From tiny acorns, mighty oaks that grow;
The woodsman cuts and the cooper shapes,
The woodsman cuts and the cooper shapes,
Those magic barrels which will hold
The nectar of the gods and angels.
And those charred and wooden hulls,
Contain for a time, a time and a half, or
As the Master Distiller decides in His good time -
When the drink is ready for prime time! – Crush Limbraw
The nectar of the gods and angels.
And those charred and wooden hulls,
Contain for a time, a time and a half, or
As the Master Distiller decides in His good time -
When the drink is ready for prime time! – Crush Limbraw
This picture from inside the ruins of Notre Dame Cathedral is an apt metaphor for the current state of the West. Postchristian modernism, Churchianity, and "Judeo-Christianity" has burned down our structures, our organizations, our countries, and even our families. But the faith remains, and from that seed more mighty oaks will grow.