. He does this, as discussed above, by illuminating the connections among these Jewish actors. Though I wrote above that at times I was unsure how organized Jewry was primarily responsible for the unhealthy developments we’ve seen in the West over the last century and a half, Howard does in fact write that such policies “under the umbrella of neoliberalism are all connected and … the disproportionately Jewish and Jewish-influenced ruling class benefits.” In short, Howard has exposed the “outsized Jewish role” in all this Evil. Yes, Evil. Trans-Atlantic slave trafficking, child pornography, financial crimes; “We see an outsized Jewish role — more often than not Jewish centrality — in these global operations.”

Pay attention here. Howard throughout the book indeed recognizes that the world is now facing Evil, as he writes in his own conclusion: “Without question, the long shadow cast over the earth today is one of evil.” This is not simply an economic or political struggle, it is, Howard insists, one against Lucifer himself. Jews want “wet clay for their golems, and that is what they are getting. They ‘open up’ to eventually lock down. They want total control and they are playing for keeps.”

Yet again we have been warned.