
Friday, January 31, 2025

On the DCA Crash - by Karl Denninger

(If this read doesn't piss you might explain pretty much why this country has no hope.....when its own citizens are apathetic to actual incompetence caused by deliberate tolerance of it in the name of DEI.

It's been only two days...and the evidence already makes the event stink to high heaven. From here on, most of the official sources will now go into full CYA mode......guaranteed! - CL)

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When you add to this not having proper staffing which we can charge directly to the FAA as they have a decade-long reported refusal to hire thousands of qualified white people for the job -- a refusal that is illegal since discriminating based on race is against the law and you have all the ingredients -- even if the controller is competent he or she was deliberately overworked by those who assigned the shifts.  While that specific decision was overturned in 2018 how far behind are you after five years and why would qualified people want to work for an agency with a documented history, proved by lawsuit, that you will discriminate against them?  Never mind the FAA's rather obvious and deliberate lie that they had met staffing goals just a few months ago.

Again safety-critical systems require at least two ****ups for a bad outcome to occur and this is intentional because people do **** up -- thus one ****up is never enough in a properly-designed safety system to get people killed.

The bottom line is that while it is clear the helo flew into the path of the aircraft and thus that is the actual cause of the collision what is also clear is that ATC had the corridor violation on their scope a full minute before the collision and a conflict alert 40 seconds before.  The presence of an aircraft outside of its known safe corridor is hard proof that the operator of that aircraft has lost situational awareness and that renders the risks unbounded.

There is exactly one correct course of action upon detection of that condition and incapacity to immediately rectify it: You order the aircraft on approach to go around and turn away from the conflict as that is the only reasonably-safe known path available since the helo pilot has conclusively demonstrated he or she does not know where they are.  Chew the helo pilot's ass afterward but you must immediately clear the conflict and thus restore the boundaries on risk by instructing the aircraft who's pilot knows where he is to do so.

That is always the correct decision -- this is not Monday-morning quarterback crap.  The person who has demonstrated lost situational awareness (irrespective of why) cannot be expected to accurately honor the command and since you have the other party at risk who has demonstrated to that point their competence and knowledge of where they are and a de-conflicting command can be given to them that will resolve the issue you issue the de-conflicting command to them.  There was plenty of time to do so from the point in time ATC was aware of a no-prior-notice excursion from the authorized flight corridor by the helo and that option was still effective even if you wait the additional 20 seconds (but IMHO you definitely should not) until the conflict alarm is formally posted by the ATC system.

We must demand that the root cause be publicly disclosed and remedied with criminal penalties for all involved who took deliberate actions leading to it, when the systems in place DID apparently give plenty of warning as designed and said system and its warnings was not executed against and thus the collision prevented.  Again it takes at least two ****-ups in safety-critical systems for a bad outcome to occur and we know the machinery, given that Rep. Massie has now validated the track data as true and not a fabrication, operated exactly as designed with plenty of margin and clear, unambiguous, no-clutter warning in plenty of time to prevent the collision and hard evidence visible to the controller that the helo was above the ceiling for its corridor and thus by definition operating unsafely, had thus unbounded the risk of flight in the area and was at risk of collision with another aircraft -- per the designed layout for that airspace.

We must not accept any sort of excuse-making for this event and its outcome.  If DEI crap is in any way responsible for this, and it certainly appears it was a factor AS THE FAA REFUSED TO HIRE QUALIFIED PEOPLE BASED ON THEIR RACE GOING BACK MORE THAN A DECADE every single ****ing person involved in that **** all the way up the line must HANG personally.

Of Two Minds - The AI Fad Just Burned to the Waterline

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As I've noted before, when the tools and techniques are freely available to all, there's no scarcity value to any of it. And with no scarcity value--no value proposition so mighty that people will pay a premium for it--then profits are thin to zero.

The "smart money" has noted the AI fad has burned to the waterline, and has been frantically assuring "dumb money" that the stock market bubble is still intact and poised to bubble higher, so there's no reason to sell, and every reason to "buy the dip" so the "smart money" can sell, sell, sell near the top and let the "dumb money" absorb the coming 80% decline as a fad that was poorly conceived from the start has burned to the waterline, and the tiniest wave will send it to the bottom.

