Read full text: It’s been obvious for a while that a historic era is coming to an end. The question was always how big? Peak Clown? Bretton Woods? Post-WW2 House of Lies? The 20th-century beast system? Enlightenment self-deification? Reading the long term implications of immediate events is guesswork. But preliminary patterns do guide later events. And the factional clash between Clown and Script is an extension of what looks like a more comprehensive transformation.......
.....Take Christianity. The Script appears to be actively supporting it. While appointing a satano-wiccan pastrix as “faith advisor”. Yet both seem sincere. Because from a pragmatic perspective there’s no hypocrisy. Luciferian materialists have no interest in Christianity personally but can perceive it a) makes for better, more productive, lower management communities, and b) can be used against clownism. So push it as a mass ethos. But pay no attention to the actual quality of the doctrine.
Obviously the long term techno-utopian agenda isn’t good either. But it is less directly antagonistic. And it’s moving in the right direction. Pushing upslope towards aspects of truth. As servants of Truth, we are literally in the avant-garde position. A fuller, more “radical” commitment than the mainstream. Only to reality, not escalating clown nonsense. This is the first time we’ve been here. No guarantees, but I like the idea of playing offence for a change.