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This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
Fiat money was always just a short-term global confidence game backed up by the barrel of a gun. When the guns didn’t work, up went the B-52s and down rained the bombs. That usually got the recalcitrant to go along with the virtuous cycle because you can’t go along to get along if you’re dead. But if the pretender king dollar’s fiat money system ever failed, the ICBM ultimate failsafe would get called up to duty because if the Philosopher Kings ever lost control of their money system, everyone on planet earth would pay the ultimate price. Because by now the Philosopher Kings fancied themselves as gods who could rain down their wrath and vengeance untouched from on high upon a thankless and vain profane people who dare deny them their rightful portions of the daily sacrifices to taxation, regulation, and inflation.
So everyone pretended that the pretender king dollar possessed real value so long as there was an intercontinental ballistic missile aimed at them. But despite those ICBMs, fiat money failed the Soviet Union spectacularly back in 1989 before it could be universally imposed upon the world by the communist version of the End of History. And fiat money was failing America before it could be universally imposed upon the world as the liberal democracy version of the End of History began to flounder. The fiat Euro never had a chance existing as a lowly viscount in the shadow of the pretended king dollar. And the monetary eternal recurrence of fake money would happen again with the BRICS once the shouted promises of a sound fractional reserve system are drowned out by the whispers from the sorcerers promising power and riches beyond one’s wildest dreams.
Fiat money is always meant to be the transition into the End of History that never comes – a transition into an era where money no longer exists. It is when money no longer exists when the Philosopher Kings can come out of their hiding to be worshiped as gods. The people are one, and things get done my son by virtue of divine orders at the cost of a bowl of rice a day. But the End of History is inevitably derailed by its dependence upon this fiat money and the hyperinflation kindled by greed and the lust for power by those agents entrusted with its workings. Thus it is through the inherent corruption of man that mankind receives his reprieve from the End of History. It is always a reprieve drenched in blood and filled with the lamentations of the victors who are left to their own with the task of rebuilding their world back into the way it was meant to be. And that is the great victory, when man is set free from his bondage as a cog in some grand theoretical social design, where he is free to live as an end in himself until the next coven of sorcerers convene to weave their new spell to entrap him with the joke of ultimate material riches.
And man will again fall for the joke, forsake his brothers, and gather unto only himself everything he can using the magical powers of fiat money.........