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Remember, we've been told that we're the hottest we've ever been in the Holocene -- that is, ignoring the period of the dinosaurs and similar which perhaps is reasonable and perhaps not, but all of the claims that we're "ruining" the climate rest on the premise that what we're seeing now has never happened before in the time when the landmass we inhabit today has been where it is, and geologically the Earth has not materially changed.
That's been a lie and these folks just documented it.
You see, there were only about 10-15 million humans across the entire planet during that period of time. The exact number is subject to quite a bit of debate and variation, but that's the general range, and there was of course no industry, no use of carbon fuels beyond burning wood for heat and cooking purposes, and there simply weren't enough humans on the planet, especially in the Rocky Mountains, to have any impact on the climate at all.
So if that warmer period of time occurred, and the evidence is that it did since the formerly-buried trees are there, and at present they can't grow there as it isn't warm enough we are forced to conclude that the claim that the current climate and temperature is "unprecedented" is a LIE.
And since we did not, obviously, cause it then because it was simply impossible for us to do so, the premise that we are causing it now is falsified since that premise rests on the claim, repeated since the so-called "Global Warming" crap was first run, that it has never occurred in the history of the planet when humans have walked upon it.
In other words the claims are lies.
Those who seek to use a natural phenomena as a means of enriching themselves are no different than the witch-doctors who insisted early humans throw someone's virgin daughter into a volcano to prevent it from erupting.
Had the people of the time realized they were being scammed they would have killed and eaten the witch-doctor.
Proof is now on the table you've been scammed.