Holohoax 101 - The Fundamentals of the Holocaust Hoax
Six million Jews killed in gas chambers disguised as shower rooms in the best documented genocide in world history, and yet there are no bodies, no murder weapons, i.e. gas chambers disguised as shower rooms, and no documents.
The First Holohoax, During World War One
The book The First Holocaust, Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns with Holocaust Claims During and After World War One by Don Heddeshemimer is documented with reprints of articles from the New York Times and other Jewish press that claimed that there was a holocaust of the Jews during World War One. For example, see the article by Martin Glynn, the former Mayor of New York, describing a holocaust of six million Jews published in 1919 at http://codoh.com/library/document/871 Heddesheimer missed the systematic and murderous extermination of six million Jews in 1906, as reported in the New York Times, see http://exposing-the-holocaust-hoax-archive.blogspot.com/2010/01/ny-times-reports-in-1906-that-russias.html
From a review of the book on amazon.com, "I guess they would call it 'Chutzpah', to publicly use the same big lie twice within the span of twenty or so years." Note: Amazon removed the quoted review.
Rabbi Stephen Wise, founder of the American Jewish Congress and assistant to Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, the leader of the Zionist movement in the US, was instrumental in creating the WW I hoax, and led the efforts to resurrect the hoax during WW II.
A Gas Chamber With a View
According to the USHMM website - "Between 1941 and 1944, Nazi German authorities deported millions of Jews from Germany, from occupied territories, and from the countries of many of its Axis allies to ghettos and to killing centers, often called extermination camps, where they were murdered in specially developed gassing facilities."
There are now only six alleged 'death camps', four were razed before the end of the war, and two, Auschwitz and Majdanek, are still standing. There are visitors tours at Auschwitz and Majdanek, and they culminate at 'specially developed gassing facilities', or gas chambers. Let's have a look - this is the door to the 'gas chamber' at Auschwitz - Yes, that is a window, and it is unbarred. The door itself is a typical wooden office door, it is not sealed. A visitor recently asked a guide why the prisoners didn't break the window and escape, the guide replied that an armed guard was stationed outside the door. That is, they really expect people to believe that this was a 'gas chamber', and, amazingly, people do. The 'gas chamber' is actually a morgue room in a crematorium.
This is a picture of the 'gas chamber' at Majdanek, and yes, that is an unbarred window.
The Majdanek hoax gas chamber is a fumigation room, where Zyklon, an insecticide used all over Europe to kill lice to prevent the spread of typhus, was used to delouse clothing. A building containing several fumigation rooms still exists at Auschwitz, complete with the special machinery used to generate, distribute, and exhaust the gas produced by Zyklon. These rooms at Auschwitz are never shown to visitors. The fumigation rooms became the 'homicidal gas chambers' of the holohoax.
For the complete story and a video tour of Auschwitz, including the hoax gas chamber, see http://www.vho.org/GB/c/DC/gcgvcole.html
The hoax gas chambers at Auschwitz and Majdanek are the only 'gas chambers' in existence.
Dr. Charles Larson headed a team of forensic pathologists sent into the camps at the end of the war to document war crimes. They conducted hundreds of autopsies at more than twenty camps, they did not find a single body showing signs of gas poisioning. None have been found since, at any camp.
The real gas chambers - from the book Auschwitz: 1270 to the Present by holocaust scholars D. Dwork and R. Jan Van Pelt:
"A violent typhus epidemic erupted in the summer of 1942 and the whole lice infested camps - barracks, offices, and workshops - had to fumigated with tons of Zyklon-B ......Later that year Schacter developed primitive gas chambers in block 26 to fumigate prisoners clothing ..... Degesch engineers recommended the installation of many small heatable gas chambers to be used with tins of Zyklon-B Nineteen fumigation rooms were installed in the prisoner reception building to fumigate clothing, as shown in the drawing."
The Photos You See Below Are the Basis of the Holohoax
Without these photos and others like them there would be no holohoax. They have been shown for 70 years as being of Jews killed in Nazi gas chambers during WW II.
