
Friday, June 28, 2024

Was Feminism A Christian Idea? Satanic Feminism Part 3 REV. MATTHEW LITTLEFIELD


feminists protesting in the street done in 195-'s cartoon style

I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.

The Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 2:12-14

(Note, this series overlaps with my series on Equality, which I refer to at times in this series)

So far in our Satanic Feminism series we have looked at how the wicked wanted the West to change, and at part of the history of how they initiated this change. In doing so we took a brief look at the philosophical roots of the feminist movement, and where its inspiration about came equality from. I think from what we have established so far, you have to conclude that feminism was not inspired by Christianity, or by a faithful reading of the Scriptures. There is simply no scriptural grounds for such an ideology suggested by any of the history we have examined so far.

However, this needs to be argued more explicitly because one mistake a lot of modern conservatives or Christians make is seeing equality, and even early feminism, as an intrinsically Christian or biblical idea. This is exemplified in many arguments I have heard about feminism from conservative commentators all the way down to random conservatives on social media. It is one of those arguments that is parroted often without being examined. You may have even heard this kind of argument before: first wave feminism is good, second feminism is less reasonable, and third wave feminism, or intersectional feminism, has just gone beyond the pale. Here[1] is one version of this argument, and here[2] is another.

The justification for this line of reasoning is the argument that the first wave of feminism was just seeking to right a societal wrong, and successive forms of feminism took the ideas further, to the point of absurdity in its most recent forms. The underlying basis for this argument is that most people assume that equality is a good idea, and because first wave feminism has famously been associated with egalitarian impulses, like suffrage, many people are keen to affirm it, even if they realize it has gone too far in the end. Indeed, someone made this point to me on the day I originally began to write this, and I have heard it many times before and since.

To support this position a lot of conservatives like to note not just that first wave feminism was connected to suffrage, but also that it had a large evangelical presence in its ranks. It is important to recognize that we have grown up in the culture that was created by that movement. Most people, even most Christians, just assume that feminism was a noble cause at the start focused on a so-called benign force like equality, and it has just been hijacked by a world that has gone crazy. But there are some really big problems with this position.

First, this position assumes the Bible is concerned with advocating for equality. But it is not, as has been established in previous articles. Second, it assumes the move for equality has been good for the West, when it has not, it has slowly eroded every single one of the most important aspects of our society, the nation (people), the Church and the family. Third, it ignores all of the evidence that there were Satanic influences, indeed a Satanic foundation, behind the feminist movement from the beginning. This is not just my conclusion as a Baptist preacher, this has been historically documented by Per Faxneld in his work Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Women in Nineteenth-Century Culture.[3]  We discussed this in depth in part one and two  of this series.  

My contention in this series is very simple: feminism is not Christian, it is intrinsically anti-Christian and has been Satanic from the beginning. 

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