The core belief of the
Establishment is the central state should run everything.
If you're an Establishment insider, the mainstream media will give
you plenty of column inches and airtime to label Donald Trump a
"dangerous" fascist: for example, Democratic
insider Robert Reich's fear-mongering frenzy Donald Trump is a 21st century
American fascist, in which Reich conveniently overlooks
constitutional limits on any president, "fascist" or not.
(Full text at link below)
The core belief of the Establishment is the central state should
run everything: the state should run the mortgage industry (hey, it does--95% of
all mortgages are government-backed or guaranteed); it should run the financial
system via setting interest rates, buying bonds and other assets and bailing
out/protecting private banks (hey, it does--thank you, Federal Reserve); it
should control higher education (the central state not only funds the higher
education cartel, it also owns most of the $1.4 trillion in student loan debt);
it should control the economy via protecting and enforcing favored monopolies
and cartels, and of course the state needs to track any domestic
"threats" via surveillance and suppress any resistance to its power
by force, media attacks, lawsuits, IRS investigations, social-media smear
campaigns, etc.--which is precisely what the U.S. central state's toadies,
lackeys, apparatchiks, thugs, bought-off media hacks, et al. do.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is fascism, and that's the
Establishment's America. No wonder central-state lackeys like Reich
have unleashed frantic attacks against Trump and Sanders--they fear their
fascist paradise of central-state-cartel-capitalism might somehow be
And like all fascists and fascist states, they over-react to any
threats to their power. This over-reaction eventually backfires, for it reveals
the true nature of their loyalties and their project: that there is an endless
need for more state regulations, controls, programs, guarantees and promises
that all will be better as long as you cede control of everything that
matters to the state. You are of course still "free" to choose
your breakfast cereal and which outpost of the Ministry of Propaganda you wish to
view/read/listen to.

The carrot dangled by the fascist state is always the same: there
is a free lunch for everyone who cedes control over their lives to the state.
For corporations, the free lunch is a quasi-monopoly; for debt-serfs, new
programs that erase their debts (i.e. transfer them to others), and for everyone,
more entitlements, up to the Nirvana of the fascist state, Guaranteed Minimum
Income for all.
The tragic irony is, as we all know, there is no free lunch. The
central state generates the illusion there is a free lunch to institutionalize
the dominance of the wealthy and powerful and institutionalize serfdom for
everyone else.