These are horrific photos, but they are shown to school children in the US starting in middle school. Understand these photos and you will understand the holohoax.
The six screenshots above appear in the first minute of the Oprah/Elie Wiesel special 'Auschwitz', as Oprah intones "Evil has a name, the holocaust. A systematic mass murder, meticulously planned and executed by Nazi Germany that brutally wiped millions of people off the face of the earth. More than six million of those human beings were Jewish."
You can see it here Oprah Auschwitz Special
What is the true provenance of these photos?
They first appeared in a film shown at Nuremberg - Nazi Concentration and Prison Camps (@ 32:32, 39:38, 56:37, 28:00, 55:58, 26:58).
Here is what the USHMM has to say about the film - We Will Show You Their Own Films
"On November 29, 1945, only a week into the trial, the IMT prosecution introduced an hour-long film titled "The Nazi Concentration Camps." When the lights came up in the Palace of Justice all assembled sat in silence. The human impact of this visual evidence was a turning point in the Nuremberg trial. It brought the Holocaust into the courtroom."
But in fact none of the film was shot by the Nazis, it was shot by US and British troops after the war had ended, and shows prisoners of all nationalities that had died of disease at Belsen(#3, #5) and Buchenwald (#1, #2), and allied bombing at Nordhausen(#4. #6). This is a screenshot from the beginning of 'Nazi Concentration and Prison Camps:
Belsen was a concentration camp for high value prisoners in Germany. Near the end of the war as the Soviet troops approached the camps in the east, including Auschwitz, prisoners were transferred to camps in the west. At Belsen there was overcrowding, the facilities broke down, there was inadequate food, supplies, and medicine, and there was a resulting typhus epidemic that killed 30,000+ persons, 10,000 after the war had ended. This is fully documented here - video: Memory of the Camps (@7:58) The camp commandant was Josef Kramer, this is a letter he wrote requesting help for the camp - Starvation and epidemic conditions in Bergen-Belsen camp, early 1945. Kramer was tried in a hoax trial, convicted, and hanged at the end of the war.
The bombing of Nordhausen in the week before the camp was liberated is documented here - video: The Truth About the Nordhausen Bombing. Also here wiki - "April 3 & 4, 1945: Three-quarters of the town of Nordhausen was destroyed and ~8,800 people died, including 1500 sick prisoners at the Boelcke Kaserne barracks. April 10, 1945: Allied capture.
Not all of the prisoners died but you have never seen pictures of the ones who didn't, like those in the photo, which also appears in Memory of the Camps. It shows prisoners in Belsen greeting the approaching British military. The movie made was made by the British, directed by Alfred Hitchcock no less, with footage shot when they entered Belsen other camps. The movie was not made public until forty years after the war had ended. A comprehensive collection of photos can be seen here .
The older woman in the photo is Luba Tryszynska, who was in charge of the children's barracks at Belsen. The children show were known as 'diamond children' because their parents were diamond merchants from Amsterdam. After the war Luba traveled with the children to Amsterdam where they were honored by Queen Wilhelmina. The girl in front, 2nd from the left, bears a striking resemblance to Anne Frank.
The Documents
There were only six hoax 'death camps', see USHMM: Killing Centers. Only two, Auschwitz and Majdanek, were standing at the end of the war, and they were captured intact by the Soviets.
The Nazis kept meticulous records at Auschwitz, including death certificates for every prisoner that died, and 'Death Books' summarizing the deaths. The Soviets captured the Auschwitz records and hid them for 45 years. A stone plaque was placed at the Auschwitz entrance stating that 4 million had died there.
In the early 90's the Russians released the documents. Samples, and a summary analysis, can be seen here http://www.holocaust101.com/auschwitzmuseum/. The data shows that more Roman Catholics died at Auschwitz than Jews. The old stone plaque stating that four million had died was replaced by the plaque shown to the left claiming that one and a half million had died. The new number was not documented; based on the documents the figure should be on the order of (some months are missing) one hundred thousand. It is now estimated by the USHMM that a total of 1.3 million prisoners were transferred into the camp during the course of the war, see https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/auschwitz
The hoax - wiki - Auschwitz:" The SS destroyed written records, and in the final week before the camp's liberation, burned or demolished many of its buildings."
