
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Hugh Owen on Creation and War - By Ellen Finnigan

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 The average person, which includes me, doesn’t investigate these things much. We take it on faith that someone, somewhere, has looked into it, that there is some kind of consensus that “everyone” pretty much agrees on. This is The Science, which (we tend to assume) is honestly presented to us by the people who are hellbent on having the power to shape our perceptions of reality. There is a lot of faith involved in all of this! That’s why I am glad there are people like Hugh Owen who actually do look into it for themselves and seek to present, as fairly and objectively as possible, all evidence (insofar as it is possible) for and against certain theories. And there is nothing wrong with doing so “in light of the content of the deposit of faith.” Because as more and more people are beginning to see, it is not possible to remove faith from the equation. It’s just a matter of selecting, consciously or unconsciously, faith in what.