(Trump in a nutshell - he's a consummate actor - playing the role of the image in his mind of what he perceives a leader should project to his audience. However, he does understand leverage - the ability to hold someone accountable for their actions - in other words, he recognizes the power of threats that are real and over which he has control. I'm sure he also understands the CIA leverage on him - thus insuring their existence and growth.
Leverage is non-existent with his trusting MAGA supporters - there's nothing he has to do to maintain their support - NADA. That's where the problem lies - if that MAGA crowd had any strategic brain cells, they would hold him to account simply by informing him up front, regularly and persistently by saying this: "Mr. President -you have been presented with the opportunity to be the greatest president ever.....or preside over the collapse of America. We were promised MAGA - we have your cojones in our wine press and we can start pressing anytime you wander off course - IT'S YOUR CHOICE, SIR!" - CL)
Read full text:
https://www.lewrockwell.com/2025/01/karen-kwiatkowski/seven-lessons-trump-learned-incompletely/ Trump sees personal enemies rather than systemic adversaries, considers state power at home and abroad a “national good” and believes the government debt Ponzi scheme is upright and honorable. He seeks to build out the nation and its influence when his voters passionately demanded he break down the state, and let freedom reign. The lessons Mr. Trump has misunderstood, misremembered and completely failed all lead to more state power, less freedom, and ultimately more economic and military war – foisted energetically on the populist voters who elected him, and everyone else.