The "safe bet" was on heavily moated tech behemoths dumping billions of dollars into the "competitive advantage" of energy-ravenous processing power. That "safe bet" is now in Davy Jones' Locker. The reality that "AI has no revenues and no profits" is lingering above the burned-out hulk as a haze of doubt and confusion.

What's the next fad? Stay tuned. It might just be a retro revival of the time-tested fad for cost-cutting and "return to basics," starting with mass layoffs and slashing capex budgets.

Who Owns the Media? - By Michael Snyder

There Are 6 Monolithic Corporations That Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear And Read

We live in a society that is literally addicted to consuming media content.  Unfortunately, control of that content is dominated by just a handful of ultra-powerful corporations.  Back in 1983, the media industry was controlled by a group of about 50 large companies.  Today, the media industry is controlled by just 6 gigantic corporations.  They own  television networks, streaming services, cable channels, movie studios,  newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels and even many of our favorite websites.  Sadly, most of us don’t ever stop to think about who is feeding us the endless hours of news, sports and entertainment that we constantly ingest.  But we should.  The truth is that each of us is tremendously influenced by the messages that are constantly being poured into our heads.  We are addicted to the “programming”, and we just keep coming back for more.  Most of us spend multiple hours each day consuming media content, and many of us actually begin to feel physically uncomfortable if we go too long without watching or listening to something.

The Liberal Media Indu...Dice, MarkBest Price: $15.35Buy New $16.16(as of 04:46 UTC - Details)The six corporations that collectively control the media industry are Disney, Time Warner, National Amusements, News Corporation, Comcast and Sony.  Collectively, the “big six” absolutely dominate news and entertainment in the United States.  If the “big six” were a country, they would have the 26th largest GDP in the world.  But even those areas of the media that the “big six” do not completely control are becoming increasingly concentrated.  For example, iHeartMedia now owns over 1,200 radio stations in the United States, and companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook are increasingly dominating the Internet.

When you control what Americans watch, hear and read, you acquire a great deal of influence over what they think.

The content that they produce for us is called “programming” for a reason.

The power to shape our culture is the power to alter the future of our society.  We have witnessed seismic cultural shifts in recent decades, and the media industry has been the driving force behind many of those shifts.

These gigantic media conglomerates are much larger than most people realize.  Below, I have listed just a sampling of some of the media properties that are owned and controlled by the “big six”…

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Coming Forward - by John Samson - Uncle John’s Substack

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Sometimes insight comes from your own experience. It’s a hard truth that preconscious imprinting is almost impossible to change. But self-awareness identifies unhelpful impulses and allows them to be managed. A big one for me is a mildly pathological reaction to being blocked or prevented from doing what I consider important. It’s not over until you say it is as life motto. The managing part is curbing irrational aggression where inappropriate. And the insight is the practical value of not giving up. Or, when emotionally disciplined, coming forward.

Disciplined doesn’t mean rigid. It means clear purpose that guides actions in the moment. “Forward” is a directional word. It implies movement from one place towards another. Which implies going somewhere. 

Recession Watch: Did the Everything Bubble Just Pop?

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History teaches that the biggest imbalances are resolved in the most violent ways. If trillions of real estate and AI spending turn out to be “malinvestment,” the ride down to intrinsic value will be epic.

Luther: We Pray For Trivial Things And Neglect God’s Majesty

 We too are in the habit of praying for trivial and insignificant things. When we pray, we don’t take into account the great majesty of God. If God wanted to give us only petty and superficial things, he wouldn’t have given us such a magnificent model for prayer: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come . . .” God has plenty of resources, and he’s not a tightwad. He generously offers us the best gifts available in heaven and on earth. He expects that we will ask him for many things and that we will sincerely believe we will get what we request. When we receive what we ask for in the Lord’s Prayer, we are, in effect, receiving heaven and earth and everything they contain. For when we ask for God’s name to be kept holy, for his kingdom to come, and for his will to be done, we are overpowering countless devils and engulfing the whole world with one prayer.

Martin Luther | Faith Alone: A Daily Devotional (Kindle Edition), 27.

