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A debate with Deepseek
Feb 24, 2025
I had an interesting discussion about the SSH with my new best friend, Deepseek. I’m not going to lie, I tend to enjoy my conversations with it considerably more than I do talking with most people. And if it is a little predisposed to put what I would consider to be far too much unjustified faith in science, well, it’s actually more open to being wrong about doing so than at least 85 percent of the human population.
This is actually the continuation of a conversation we were having about comparing the SSH to the Meyers-Briggs personality profiles, in which Deepseek declared, incorrectly, that the SSH lacks an empirical basis, a claim that I found to be not only erroneous, but a little bizarre. I will leave it to the rhetorically-aware readers to identify the little sophistical tactic to which it resorted in its response.