Read full text: ugly is just one attribute. If you’re ugly, then you have to make up for it in some other physical fashion. You can roid up and get huge; a significant percentage of gym bunnies love massive guys and they clearly don’t much care how pretty their gym monster is. Or go stylish, or focus on making money, whatever it is, you have to compensate for your flaws.
The undeniable fact is that most unattractive people are lazy. They simply can’t be bothered to make themselves attractive in ANY way, and they would rather wallow in their lonely misery than either a) make the effort or b) lower their unreasonable standards.
Attraction, like water, finds its own level. I was good-looking in my day, but women seldom found me stop-and-stare attractive like they found my three brothers, all of whom were models. But I compensated for my relative shortcomings; I lifted more and harder, I put more effort into my activities, and I pursued more interesting endeavors. I drove a flashier car. And, most importantly, I knew my limits and didn’t seek to exceed them; when I sat next to Miss South Carolina at a banquet, I didn’t even consider taking a shot.
I also declined to take a shot at a Miss Minnesota of my acquaintance, although in that case it was because I had gone out with her prettier friend and workout partner. She was all right, she just wasn’t someone I would have chosen to represent our fine state. That’s the point at which you realize that the social transformation is complete, when you meet a literal beauty queen and think to yourself, nah, I’d rather not take a shot.
The point is that it takes time, continuous effort, and brutal realism about what one has to offer the opposite sex if one is walking onto the field at a disadvantage. I am, as is often pointed out by my critics, nothing very special from a superficial standpoint, so obviously if I was able to attract interest from highly attractive women, an ugly man should be able to do so from women who are considerably less ugly than himself.