
Friday, August 9, 2024

Where are our church leaders? by Chuck Baldwin

And still hardly anyone in Christian leadership has the courage to risk even the smallest things to stand up and tell the truth—the truth about the Covid narrative, the truth about Ukraine, the truth about Zionism, the truth about AIPAC, the truth about Cyrus Scofield and the “Rapture” cult he created, the truth about America’s warfare state or the truth about America’s plunge into spiritual idolatry.

“Why are church leaders so timid?” you ask. There are many reasons, but I believe the biggest one is a desire to make their preaching palatable and pleasing to men—even the most carnal of men. Read the preaching of the Early Church apostles and leaders in the Book of Acts. Read their sermons. Then after reading the preaching in the Book of Acts, listen to the preaching of the average pastor in America today. You’ll quickly see the giant chasm that exists between the preaching in the New Testament and the preaching in modern pulpits.

In his commentary on Acts 12, Matthew Henry summed up the glaring weakness in America today in one sentence:

Those make themselves an easy prey to Satan who make it their business to please men.

If America’s pastors were more concerned about telling the truth and less concerned about ingratiating themselves with the Republican Party, we wouldn’t have to worry about political parties.

I tell you, folks: It’s getting harder and harder to write these columns.

I’m watching my country—including the pastors and Christians in my country—embrace and endorse the genocidal mass murder of an entire people. I’m watching my country—including the pastors and Christians in my country—salivate and cheer for war (even nuclear war) with Russia. I watched my country—including the pastors and Christians in my country—enforce a medical tyranny upon its citizens that has resulted in untold damage and death, including a record number of deaths among our most innocent, precious little ones.

As I read the report above, I was reminded of the words of Christ as recorded by Dr. Luke:

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. (Luke 17:2)

I wonder if, in the great universe of God’s omnipotent recompense, the record number of America’s infants dying in their cribs is divinely commensurate to the record number of Palestinian babies America has killed by supplying Israel with the bombs and missiles used to murder those precious little ones.

Infant Deaths Surge To Record High Since Covid Vax RolloutBy Chuck Baldwin

August 8, 2024

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Almost everyone notices the gigantic uptick of young, healthy adults in the prime of life falling dead. Almost everyone notices, but almost no one wants to connect the dots. Now we read the statistics regarding the record numbers of infants who are unexpectedly dying.