In this series, we will look at different chapters of Charles A. Wiseman’s book Who Is Esau-Edom? — which posits the idea that today’s Jews fit all the characteristics of Esau-Edom, the eternal antagonists of the true Israelite people in the Bible.
It should be noted that Wiseman does not ascribe to the “two seedline” doctrine — that the Jews and their minions are the literal bloodline descendants of Satan as the result of a sexual union with Eve in the Garden of Eden — and/or from sexual congress between the “sons of God” and the “daughters of Man” in Genesis 6.
You can read Wiseman’s refutation of this theory in his book, What About The Seedline Doctrine: A Biblical Examination and Explanation of the Cain-Satanic Seedline Doctrine.
We also wrote essays questioning this doctrine — Edom In the Old and New Testaments — and Edom In the Prophecy of Malachai — and Was Esau A Fornicator? What we would concede, however, is that within the bloodline of Esau-Edom — though not specified in scripture — there most certainly was some race mixing over time — as was true of all the Genesis 10 nations. We can merely speculate, based on extra-biblical evidence, what became of that mixed remnant of Esau — as surely Wiseman does here.
In fact, Wiseman does argue that today’s Jews are the literal descendants of Esau-Edom — as opposed to Judah — through Jacob-Israel — whom they falsely claim as their tribal patriarch.
Whether nor not the Jews are the literal descendants of this Edomite tribe is debatable — however, what is clear, as Wiseman makes the case, is that today’s Jews fit all the spiritual and supernatural characteristics of Esau-Edom — as the eternal antagonists of the Israelite people.
Of course, today’s Jews — especially rabbinical Jews — view the White Christian race as their enemies and often refer to us as “Edom” or “Amalek” — they’ve used these epithets against the Romans and the Germans in World War II — and now against all of White Christendom — pejoratively also referred to as “the goyim” — dumb cattle deserving to be enslaved and slaughtered.
In the Bible, the “goyim” or “nations” — often mistranslated as “gentiles” — has no such negative connotation per se — in fact, there are instances where “the nations” also refer to the Israelite tribes themselves.
However, today’s Jews — by their own admission — are “strictly speaking” not real Hebrews or Israelites — and if they are not Israelites, then Esau-Edom cannot be their sworn enemies.
As we have demonstrated, we can find the true remnant of the Israelite people among Christendom — Europeans of White Christians — who are descendants of the ten “lost” northern tribes of Israel — the heirs of the promises to Abraham — who migrated up in to Europe after the Assyrian captivity and became known as the Scythians, Celts, Goths, Welsh-Cymry, and kindred peoples.
And it’s not difficult to identify the people who — for the last 2,000 years — have dwelled in Christian Europe and been our constant subverters and destroyers — and deniers of our faith and promised Messiah. As the Jew Bernard Lazare admitted:
“The Jew is not satisfied with de-Christianizing — he Judaizes — he destroys the Catholic or Protestant faith — he provokes indifference, but he imposes his idea of the world of morals and of life upon those whose faith he ruins. He works at his age-old task — the annihilation of the religion of Christ.”
—Benard Lazare, L’Antisemitism, p. 350; Rabbi Benamozegh, as quoted in J. Creagh Scott’s Hidden Government, page 58).
We would surely expect that Esau-Edom would deny the promised Messiah of Israel, Jesus Christ — and instead claim that the “real” messiah — or “moshiach” — of the Jewish people will be an earthly rabbi who will rule the world from an ersatz reconstructed “third temple” in Jerusalem — where they can reinstitute their empty rituals and blood sacrifices.
With all this in mind, we will now look at Charles Wiseman’s chapter on the conflict between Talmudic Jews and Biblical Christian-Israel — and how this conflict reflects the promised conflict between Esau-Edom and Jacob-Israel.
Wiseman writes,
Jews vs. Christians
God has written a Script for the world which identifies the two main characters who would be involved in an age-long struggle or conflict-that being Esau and Jacob. This is a constant theme throughout the Script — so let’s look at the Script and see what it has to say about them.
