Never once has a rabbi been arrested, convicted, and sentenced for promoting “hate speech” directed at non-Jews — despite the fact that the Jewish “holy” book, the Talmud commands Jews to rob, steal, cheat, and even kill “gentiles” if it is in the interest of Jews — and if they can get away with it without bringing negative attention upon Jews.
There was a time when the Catholic Church still had enough integrity to call for the Talmud to be burned numerous times, but that was over 500 years ago when Jews had only a modicum of power compared to what they’ve achieved today.

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) In a historic first — at the best of small but inordinately powerful Jewish supremacist groups in Poland — a Polish priest has been arrested, charged, and convicted of following Christ’s lead and rebuking Jews and the sell-out Catholic Church for doing their bidding:
A Polish priest with a long track record of antisemitic comments has been sentenced to community service after being convicted of insulting Jews and inciting hatred against them, in what his critics say is a landmark case.
Father Michał Woźnicki, a Catholic priest from the city of Poznan, must perform 30 hours of community service a month for the next six months, according to the order handed down by a judge earlier this month.
Woźnicki was on trial for comments made during a sermon in October 2021: “Jews in the world have assumed the role of a leech, a tick, a body that lives on the host’s body, swells, leading the host’s body to death, moving on to the next one,” he said, according to Polish media. He also said that Jews were in league with the devil and responsible for the spread of sexual impropriety in Poland.
Woźnicki is already facing sanctions from the church because of his record of controversy, and he delivered the sermon online because he has been suspended from his pulpit. But because he remains an ordained priest, his conviction is groundbreaking, according to the civil society group that pressed for him to face charges.
The group, Otwarta Rzeczpospolita or Open Republic, is devoted to fighting antisemitism and xenophobia in Poland.
“This is a precedent case,” it said in a statement. “It was not Woźnicki’s first hateful sermon, but the first one that the prosecutor’s office dealt with.”
Jewish leaders in Poland are cheering the verdict.
“Woźnicki is well known for his antisemitic diatribes and anti-church tirades (he has called Pope Francis a heretic),” Poland’s chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency by email. “The Polish court has handed down a clear verdict that antisemitic hate speech is illegal in Poland. We are hopeful that the Polish courts will continue to find others guilty of this crime.”
After the Polish judge ruled that Woźnicki was guilty of insulting Jews because of their nationality and inciting hatred on the basis of national differences, the priest lashed out in comments to journalists.
“I am convicted of preaching,” Woźnicki reportedly said. “Apparently, the Jews do not like me very much because I love the Lord Jesus. As a non-Jew, I concede to the Jewish king, while the Jews do not so much to their king.”
While Woźnicki’s comments were extreme, traditional Catholic liturgy includes some antisemitic elements. In 2021, Pope Francis restricted the use of the Latin Mass, a traditionalist liturgy that includes a prayer for the conversion of Jews, out of concern that it was being used by those who did not accept the Catholic Church’s 1965 statement declaring that the Jews were not responsible for Jesus’ death. Pope Francis has also condemned antisemitism.
Never once has a rabbi been arrested, convicted, and sentenced for promoting “hate speech” directed at non-Jews — despite the fact that the Jewish “holy” book, the Talmud commands Jews to rob, steal, cheat, and even kill “gentiles” if it is in the interest of Jews — and if they can get away with it without bringing negative attention upon Jews.
There was a time when the Catholic Church still had enough integrity to call for the Talmud to be burned numerous times, but that was over 500 years ago when Jews had only a modicum of power compared to what they’ve achieved today.
In fact, many suspect that the recent burning of Notre Dame was “payback” for when the Church ordered the burning of the Talmud in the 13th century.
Nothing that Fr. Michał Woźnicki has said is untrue — nor did anything he said “incite violence” against any Jews in Poland or elsewhere — but Jews are masters at creating victimless thought crimes.
Woźnicki’s only real offense is offending Jews, in the same way that Jesus Christ offended — and continues to offend — Jews — by calling them out on their blatant anti-Christian agenda.
But Woźnicki is not alone — many priests in Poland have publicly rebuked the Jews — such as former priest, Jacek Miedlar, who was arrested and sentenced in 2019 for warning Poles that Jews intended to destroy and enslave them.
Also in 2019, Polish priest, Fr. Dariusz Oko, implied that it was Jewish communists who are behind the LGBT “sexual impropriety” movement now heavily promoted in Christian Poland.
And in 2021, Jews failed to have Fr. Tadeusz Guz arrested and prosecuted for publicly claiming that the Catholic Church archives in Poland had numerous documents proving that Jews have a long history of ritually murdering Christian children for their bloody Passover traditions.
That said, Jews consider the entire New Testament replete with “Jew hate” — and when they consolidate enough power, you can bet your bottom dollar that they will have it not just censored but banned completely — as they did when they took over Christian Russia and orchestrated the greatest genocide of Christians that the world has ever witnessed.
The Catholic Church made a huge mistake in exonerating “the Jews” of killing Christ — not because they didn’t — but rather because today’s “Jews” are not real descendants of the rebellious “Men of Israel” (Acts 2:22-23) who did call for His death — despite being the spiritual inheritors of the apostate Pharisees who conspired against Christ.
But even that misses the central point of the crucifixion — ultimately, it didn’t matter who actually did the killing of Christ because Christ made it very clear that He had to die in order to fulfill prophecy and bring about the salvation of the Israelite people:
“The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.” (Luke 9:22)
If Christians would focus on this fact instead of who did the killing, they would disarm the Jews of one of their main “antisemitic” accusations against Christians — and instead reinforce the truth of Isaiah’s prophecy of the coming Messiah — which all Jews deny.
The Church should also stop praying for the conversion of these apostate, fake Khazarian converts to Judaism — nowhere in the Gospels are the Israelite apostles commanded to take the Gospels to anyone except true Israelites — whether in Judea or to the “lost tribes of the House of Israel” (Matthew 15:24, James 1:1).
Instead of taking this tact, the Church now claim that the Jews don’t need Christ to be saved — even going so far as the crypto-Pope claiming that Jews have a separate path to salvation — directly contradicting the plain words of Christ — and the entire foundation of the faith:
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
But with this historic conviction of a standing priest, the Jews smell blood in the water, and their feeding frenzy on Christians will surely continue — as the Chief Rabbi of Poland stated, “We are hopeful that the Polish courts will continue to find others guilty of this crime.”
Indeed, the “suffering” of “offended” Jews has now replaced the suffering of Christ on the cross — and “star of David” over Auschwitz in Poland has replaced the cross on Mount Cavalry, the site of the crucifixion.