
Monday, July 29, 2024

The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing - by bionic mosquito

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The teachings aren’t necessarily false; they are just distorted, lacking in real substance.  There is no straight gate or narrow way in his teaching.  This is too offensive.  He never causes offense with his preaching; he is not persecuted because of what he teaches.  The liberals and modernists all praise it.

So, what is it that is excluded?  Lloyd-Jones offers a few examples: he doesn’t get into the details of doctrine at all, remaining vague, especially on difficult topics; he rarely speaks of true holiness and righteousness; he speaks of the love of God without speaking of God’s justice – let alone wrath.

He doesn’t speak of final judgment and the eternal destiny of the lost; there is little on hell and everlasting destruction.  He avoids the topic of sin and of man’s total reliance on Christ for salvation; he may speak of individual, specific sins, but not on the consuming nature of sin. 

There is little or no talk of repentance, no need to feel the heavy weight of sin and its cost – you just “decide” for Christ.  Summing it up: there is no recognition of entering the narrow gate and walking along the narrow way.