(This is a perfect example of choosing collapse - "Keeping it simple - Trump has the opportunity to be the greatest president ever.....or preside over the collapse of America....."IT'S YOUR CHOICE, SIR!" - and it will be recorded as such by future historians. All we need to do is remind him - REPEATEDLY! It's called LEVERAGE! If he acts as president of DaWorld.....MAGA is DOA!" - CL)
This is a key moment for the Trump administration to decide if it is genuinely nationalist or if it is still going to try to prop up the lite globalism known as “civic nationalism” that has systematically weakened the USA for the last century.
Although most people are incapable of examining the roots of their beliefs, at their cores, the Chinese position is the nationalist one and the independence position is the civic nationalist one. Regardless, it isn’t any business of the USA’s how the unification process takes place, so it’s not a good sign that the State Department is sending interventionist signals like this.
Americans might not consider this to be a big deal, but it’s the top story on Global Times today.