Here we continue our series with another chapter from Charles A. Weisman’s book, Who Is Esau-Edom?
Weisman focuses on how the characteristics of modern Jewry — and the symbols they use in association with their agendas — clearly fit those found in the Bible concerning Esau-Edom.
We have seen that even Weisman concedes there is some difficulty pinning down exactly where the compromised Edomite bloodline entered Jewry within the Bible itself — though Weisman does cite Jeremiah 49:10 that states Edom’s “seed” or bloodline will become “spoiled” or mixed. The historical evidence that Jewry’s bloodline as indeed become spoiled or mixed is incontrovertible — even by their own admission.
That aside, modern Jewry has most certainly lived up to the characteristics of Edom — and appear to be fulfilling the prophecies associated with that tribe.
Weisman continues:
Who Is Esau-Edom?
It is critical we understand who the characters are and their proper role in the Script. To help clear up the confusion we will attempt to identify one of the main characters in God’s Script — that being Esau or Esau-Edom.
We can identify who is Esau-Edom by reading in the Script (Bible) what was written about him, what he was to be doing on stage (earth), what his role was to be (pre-destination), and what characteristics and attributes were assigned to this actor (prophecy) by the author (God). We then need to compare all this to historical and current events and see if any of the persons or nations involved fit the role of Esau-Edom or possess any of his attributes.
Just like when we see a creature who has a flattened scaly tail, who cuts down trees with its teeth, has thick brownish fur, prodigiously builds dams, has aquatic habits, and is warm-blooded we can identified it as a beaver. God had assigned these roles and characteristics to the beaver and they are permanent marks of its identification. In like manner, the Script of God reveals certain roles and characteristics surrounding Esau-Edom by which we can identify this people.
From the foregoing chapter, we have one good clue as to who may occupy the character of Esau-Edom, that being the Jewish people. The following material will help to verify this. If we know that one of God’s actors — such as Esau-Edom — is to perform a certain act or possess a certain characteristic, then when we see someone doing the act or expressing the characteristic, we have identified the actor on stage or in the world.
No student of history or modern affairs can appreciate the significance of world events without the knowledge of who is Esau-Edom and their connection with Jewry.
The Characteristics of Esau-Edom
As with any script the Bible reveals certain traits, attributes and characteristics of the various actors or characters it talks about. We can thus find in the Bible some attributes and characteristics of Esau-Edom, which will help identify who this actor was in history and perhaps in the world today. There is much evidence showing that the seed of Esau may safely be identified with modern Jewry.
Edom’s Symbolic Name
The first revealing attribute associated with Esau-Edom in Scripture is that of a color association with his name. Esau-Edom is symbolically associated with the color red. Esau was actually born with this attribute, as is described in the account of his birth:
“And the first [Esau] came out red. all over like a hairy garment; and they called his name Esau.”
–(Genesis 25:25)
Here we find that Esau had the physical attribute of being red and hairy, which is contrasted with Jacob’s appearance who “was a plain man” (Genesis 25:27). The red color of Esau was to be a sign that he would later sell his birthright to Jacob for some red pottage.
“And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom.”
(Genesis 25:30)
The word ‘Edom’ actually means “red” [see Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, O.T. #123] — just as the name Esau signifies red. This character thus represents the color red. When we look at the meaning and symbology associated with the color red in both Scripture and secular history, we have a better understanding of the nature and identity of Esau-Edom, and who he is to be identified with.
Here are some illustrations:
-Red is representative of blood and bloodshed (2 Kings 3:22; Isaiah 1:15).
-Scarlet or red is symbolic of sin in general (Isaiah 1:18).
-The red horse of the Book of Revelation signifies war and the ability to cause wars (Revelation 6:4). Esau was to be war-like and live by the sword (Genesis 27:40)
-The anti-Christian, satanic system which ruled Rome was identified as a red dragon (Revelation 12:3). Jews are the most anti-christian people on the face of the earth.
-The great beast of Mystery Babylon which was to spread abominations and death to the whole earth is scarlet or red in color. And the woman on the beast controlling it is dressed in scarlet (Revelation 17:3-4). Jews are the major promoters of the Babylonian religion called Judaism.
-The banking industry, which is a part of red Babylon’s economic control over Christendom, is led by the Jewish banking family of Rothschild, which means “red shield “
-The Red Flag symbolizes revolutionary socialism. “The socialist movement, from its inception up to the present day, has been largely dominated by Jewish influence.” [see Joseph Jacobs, “Jewish Contributions To Civilization,” Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, (1919) p. 306.]
-In the Jewish Kabbalah red signifies bloodshed and also justice for the Jew. [see The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. IV, p. 178 (1905).
-The Jewish author and historian Arthur Koestler shows that the Jewish Khazars (from which many Jews are derived) were commonly known as the “Red Jews ” [see Arthur Koestler, “The Thirteenth Tribe,” p. 135 (1976).
