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Note how hapless the seemingly-ascendant Clowns are. I’ve been blathering about centralization forever, but it’s abstract. And hard to see because it’s what we all know. The flip lays it bare. The whole stinking mass was on a massive teat. It shouldn’t need stating that this isn’t Good vs. Evil, but it probably does. It’s satanic vs. a lot better. Noting how the Script is dismantling Clown World while pulling in an autarkic direction behind a cloud of chaff is just that. It’s not an expectation that they want my utopia. Or share my faith. They don’t. What they do is create space. Opportunity. A managed collapse is the best case scenario. Relative stability to build organic networks. And improved ability to keep pushing the window.
As for Israel, that’s a wait and see. The history is too fraught for hard reads off a screen clip or stills. Unless confirming an emotional pre-investment - something to be avoided. I don’t have a read yet, positive or negative, although my feeling is that our bestest may be surprised. Definitely something to track forward.
This has vastly exceeded my expectations and doesn’t appear to be letting up. The Script suggests it won’t. This isn’t a hard marker, but I don’t think the Clowns are “keeping their powder dry”. They’re a danger if let back up, but that would be a pattern shift I’d need to see. The real struggle is building an autarkic power with this demographic mix. But at the end of the day, even success is an opening not an end. A culture is its people. Consider how much rot is being revealed. The Scriptwriters are doing historic yeoman’s work cleaning out the stable. Their long term agenda isn’t much more moral than the Clown’s. But it is a move up the slippery slope. And a chance to run ahead of the stream instead of powering into it.
Let’s use it.