
Sunday, September 1, 2024

How Do You Explain This? By L. Reichard White

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The details of Milgram’s experiments are fascinating; but the upshot is that six out of every ten human beings will kill you if told to do so by a person they perceive as being in authority over them. They may have a great many qualms about it, and exhibit a tremendous inner resistance to it -the traumatizing effects on the participants was the excuse given for declaring such experiments “unethical” by the psychological community- but six out of ten will still do it, and so there is really little need to “wonder” about the Nazis or the Soviets any longer. –Hank Parnell, Forbidden Fruits of the Tree of Knowledge

And like this for example, a little closer to home – – –

“For what concerns me in this inquiry is not the public image of Anglo-American idealism that was shattered by the Dresden raid, but the crime against humanity which was perpetrated. That it was decided to bomb a city of no military value simply in order to impress Stalin. That a fire storm was deliberately created in order to kill as many people as possible, and that the survivors were machine-gunned as they lay helpless in the open –all this has been established without a shadow of a doubt. What remains is to ask how decent, civilized politicians enthusiastically approved such mass murder and decent, civilized servicemen conscientiously carried it out.” –R.H.S. Crossman, Apocalpse at Dresden, Esquire, November 1963

This was followed up by nuking Hiroshima and, three days later, Nagasaki. As five-star general and U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower nailed it, “…the Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing.”