Toward the beginning of God’s Script (the Bible), we read of the character Esau making his first appearance on stage, as he is being born to Rebekah and Isaac along with his twin brother Jacob. The scene opens with Isaac’s request to God on behalf of his wife:
21 And Isaac prayed to the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the Lord answered him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.
Genesis 25:21-23
22 And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to inquire of the LORD.
23 And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people, and the elder shall serve the younger.
Here we find that this conflicting and antagonistic relationship between these two characters — Jacob and Esau — was ordained by God even before their birth. Rebekah was barren, and it was God who had allowed her to conceive, forming Esau and Jacob in the womb along with their unique and differing characteristics. God purposely made these two characters different and contrary to one another.
The contrasting differences between Esau and Jacob were represented by their struggle or conflict in their mother’s womb. This was to set the stage for generations of conflict and antagonism between Esau and Jacob who were regarded by God as two different nations or racial groups (some translations say, “two rival races”).
They thus were to be separate peoples, each with their own separate character, roles and and destinies — “two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels.“ Their struggle also represents the struggle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world.
Here then we find the primary origin and source of world conflicts, international strife, conspiracies, revolutions, and political upheavals. This conflict and struggle was a characteristic that was to exist between the descendants of Esau and Jacob — that is to say, a permanent and continuing conflict between “two nations” or races of people. This then brings the matter within the scope of International Law — and our conflicts today lie within this international sphere. So strong is this theme that it becomes a principle itself.
Throughout the Bible the nations of Edom and Israel were in conflict with one another. The struggle between Esau and Jacob in the womb was thus a sign of what was to come in the world on an international level. It was to set the stage for a continued conflict between the ideologies, laws, philosophies, governments, religion, and status of the descendants of these two characters.
The evidences of the God-ordained conflict and struggle between Esau and Jacob can be followed down through history to the present times. World conflicts, wars, persecutions, and social struggles are a result of two different systems generated by the two different peoples (nations) descended from Esau and Jacob.
While there are differences among any two races or nations, among no other two has such an antagonistic and conflicting relationship existed as between the Jews and the white Christian people. Throughout history these two peoples have been at odds with one another — their manner of law, government, religion, and ideologies are diametrically opposite to one another. It is an ancient conflict between the ancient adversaries of Esau (Jews) and Jacob (white Christians).
The connection between the white race and Christianity — and the Jews with Judaism — is universally recognized. Judaism — or the religion of the Jews as expressed in their Talmud — is contrary to the precepts of the Christian Bible. What the Bible approves of the Talmud disapproves of — and what the Bible prohibits, the Talmud allows in some form. The following table bears witness to this:

Hundreds of such contrasting illustrations could easily be presented to further prove that Judaism and the Jewish Talmud are opposite and antagonistic to the Bible and Christianity, just as Esau and Jacob were. This exposes the false notion that Christianity was derived from Judaism — and nullifies the term “Judeo-Christian.”
The Talmud teaches the opposite laws and principles from that of the Bible. Even where a sound and well-recognized moral law of God is concerned, the Talmud in every instance tries to find some exception to it. The exception, deviation or modification is then justified by the words and teaching of some ancient rabbi or the “Sages” as they are called in the Talmud. The Talmud is not a book of Godly morals or virtuous ethics — but rather is replete with perversion and teachings of sexual debauchery.
[Note: In1923, Dr. Alfred Luzsenzsky, who had translated the Talmud into Hungarian (in 1910), was charged, by order of the public ministry of Hungary with “pornography” and with “corruption of public morals.” The court found that, “The horrors contained in the translation oI Alfred Luzsenzsky are without exception found in the Talmud. His translation is accurate.”]
