
Thursday, August 1, 2024

Of Two Minds - The Rollercoaster Ride Ahead: 15 Years of Extreme Distortions Will Be Unwound

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For 15 years, extreme policies have steadily dragged the economy and the wealthy higher. Now we’re finally at the top of the rollercoaster, so hang on, the ride gets “fun” from here to the bottom. Stripped of normalcy bias, the distortions of hyper-financialization and fraud finally caught up with the global financial system in 2008. The wealthy refused to accept any losses of their immense winnings at the rigged casino and so we’ve been living on debt and a Federal Reserve-engineered “wealth effect” that enriched the top 10% at the expense of the bottom 90% and systemic stability.

That’s the US economy stripped of artifice, propaganda and deception. Whether we “like” it or not, or “disagree” or not doesn’t change what’s ahead, which is a complete unwinding of all the extremes and distortions.

Here's the preview......