
Thursday, July 25, 2024

US Congress: Bibi Blathers About Burned Babies, Doubles Down on Endless War, Gets 55 Standing Ovations – Daily Stormer

(DSOS in action - in plain sight - and few question WTF is going on here - WHY? Please 'splain' it in plain language so I can 'splain' it to my grandsons as to why they should avoid being brought home in body bags. Right now, they ain't listening to me or anyone half sane. - CL)

The US government is totally controlled by the Jews, and therefore our government’s foreign policy is directly dictated to us by Bibi.

This is all totally ridiculous, and unprecedented in human history. There has never been a time when the leader of a small foreign country comes to give directions to a much larger country. What Bibi does in these speeches to the US Congress is what a large state that has totally conquered and subdued a smaller state would do.

Remember: half of these people claim to be “America First.” If you ask them how they can be America First and also lapdogs of Israel, they will tell you that America and Israel are the same thing. If you ask how this relationship benefits the United States, they will call you an evil antisemite and then end the interview.

You can ask “why do we support Israel?” but you can’t ask for any details. You can’t ask any follow-ups. They just claim that American and Israeli interests overlap 100%, and any request for further details on how that is even possible is met with outrage and accusations of being evil for daring to ask such a question.