
Saturday, February 22, 2025

What Happened - by John Samson - Uncle John’s Substack

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The boomers got the pre-Clown House of Lies. A fake media world laid over a still functional, prosperous society. The values were inverted, but the presentation felt normal and the outcomes were reassuring. Most importantly, real society conformed more or less on a material wealth level. The TV middle class was recognizable as how everyone lived. Burning seed corn throws real heat. As young children, there was no way to see this wasn’t just the norm.

The basics got mapped in the Band’s Dazed and Confused posts. A faux socio-culture where the consequences hadn’t bit yet. The world that carried into our childhood. Where the system was fake, but youth socialization was organic. Feral, in the sense of no supervision and high levels of freedom. In contrast, prosperous adult life was completely inorganic and contrived. Unearned largesse for busywork and buy-in. Values built around irrational compensation patterns, not substantive achievements or personal qualities........

.......Socially, the move to Clown transformed the nature of material success. Which is a main status marker in a materialist society. Production based market systems are intrinsically meritocratic. Not always on the individual level, but overall, cream rises. Producing is a measurable, empirical activity, tying value to objective capability. The more collusion is suppressed, the more essentially fair. That’s not completely possible given human nature, but it is as a general direction.

This means more continuity between organic social status in youth and adulthood. Visualizing it hierarchically makes it easier to see. A reality tree......

.....[Centralized and untethered from reality] was the precondition for Full Clown. Here, there is no meritocracy - nonsense games or productive. The direction is sorathic - atavistic destruction of any recognition of reality. Success in the system at this stage is ideological identity. Organic social status patterns aren’t just broken here. They’re inverted. Note how sociopathic freaks – who would be shunned or snuffed in an organic society – attain systemic power. Despite no conventionally compelling charisma or strengths. Extrapolate to the Clown Elite.

And a lot of guys who were natural winners never were what they would have been.