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Everything about it is a lie. Russia is clearly, and as per usual in its history, fighting a defensive war. The fake borders notwithstanding, the Clown World-installed Kiev regime attacked the Russian people of the Donbass, refused to allow them self-representation, and did all of this AFTER the post-1991 expansion of NATO to which the USA had promised would not happen.
“Not one inch eastward” was the promise. The war is the obvious and inevitable result of Clown World’s attempt to expand its fake and gay rule through NATO, not “Russian aggression”.
The God-Emperor 2.0 has made it clear that the USA is not going to be Clown World’s enforcement arm any longer, and the collective forces of Europe would be hard pressed to fight Switzerland, let alone what is now a battle-hardened Russian army that has already defeated two NATO armies in addition to the Ukrainian army, as German military officers clearly know.