Reality - the Russians captured and hid the records, they were released in 1989 and are now available. The month by month numbers are given here.:
The Majdanek records were also captured, and as they have been released the official number of deaths has gone from 1.5 million to 78 thousand.
Remarkably, (or not), the six million total for Jewish victims of the holocaust was not affected even as the official death tolls at Auschwitz and Majdanek were reduced by four million.
The documents captured by the British and US forces, over sixty million documents, have been kept secret to all except the holohoax 'authorities' at Bad Arolsen to this day.
The Survivors
The holohoax is based on lies told by the 'survivors'.
The three most famous holocaust survivors, Elie Wiesel, Otto Frank, and Primo Levi, have something in common - when the Soviet army approached Auschwitz, they were all in camp hospitals, there were several, the main Auschwitz hospital is shown to the left. Elie Wiesel was being treated for an infected foot. The Nazis gave him the option of waiting to be liberated by the Soviets, or evacuating to the west. Wiesel, with his father, chose to leave with the Nazis. This is related in his book Night describing his year at Auschwitz. When Wiesel was in Auschwitz the Nazis were supposedly killing 10,000 Jews per day in gas chambers disguised as shower rooms. There is not a single mention of gas chambers in the book, Wiesel writes that the Nazis killed the Jews by throwing them alive into burning pits, one for children, one for adults.
Anne Frank and Otto Frank, her father, were first taken to Auschwitz. They were there when the Soviets approached. Otto had contracted tyhpus and was in the camp hospital, and was liberated by the Soviets. Anne was transferred west where she died of typhus in the epidemic at Belsen.
Primo Levi was also in the Auschwitz hospital and was liberated by the Soviets.
Abraham Bomba describes how barbers at Treblinka gave haircuts to roomfuls of naked women in the gas chambers, including their wives, sisters, and mothers, just before their executions in the very same room. He was featured in the movie Shoah documenting the holocaust. His absurd 'testimony' can be seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXweT1BgQMk. This is a must see.
Yehuda Bauer, Director of Research at Yad Vashem writes in the introduction to survivor Filip Mueller's book Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers "This is a unique document indeed, it is the testimony of the only man who saw the Jewish people die and lived to tell what he saw." Mueller begins in the morning, "where some 500 prisoners had lined up in rows of 10 so that they might enjoy their Sunday rest according to established Auschwitz tradition." The kapo then barks orders to the prisoners to take off and replace their caps. Those not fast enough are bludgeoned to death. One new prisoner speaks up, "I'm sure the people in charge know nothing whatever about this. I protest." He is bludgeoned to death. "As a result of this mornings sporting activities, thirty-five bludgeoned bodies now lay in the yard of Block 11. However our harassment was by no means at an end. Although by now we were exhausted we stood in line behind wooden tea vats. The tea should have been served early in the morning and was now STONE COLD." All you have to do to realize the holohoax is pure phantasmagoria is to read actual 'testimony' of the only man who saw the Jewish people die and lived to tell what he saw.
None of the defendants at Nuremberg admitted to any part of the holocaust or any direct knowledge of the holocaust, and only one, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, head of the Reich Security Main Office, was charged with having an operational role in the killing of Jews. He testified as follows:
DR. KAUFFMANN: What attitude did you adopt when you heard about it?
KALTENBRUNNER: I had no knowledge of Hitler's order to Heydrich regarding the final solution of the Jewish problem at the time I took up my office. In the summer of 1943 I gathered from the foreign press and through the enemy radio...
That is, he testified that he had no direct part in the holocaust, and only learned of it via the foreign press and enemy radio. See the testimony here http://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/04-11-46.asp
Kaltenbrunner also testified
COL. BROOKHART: Witness after witness, by testimony and affidavit, has said that the gas chamber killings were done on general or specific orders of Kaltenbrunner.
KALTENBRUNNER: Show me one of those men or any of those orders. It is utterly impossible.
COL. BROOKHART: Practically all of the orders came through Kaltenbrunner.