The Life and Public Assassination of President John F. Kennedy – Edward Curtin

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Five years after JFK’s assassination, we would learn, to our chagrin and his glory, that the president’s younger brother, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, equally brave and unintimidated, would take a bullet to the back of his head in 1968 as he was on his way to the presidency and the pursuit of his brother’s killers. The same cowards struck again.

Their successors still run the country and must be stopped.

Confirmed: Vaccination Causes Autism - Vox Popoli

(REALITY - a state of mind which few of us are willing to acknowledge! - CL)

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It was always obvious that childhood vaccines cause both a) SIDS and b) autism. There are almost certainly a whole host of other adverse effects, but those are the two concerning which the pharmaceutical industry, corrupt scientists, guilty parents, and grieving relatives have been most heavily in denial. And it was always inevitable that the industry’s greed, and the expanding vaccine program, would eventually reveal the truth of the causal relationship between the vaccines and the adverse effects.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Sally McNeil: Tragic Lessons from the Life of a Coal Burner, by Ambrose Kane - The Unz Review - (when racial woke-ism meets REALITY)

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These same white women utterly devalue themselves by pursuing black men, and they throw away their precious European genes to produce mongrel children who often don’t quite fit into either black society/culture or white society/culture. The threat that miscegenation poses to the future of European whites staggers the mind when one stops to think about it.......

.......Whites may claim to not be bothered by such unions, but I’m inclined to believe that such opinions are more the result of propaganda and the suppression of what they really think. No westerner wants to look like a bigot to others even though inwardly they may harbor what is considered by society to be bigoted opinions. We are all inclined to restrain ourselves from expressing what we really think or feel about such racial unions because we know the consequences for doing so.

Yet it doesn’t detract from the reality that most whites are not inclined to pursue a racially mixed marriage or relationship unless there is tremendous social and cultural pressure placed on them to do so. It doesn’t come easy, and this may explain why Hollywood and every media outlet does all in its power to glorify race mixing. They’re not content with suggesting it nor speaking in glowing terms of its virtues. No, they must constantly confront whites with it. Every television commercial must portray a racially mixed couple. The benefits of miscegenation must be extolled continually. Black and white unions must be ‘celebrated’ and universally deemed as ‘perfectly normal.’ Whites who choose to do otherwise and prefer those of their own race are labeled ‘xenophobic’ or ‘white supremacist.’ The Left must guilt and shame every last white person who fails to comply.

The push toward miscegenation isn’t a recent thing either. It can be traced to at least the 1967 film, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, starring Sidney Poitier, Katherine Hepburn, and Spencer Tracy........

......Finally, there is an entire set of unique problems that producing racially mixed children brings. Offspring from a black and white couple tend to be racially confused as they grow older, especially in their later teens as they try to figure out just who they are. As mulattos, they don’t quite fit into either a black or white racial paradigm. Often, they feel inferior or inauthentic. Though they tend to favor their ‘black side’ in terms of culture, music or personal identity, they are not always seen as ‘truly black’ by their black peers. This often results in a mission to prove their ‘blackness’ which may explain why mulattos are seemingly always out to show to their racial kin that they’re ‘down for the cause.’ Many of them turn out to be radically pro-black and determined to prove that they’re the ‘blackest’ of the blacks. I’m not a psychologist, but it sure smacks of some kind of identity crisis that they’re undergoing.

The Release of DeepSeek AI Humiliates Western Companies and Forces Americans to See the Superiority of China – Daily Stormer

 Would it not be better to reflect on why and how China has become so much better than America and to change course, so that America has a place in the future world that is now emerging? The administration of Donald Trump offers opportunities to change things. These opportunities might not be huge, but they present a challenge to the established norms of liberalism.

China doesn’t want a war with the United States. They want cooperation and healthy competition. The US agenda to confront and somehow overpower China with military force is destined to fail for the same reasons that US attempts to overpower China in the tech sector have failed in such a humiliating fashion.

The future is open for us. We need to reverse course. We need to end this project of liberalism, to end this obsession with women, homosexuals, and brown people. We need to return to the values that made European civilization great in the first place, which are rooted in the Christian concept of man as a creation of the divine, rather than as economic units.

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