
Wednesday, January 1, 2025

George Marshall Opposed the Creation of Israel, but Truman Caved In to Zionist $$$, by Mike Whitney - The Unz Review

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American patriot General George C. Marshall strongly opposed the partitioning of Palestine because he knew that the creation of a Zionist state at the heart of the Arab world would severely undermine US regional interests while fueling endless conflicts across the Middle East. In short, Marshall and his allies at the State Department grasped that Zionist leaders would never opt to get along with their Arab neighbors or pursue a path of peaceful coexistence but would relentlessly seek to dominate the region by duping Washington into destroying its perceived enemies. Marshall’s opposition suggests that—even before Israel achieved statehood—powerful members of the US foreign policy establishment anticipated that the prevailing ideology of the Israeli state would lead to widespread destabilization, conflagration and genocide. This is from an article at Mondoweiss:

In the period between the end of World War Two and Marshall’s meeting with Truman [May 12, 1948], the Joint Chiefs of Staff had issued no less than sixteen (by my count) papers on the Palestine issue. The most important of these was issued on March 31, 1948 and entitled “Force Requirements for Palestine.” In that paper, the Joint Chiefs of Staff predicted that “the Zionist strategy will seek to involve [the United States] in a continuously widening and deepening series of operations intended to secure maximum Jewish objectives.” The JCS speculated that these objectives included: initial Jewish sovereignty over a portion of Palestine, acceptance by the great powers of the right to unlimited immigration, the extension of Jewish sovereignty over all of Palestine and the expansion of “Eretz Israel” into Transjordan and into portions of Lebanon and Syria. This was not the only time the JCS expressed this worry. In late 1947, the JCS had written that “A decision to partition Palestine, if the decision were supported by the United States, would prejudice United States strategic interests in the Near and Middle East” to the point that “United States influence in the area would be curtailed to that which could be maintained by military force.” That is to say, the concern of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was not with [watch out, here comes a shocking statement] the security of Israel- but with the security of American lives. Damned as anti-Semite, Geo Marshall predicted that Israel would become US tarbabyMondoweiss