KALTENBRUNNER: Entirely impossible.
The only man charged at Nuremberg with participation in the holocaust did not plead that he was "Following orders', he testified that it was "Entirely impossible". More Kaltenbrunner testimony, don't miss it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcApkZx3Ojk
Heinrich Himmler was Kaltenbrunner's boss and head of the SS. He was also captured at the end of war. He was interviewed and said:
"In order to stop the epidemic, we were forced to cremate the bodies of the many people that died of the disease. That was the reason we had to build the crematoria, and now, because of this everybody wants to tighten the noose around our neck."
Himmler died under mysterious circumstances before he could be brought to trial.
Brainwashing Then
The holohoax brainwashing got into full swing immediately at the end of WW II. Within a week of the capture of Buchenwald, the famous Hollywood director Billy Wilder was in the camp making a film of propaganda lies that still circulate to this day. An inadvertent picture of Wilder on the set at Buchenwald is shown to the left. The film, complete with props, claimed that the Nazis made soap from the fat of (Jewish only of course) prisoners, made lampshades from the skin of prisoners, and shrunk the heads of prisoners like in the Amazon. Even the holohoax establishment now admits these were all lies.
The Nazis investigated any suspected crimes in the camps, and these investigations were headed by Judge Konrad Morgen. In the course of investigating Karl Koch, the commandant at Buchenwald, for the charge of having three prisoneres killed, he also investigated reports of the 'irregularities' like the ones listed above and found them to be unfounded. Koch, on the other hand, was found guilty and hanged. Morgen was tortured at Nuremberg to confirm the reports of irregularites at Buchenwald but refused. See http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/trials/konradmorgen.html
Brainwashing Now
The Jews are making every effort to brainwash the US public to believe the holohoax, and holohoax education is now mandated in many states, starting in KINDERGARTEN, and continuing through all grades. The cover of the Florida manual for holohoax education for K-3 students is shown to the left. You can find the laws regarding holohoax education in your state at Beyond Our Walls: State Profiles on Holocaust Education
Excerpts from the truly sick Florida K-3 Holohoax Education Manual:
In the circles, write the following five words: smells, sights, touch, sounds, feelings. Ask them to write words that describe what they smell, see, touch, hear, and feel as a result of the danger. Encourage discussion after they share their sensory perceptions. Relate this information to situations where people fear for their lives, i.e. war, prejudice, violence, and abuse.
Ask students to assume the persona of an Ellis Island doctor, a translator, a new immigrant, a U.S. immigration officer, or a swindler, and tell about what they see, hear, smell, and touch at Ellis Island. ... Prejudice smells like? ... Also, have the students draw how they think prejudice looks, smells, and sounds.
1. Tell students to divide a paper into four sections. In one section write the word "fear." In the next section, write the word "courage." In the third section, write the word "plan," and in the last section, write the word "escape." Have students brainstorm and come up with as many ideas as possible that relate to the words. Allow five minutes for each category.
2. Tell students they are to think about how they would feel if they were in a dangerous situation. Ask them to draw five circles. In the circles, write the following five words: smells, sights, touch, sounds, feelings. Ask them to write words that describe what they smell, see, touch, hear, and feel as a result of the danger. Encourage discussion after they share their sensory perceptions. Relate this information to situations where people fear for their lives, i.e. war, prejudice, violence, and abuse.
3. Ask students to assume the persona of an Ellis Island doctor, a translator, a new immigrant, a U.S. immigration officer, or a swindler, and tell about what they see, hear, smell, and touch at Ellis Island.
8. Talk about the concept of being prejudice. Have the students describe prejudice. (See Unit 1-Page 16.) Also, have the students draw how they think prejudice looks, smells, and sounds.
Holohoax 102 - Holohoax Believe It, or Not
Holohoax 103 - Ripley's Annex
Holohoax 201 - Advanced Holohoax Studies
Holohoax 202 - Holohoax Consequences and Implications
Holohoax Videos
David Cole at Auschwitz - A video tour of Auschwitz and an interview with the museum director - this video revealed the Auschwitz gas chamber hoax to the world.
