
Sunday, January 26, 2025

Unravelling the mystery of war, by Israel Shamir - The Unz Review

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At the same time, in Russia electricity production per capita has increased by 35-40%, while in China – by a whole 135%, with no sign of saturation in its growth curve.

Therefore, while US policy has managed to stall and even contract the real EU economy, the contraction in the US is even bigger. At the same time, the second most important competitor of the USA, China, is steaming ahead. While China declares no intention to challenge the dollar, in geopolitics, it is not the intention but the capability that matters. If China were in a position to crash the US dollar and thus the US economy, it wouldn’t need to do so to gain global superiority. A simple threat of such an action would make the US docile.

This situation must have led to some serious soul-searching among the US elite as they look for a solution to this crisis. Otherwise, the US will find itself in a death economic spiral, having to incur more and more debt (nearly three trillion USD for 2024) just to keep the economy afloat while projecting fake optimism to the outside world.