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A Fight to the Death Is Underway. Paul Craig Roberts. Some people will regard my title as hyperbole. It is not. Trump, I believe, understands he is in a fight to the death. The American establishment tried to discredit and ruin him, to imprison him, to assassinate him. They stole his 2020 reelection from him. They tried to steal his NY properties. |
Trump knows that the fight is not just about him. It is about America. For decades a corrupt American establishment has been running the government for their benefit at the expense of the American people. Trump says he intends to take government out of the corrupt establishment’s hands and put it back in the hands of the people. That is the last place the establishment wants it. For them the struggle Trump began in 2015 is existential. If Trump loses, America loses, and the establishment wins. Civil liberties will disappear, especially for “racist” white people and for people who think there are only two genders. Censorship and false narratives will prevail, and we will live in a belief system constructed for us by the establishment and the whore media for whom government is a profit center.
I don’t know how many of Trump’s appointees understand that they are in a fight to the death. How strong are they? If Trump doesn’t win, their careers are over. The establishment will see to that. If the Establishment proves to be stronger, will Trump’s appointees change sides and abandon the fight?
I don’t know how many MAGA Americans understand the stakes. How many of them think that the fight ended with the election victory and now President Trump will put everything right? If this delusion prevails, the emergency extra-legal steps Trump must take if he is to prevail will lack support among his followers. The whore media will paint a picture of Trump as a tyrant.