
Friday, June 28, 2024

Subscribe, Scan, and Stockpile - Vox Popoli

(DaSynagogue of Satan (DSOS) does not want you to know anything of history or true knowledge of anything - it is and always has been the task of true servants of God to write and keep the books and various forms of records in order to teach and educate future generations what they need to know to build and maintain a successful civilization.

BTW - have you noticed, especially over the last hundred years or so, how DSOS has obviously been successful in their continuing destruction of civilization, often with the full cooperation of churchianity - why so?
Who said: "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge!" Look it up - do your own research - it's in the Bible. It's not just for 'devotional reading' - whatever that means - it's history, knowledge and most of all, IT'S OUR INSTRUCTION BOOK!
That message applies to both - pulpit and pew - NO EXCUSES! - CL)

Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies predicts a Clown World campaign against books:

Soon, you will see a silent undertaking to destroy the last decentralized form of offline knowledge:


If the elites don’t do this, then these books will be turned into training AI about the true history of the last 2000 years.

I highly recommend a) subscribing to one of Castalia’s series, b) scanning any unique book to which you have access, and c) stockpiling both books and electronic texts. The latter should be in the simplest possible forms, either PDF or TXT format.

We are the monestaries for the 21st Century and beyond. The Zero Historians are coming to destroy all human knowledge and neither the atheists nor the agnostics are going to stop them. So it again falls to us.