-The color of Jewish-Communism is red as indicated by such terms as red nation, red star, “Red Square” etc. The Russian Revolution that brought about “Red Communism” was planned and financed by Jews, and “the revolutionary leaders nearly all belonged to the Jewish race.” [see National Geographic Magazine, Vol. XVIII, No. 5, p. 314 (May, 1907). “Out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik State, 457 were Jews.” Rev. Denis Fahey, “The Rulers of Russia,” p.8.
– Red, in the West, has become a universal sign for warning or danger. Red Edom (Communism) has proven to be a danger to the Christian West.
The color red is as predominately associated with the Jews and their activities as it is with that of Esau-Edom. Also note that there are no positive or redeeming attributes associated with the color red in connection to Esau, or in its association to the Jews. Red is always representative of something bad or negative, such as bloodshed, sins, the Babylonian system, war, communism, etc. Esau-Edom and his descendants are possessors of these characteristics.
Esau Hated by God
Perhaps the most unique and unusual attribute possessed by Esau-Edom is his adverse relationship with God. The Script reveals that God never had any love for Esau as He did with Jacob. and in fact. God hates Esau:
“I have loved you [Israel], says the LORD Yet you say, How hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? says the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage to waste for the dragons of the wilderness.”
(Malachi 1:2-3)
That God’s hatred and anger towards Esau-Edom is not a one-time event is conveyed in the fact that Edom was “The people against whom the LORD has indignation forever” (Malachi 1:4). This is no mis-translation as the same concept is also conveyed in the New Testament:
“As it was written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.”
(Romans 9:13)
This hatred by God towards Esau is an attribute that the human heart cannot accept or embrace, and therefore many will try to explain it away. Thus scores of theologians have avoided this truth of Scripture or have whitewashed it into something more appealing to human nature.
God not only hates Esau-Edom and is against these people, but refers to them as “the people of my curse” (lsaiah 34:5). This curse is not just on Esau but also his “seed” and his “brethren.”
“But I have made Esau bare. I have uncovered his secret places, and he shall not be able to hide himself: his seed is spoiled, and his brethren, and his neighbors, and he is no more.”
(Jeremiah 49:10)
Among Esau’s brethren were the Amalekites which were descended from one of Esau’s grandsons (Genesis 36:4, 12). It was these Edomite kinsmen whom God had sworn “war against from generation to generation” (Exodus 17:16).
God’s hatred of Edom is not a temporary thing but rather is perpetual. The doctrine that God loves everyone does not stand up in light of what the Bible has to say regarding God’s merciless position towards the race of people called Edom. The God of the Bible says,
“I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.”
(Romans 9:15)
No regard is given to what man thinks on the matter. Although the churches have tried to alter God’s true nature, we find that throughout the Bible God’s position toward Esau-Edom does not change:
“Therefore thus says the Lord GOD; Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the heathen, and against all Idumea. . . ” ( Ezekiel 36:5)
“Shall I not in that day, says the LORD even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and the understanding out of the mount of Esau?” (Obadiah 1:8)
“Thus says the Lord Goo; Behold, O mount Seir, I am against you, and will stretch out My hand against you.” (Ezekiel 35:3)
There is not one favorable or positive statement in the Bible in relation to Esau-Edom. But how does this adverse relationship which God has towards Esau-Edom help us to identify who this character is in the world today?
To help us answer this we have to put ourselves into the role which Esau has been assigned in God’s Script. If God hated you and your ancestors how would you react and what would you do? By natural reaction you would be against God and His people — and try to prevent them from finding out you are Esau — the one God is against — knowing that if God is against something, so will be His followers.
Who is it that tries to conceal their identity as Edom — the one hated by God — by claiming to be Israel — the one Ioved by God? Only one group of people reacts as though God has a hatred for them — that is the Jews.
Why do you suppose the Jews form organizations, such as the Anti-Defamation League, to monitor and combat ”hate” and to identify “hate groups?” Would not Esau want to do this? Why is it that it is predominately Jews who promote the “anti-hate laws” and other “hate-crime” legislation? If you were Esau-Edom would you not do the same?
An Edomite would also want to infiltrate churches and seminaries to get God’s people to believe that there is no God of hate — only a God of love and mercy. The Jews have done just that in Christendom.
The Edomite Jews of today are the main ones who are concerned about hate — and with good reason. They are desperately trying to suppress all hate — even any acts or words that could be construed as causing “mental anguish.” In response to their role as being the “people against whom the LORD has indignation for ever,” the Jews have made the concept of hate a taboo.
The Jew — Elie Wiesel — stated on Public Television — in the TV special “Beyond Hate” hosted by Bill Moyers in 1990 — that “Even hate of hate is dangerous.” This is an example of how paranoid the Edomite Jews are regarding God’s hatred of them — and the lengths they will go to eliminate from the mind’s of God’s people any aspect of the idea of hate.
Yes, God hates and has indignation for the Edomite Jews — and if any dare take God’s side on this matter, they will be met with great opposition and persecution from those who believe the Edomite Jews are God’s chosen people.