
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

A two-tiered system of justice - guess which you're on!

 Explain It To Me Like I'm Six

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.... specifically, this report.

We will not tolerate a two-tiered system of justice, one for the wealthy and politically connected, and one for everyone else,” said House Committee on Ways and Means Jason Smith (R-Mo.).

Oh really?

Well, where are the articles of impeachment?

Read full text: 

Tell me how these problems are remedied by "voting" given that there are no articles impeachment attached to the first and neither party has done the second across roughly seven decades and in fact the Congress won't even zero the appropriations of every single involved agency and entity, which they have the absolute power to do, and further they can do so and refuse to take up any other action until and unless that is confirmed by the Senate and accepted by the Administration.  As the power of the purse and legislative calendar rest specifically and exclusively in the hands of Congress there is no means for the Administration to override or preempt any of that.

What peaceful option remains to address this sort of looting at the direct expense of the United States for the benefit of foreign interests and the current President and his family when both parties do nothing more than issue 200-page reports, never mind the wild-eyed escalation of housing, food and other costs caused directly by the 20 million illegals competing for limited resources?

Is there one?