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Forget Western civilization. When did the Jews ever having anything to do with any civilization? They’re literally still a nomadic tribe! Did they invent it when they were enslaved for four centuries in Egypt? When ten of the 12 tribes were carried off by the Assyrians? Or perhaps they invented it in Babylon while they were enslaved there? I don’t suppose they could have done it when they were being ruled by the Medo-Persians or by Rome.
If we are to take their historic claims to the land of Israel by right of conquering the Canaanites seriously, then they’ve never been part of Western civilization at all, let alone responsible for any part of its invention. The fact that this historic land is in the Middle EAST would be the first clue there.
But Joel Berry does provide us with the useful service of conclusively disproving the ridiculous 115 average IQ claim. The amusing thing is that these historical illiterates who take the Straussian Athens + Jerusalem metaphor literally don’t realize that it’s simply a metaphor that refers to Western philosophy and religion, not the actual cities or their historic residents.