
Saturday, February 22, 2025

America’s slavery: More complex than black and white - American Thinker

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America’s slave history continues to haunt us even today, beginning with how it is taught to America’s children and youth in their classes in school.  The current approach contributes to unnecessary and continuing racial animosity, prejudice, and strife. How so? Basically, it’s taught merely and solely as a black/white issue with whites as oppressive perpetrators and blacks as oppressed victims. Unfortunately, that is, basically, a colossal lie—a lie that is seriously harmful.

Dr. Thomas Sowell, a black scholar and historian, has fairly and justly exposed the lie in his book, Black Rednecks and White Liberals. His chapter, “The Real History of Slavery,” should be published alone as a book and textbook on the subject of slavery. It would benefit so many and practically eradicate the racial animosities based on inaccurate and false depictions of slavery worldwide and nationally.  He wisely states: “The truth should need no apology, but the truth about the history of slavery is urgently needed for reasons that go beyond historical accuracy… From a narrow perspective, the lesson that some draw from the history of slavery, automatically conceived of as the enslavement of blacks by whites, is that white people were or are uniquely evil.”  This is a black scholar speaking, and he fairly, honestly, justly, and unbiasedly exposes a critical racist bias.