
Tuesday, September 3, 2024

How Feminism Will Finally End - by Ned Kelly

 Female psychology and social media will combine for some interesting consequences

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Between 1950 and 1970 women flooded into the western work force. This occurred for many reasons, but chief among them was corporate propaganda and a general dissatisfaction with life that women were experiencing at the time. To properly understand the flaws of modern feminism and its apocalyptic consequences [not being hyperbolic there], it is necessary to examine the original impetus for it.

Feminism in its modern form exists due to two primary driving influences.

  • The boredom of housewives in the 1950s and 1960s

  • A corporate interest in doubling the workforce thereby halving pay for workers

Both are coming to a head as feminism in its modern form has been nothing but detrimental for the general population. Women’s empowerment became a trade of slaving away in for your family to slaving away for your boss in the corporate office. The contract between genders has effectively been scrapped and women are suffering from severe mental illness while many men have given up on relationships entirely.

Feminist ideology has been evil from the very start, but the fruits of its destruction are now plainly visible to every one. Thus, we are going to examine in this article how it is that the ideology of feminism will eventually die.

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