
Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Ukraine Sacrifice – Kursk Invasion Hastens Ukraine Defeat, Boris Johnson’s Disastrous Legacy, War Crimes in Kursk - LewRockwell

(DaFruits of DaSynagogue of Satan! Is America next? That's us folks! - CL)

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Up to a million Ukrainians are now killed or wounded in the futile war. The 20 year long attack on Ukraine by the West, overturning elected governments, using the country as a battering ram to bring about “regime change in Moscow” and “break up Russia” has been a catastrophe for the people of Ukraine.

The country’s infrastructure and energy installations are largely destroyed, the valuable minerals and industrial base in the East have been lost, millions have fled the country, the youth is being destroyed on the battlefields, the birth rate is catastrophic and corruption is rife. In the history books this period should be known as “the Ukraine Sacrifice”. A sacrifice on the altar of US neocon imperial ideas, German Europe’s “Push to the East” and a decadent British political class (without public support) surrendering to Russophobia and leading the rhetorical charge.How the West Brought W...Abelow, BenjaminBest Price: $4.98Buy New $9.99(as of 07:00 UTC - Details)

On September 1st, the 500,000th Ukrainian soldier’s obituary was published in Ukraine. At least that number have in addition been wounded or are missing. The battlefields are notoriously covered with un-retrieved corpses, images of which never of course appear in western media, although recently the American Washington Post reporting on a video from a cemetery in Kharkov, quoted a Polish journalist:

 “It seems that there are twice as many graves of killed soldiers as there were… exactly a year ago.”