The Last Days of the Big Lie Lies, lies, and more lies, the bigger the better - Steven Spielberg chose the most convincing holohoax witnesses to make an Academy Award winning 'documentary' movie, it was vetted by Jewish academics and rabbis. See their absurd lies dissected one by one by Eric Hunt. Banned on YouTube - see on BitChute The Last Days of the Big Lie
Introduction to the Holohoax - The true provenance of the horrific holohoax photos/film documented. Mandatory.Banned on YouTube - see on BitChute Introduction to the Holohaox
Questioning the Holocaust - Why do people believe the holohoax? Mandatory.Banned on YouTube - see on BitChute Questioning the Holocaust
The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax - Documents the thousands of prisoners transited through Treblinka.Banned on YouTube - see on BitChute The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax
Interview with Auschwitz Kindengarten Teacher - Contains an interview with Dina Babbitt, who taught kindergarten at Auschwitz.Banned on YouTube - see on BitChute Auschwitz Kindengarten Teacher
David Irving reveals how Henry Morgenthau obtained US Govt. recognition of the HolocaustBanned on YouTube - see on BitChute David Irving reveals ...
Raul Hilberg's Stunning Admission - Dean of holohoax scholars admits there is no evidence linking Hitler to the Holohoax.
The Treblinka Archeology Hoax - Caroline Sturdy Colls Smithsonian Treblinka study exposed as a laughable fraud.Banned on YouTube - see on BitChute Ihe Treblinka Archeology Hoax
The Chemistry of Auschwitz - The results of chemical analyses of the walls of the hoax gas chambers.
Abraham Bomba, Barber of Treblinka - Bomba gave haircuts to naked women inside the gas chamber, and was featured in the movie 'Shoah'Banned on YouTube - see on BitChute Ihe Barber of Treblinka
Bomba is featured on the the USHMM web site : Abraham Bomba Describes Treblinka Gas Chambers
The Nordhausen Bombing - The 'Holocaust Victims' at Nordhausen were killed by Allied bombs.Banned on YouTube - see on BitChute The Nordhausen Bombing
PBS - Memory of the Camps -A British documentary, directed by Hitchcock and shelved for fifty years, this video documents the typhus epidemic at Belsen.
One Third of the Holocaust - A detailed look at the holohoax apart from Auschwitz, in the Reinhard camps.
Nazi Concentration and Prison Camps - This film was shown at the Nuremberg trial, complete with shrunken heads, soap made from Jewish fat, and human skin lampshades.
The USHMM lie - We Will Show You Their Own Films. "On November 29, 1945, only a week into the trial, the IMT prosecution introduced an hour-long film titled "The Nazi Concentration Camps." When the lights came up in the Palace of Justice all assembled sat in silence. The human impact of this visual evidence was a turning point in the Nuremberg trial. It brought the Holocaust into the courtroom. "
The reality - it was filmed after the war by the British/US.
The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, by Arthur Butz, Prof. at Northwestern University - this is the essential book. There are two aspects to the hoax, first, what did and did not happen to the Jews during WW II, and second, the phenomenal ongoing worldwide effort by the Jews to convince the world that ridiculous phantasmagoria actually happened. Butz's book addresses both aspects in great detail.
Night, by Elie Wiesel - Auschwitz phantasmagoria - "Deep down I was saying goodbye to my father, to the whole universe. My heart was about to burst. I was face to face with the Angel of Death. No, two steps from the pit we were ordered to turn left and herded into the barracks. I squeezed my father's hand. He said: 'Do you remember Madame Schacter, in the train?'"
A Year in Treblinka, by Yankel Weirnik - Treblinka phantasmagoria - "'freedom or death' was our motto ... the 'Hauptsturmfuehrer' treated us to rum and sausage. "
Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers, by Filip Mueller, just the first six pages will do - "the tea ... was stone cold"
Must reading - The Nuremberg Trials and the Holocaust, by Mark Weber
Smash the holohoax, print and distribute this flyer - holohoax101.pdf
Discuss the holohoax online - Committee for the Open Discussion of the Holocaust