Some 'Ancient' History – the 20th Century – the Progressive Utopian Dream!
World War 1 - Both Military and Civilian
Deaths: 16.5
Wounded: 20
Total WW1
Casualties: 35 million +
World War 2 - Both Military and Civilian
An estimated
total of 70–85 million people perished.
The above
are estimates – so give or take a million. But as our old friend and
philosopher Josef Stalin said: One death is a tragedy – millions
are a statistic!
Recent History
impending future – why? - “As
we have previously found, the US public exhibits only limited aversion to
nuclear weapons use and a shocking willingness to support the killing of enemy
civilians,” write the report’s authors
Reality - A war with North Korea could result in about 10,000
American combat-related casualties in the first few days alone, according to US
military planners.
Our Leadership Sane? - The United States military has
decided that the only chance it has of maintaining a stranglehold over its
empire is to actively contemplate the scenarios and situations in which it
should deploy the use of nuclear weapons.
Would Happen If…….. - How a war between Russia and the
US would kill 34 MILLION in hours: Horrific simulation shows countries obliterated
by carpet of atomic bombs - By IAN RANDALL (Text only)
“You may not be interested in war, but
war is interested in you.”― Leon Trotsky
Yes, mentoring
is hard – and it is serious! So now what?
Might be a
good time to review: Who Wants
Next time? ‘As in the days of Noah………..’