Contrary to popular belief, the Jews are not followers of Old Testament law since they are not the people of the Old Testament (the Israelites). In fact, in the book Sanhedrin, section 88b, the Talmud teaches that its precepts and laws are of a “greater stringency” than in respect to those of the Bible. It also says that when a Jew claims there is no breach of Talmudic law, he may act even though “a Biblical law may be transgressed.” It is the Talmud that guides the life and spirit of the Jew:
“The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart’s blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs, or ceremonies we [Jews] observe — whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or merely spasmodic sentimentalists — we follow the Talmud. It is our common law.”
Herman Wouk in New York Herald-Tribune, November 17. 1959. Rabbi Bokser stated, “Judaism is not the religion of the Bible.” Ben Zion Bokser, Judaism and the Christian Predicament, 1966, p. 159.
The nature of the Jew is inclined not toward Biblical precepts but rather toward “Jewish lore and tradition (within the Talmud) which is the mainstay of Jewish existence”’ [see Solomon Grayzel, A History of the Jews, Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia, 1947, p.362.]
The Bible then is used merely for show so as to give the Jews the appearance of being godly and God’s people, while their true law and religion is derived from the teachings and traditions of the Talmud. The Talmud is the work of “numerous Jewish scholars over a period of some 700 years, roughly speaking, between 200 [BC] and 500 [AD].’” [see Dr. Boaz Cohen, Everyman’s Talmud, E.P. Dutton, N.Y. 1949, p.iii.]
“The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees. Their leading ideas and methods found expression in a literature of enormous extent, of which a very great deal is still in existence. The Talmud is the largest and most important single member of that literature.”
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VIII, (1942) p. 474
The Talmud is actually “the product of the Palestinian and Babylonian schools” and is generally called “the Babylonian Talmud.” [see The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. XIl (1905) p. 1.]
The Pharisees were adherents of this Babylonian thought — and it was this thought and religion which Christ was always at war against. Christ rebuked them because they “reject the commandments of God, so that you may keep your own [Babylonian] traditions” (Mark 7:9).
Judaism and Christianity are poles apart — and the opposition between these two systems is as radical today as it was in the days of Christ. But Judaism is not only derived from “Babylonian thought,” but also “from Canaanite religious practices.” [see The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, (1942), p. 235]
Esau had married women of the Canaanite race whose religious practices were “abhorred” by God (Lev. 20:23). Jacob, however, “learned the ways of the Lord and His commandments” (Jasher 29:11), whereas Edom rejected God’s ways and worshiped other gods (2 Chron.25:14).
The Jews — like their Edomite, Canaanite, Pharisaical and Babylonian ancestors — also reject the commandments of God. This rejection and defiance of God is what Judaism is based upon. As the Jew Bernard Lazare revealed:
“It is the Jews who originated biblical exegesis Ia critical analysis of the Bible, just as they were the first to criticize the forms and doctrines of Christianity. . . .Truly has Darmesteter written: ‘The Jew was the apostle of unbelief, and every revolt of mind originated with him.’’
Bernard Lazare, Antisemitism: Its History and Causes, London: Britons Publishing Co.,1967, pp. 149-151
Since Jews have an inclination towards this Talmudic religion which defies God, an obvious conflict will exist between them and anyone who adheres to the laws or ways of God. So repugnant was the Talmud to the white Christian people of Europe that on numerous occasions kings and popes issued edicts to have the Talmud burned.
Like Esau and Jacob, the Jews and white Christian people have been struggling and in conflict with each other from their first encounter with one another. A look through history reveals the continual disputes, arguments, and disagreements between the Jews and Christians. “One of the earliest instances is the Dialogue of Justin Martyr (d. 165) with ‘Tryphon the Jew.’ ” [see The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (1977) 5th Ed., p. 562.]
Such dialogues and disputations between Jews and Christians have generally centered around the same subjects such as the Virgin Birth, the nature of the messianic prophecies and their fulfillment, the divinity of Jesus, and various aspects of the law. Contrasting opinions on such topics have been permanent traits of these two peoples.