(Did you learn this in public school? - CL)
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A 64-year-old woman with deep family roots in Alabama recently said to me that she was taught in Alabama public school that Abraham Lincoln was “the best president ever.” That would be a good example of the consequences of what the New England Yankee conquerors labeled “reconstruction.” The truth is that Lincoln was by far the worst president in American history. He was certainly the ... www.lewrockwell.com |
A 64-year-old woman with deep family roots in Alabama recently said to me that she was taught in Alabama public school that Abraham Lincoln was “the best president ever.” That would be a good example of the consequences of what the New England Yankee conquerors labeled “reconstruction.” The truth is that Lincoln was by far the worst president in American history. He was certainly the most “reviled” (by the people of the North during his lifetime), as Larry Tagg documented in his book, The Unpopular Mr. Lincoln: America’s Most Reviled President.” Thanks to the Republican party propaganda machine, which essentially monopolized American politics for the half century after the war, Lincoln was transformed from the most hated and reviled of all American politicians during his lifetime to a saint. (See The Deification of Lincoln by Ira D. Cardiff).