
Friday, August 23, 2024

Russia China and Iran Are Being Patient…By Alasdair Macleod

(DaSynagogue of Satan = Clown World - is in the process of destroying itself - and us ordinary folks in the West at the same time - however, and if we're lucky, there is a way out of this if us ordinary folks start paying attention to what's going on in the world before DSOS/CW pulls down the curtain of humanity with them. - CL)

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It amounts to an open goal for Russia. But aside from financial war considerations, it is in her clear economic interests to introduce a gold standard as soon as possible.

Not only does a proper gold exchange standard stabilise domestic prices, but because stable prices permit interest rates to decline from their current high levels, economic conditions would improve substantially. Bank credit can expand without fuelling price inflation, always making the reasonable assumption that it doesn’t finance excess government and consumer spending.

Importantly, a Russian gold standard would call time on the entire global fiat currency system and the dollar itself. It would force the US Government to face up to the sheer cost of its defence budget and its attempts to defeat Russia. It would be the final nail in the coffin of American imperialism.