
Sunday, March 2, 2025

REPEAT!!! This CANNOT Be Fixed Incrementally - by Karl Denninger - TIME'S UP - GUT IT!!

 Thus the only option is to collapse the cost of living.  That means serious deflation in asset and service prices.  Chief and others say "well but you can be a mechanic for $50/hour!" and that's true but if a car is $100,000 and a house is $500,000 you still can't afford to buy one of each, plus the insurance on both, plus health care plus the skyrocketed cost of energy to heat and cool that house because our government has roughly doubled that along with vehicle fuel via their inflationary policies (never mind the false so-called "climate emergency.")  Every bit of these claimed "ways" to make it all work out were god-damnable lies.

All of this has to have the rug pulled out from under it and it has to happen now.

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Federal Employees Hate DOGE Because They Fear Meritocracy | ZeroHedge

 "Personally, I liked working for the university. They gave us money and facilities. We didn't have to produce anything. You've never been out of college. You don't know what it's like out there! I've worked in the private sector ... they expect results!"

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For decades it's been a running joke that government employees do very little while collecting a generous paycheck.  For American taxpayers, however, the joke's not so funny.  DOGE audits have exposed considerable waste and fraud within the system.  Apologists in the media argue that most of this information was available to anyone willing to look, but this is a misrepresentation of the bigger problem. 

DaPentagon and DOD.... EXPOSED! By Karen Kwiatkowski

(From a Pentagon insider - for 80 years DaDoD has been the biggest, most expensive, wasteful and deadliest federal agency to our own American population and the rest of the world. In addition, it has and is now proving itself to be Israel's bitch - it's primary purpose. It's primary purpose is NOT defense of America! Got that? Read it yourself! Translation: A servant of DaSynagogue of Satan! - CL)

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Massive savings may be found overnight, and 80% — not just 50% — of the DoD could be eliminated with zero impact on “defensive capability” or “national security.”  This is true because of the abysmal level of defensive capability it provides, something we found out real quick on September 11, 2001.  The DoD wasn’t defending us then, nor is it providing measurable national security today.

Future generations of Americans deserve a new triad:  national security, peace and prosperity. Towards that end, a Pentagon death cleaning is in order.  If done correctly, useless things will be eliminated, haphazard collections thrown out, accumulated supplies for forgotten projects donated, and clothes worn in a career that ended thirty years ago discarded. We will identify what we want to preserve, as we discover many hidden things we never wanted in the first place.

The Worst Market Intervention of All Time - LewRockwell

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The US had been without a central bank until December 23, 1913, when President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law.  It too facilitated funding when Congress voted to declare war on Germany in April, 1917.  Using conscription, the US sent millions of American men overseas to join the slaughter, killing an estimated 115,000 of them.

The Fed helped keep the war going until the punitive Treaty of Versailles, after which Germans found Hitler appealing, and it created the bubble in the 1920s leading to the Crash and the Great Depression.  With FDR in charge, gold was lost to a fiat currency managed by the Fed, spawning an age of inflation.  According to the Richmond Fed, “By 1947, the Fed was summarizing its ‘primary duty’ as ‘the financing of military requirements and of production for war purposes.’”

If war could be considered a market intervention it would be the absolute worst intervention of all time.  But wars are lucrative rackets to some and don’t go far without funding.  Taxes alone can’t cover the costs of a long conflict without igniting a revolt.  This is why governments need a central bank that can produce unbacked certificates quickly that governments declare to be money.

When prices decline more is demanded, and this includes the price of war.

The Federal Reserve: Worst Market Intervention in US History

The Fed is even worse than the income tax, which made its appearance in the same year with the corrupt ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment.  Both funded US entry into World War I, one of the most catastrophic and groundless decisions in world history. But unlike the income tax, the Fed’s thievery is invisible to most dollar holders.

Labor mobility destroying nations - Vox Popoli

 The logic of free trade is inescapable. It amounts to a choice between a steadily declining living standard if free trade is limited to goods and capital versus the total destruction of the nation and the replacement of a majority of its population within a single lifetime if it is pursued to the full “beneficial extent” of the concept.

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The map above demonstrates what has happened as a result of the European Union’s establishment of a free trade zone throughout Europe. Notice that despite the absence of the promised economic growth throughout the EU, the increase in the international mobility rate has increased considerably in the last decade, even in the wealthier countries such as Germany, Switzerland, and the UK. Incredibly, some of the Balkan states have seen more than one-third of their populations abandon the country!

This conclusively proves what I have concluded with regards to the way that free trade inevitably destroys nations. The freer the trade, the more endangered the nation. How can you have a nation when its people are scattered all throughout the world, trying to find employment? It is evidence that confirms what I’d first warned about in a free trade post back in 2012. As Dr. James Miller admitted in our debate, later published as On the Question of Free Trade, labor mobility, and its societal costs, are something that no free trade-advocating economist has ever taken into account

Free Trade is What It Is - Vox Popoli

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 I then asked it to review my Labor Mobility argument, and see how long it would take for the USA to lose half of its working nationals if a) the USA were to adopt a genuine free trade policy and b) global economic efficiencies were to improve to the point that the global labor mobility rate matched the existing intra-USA labor mobility rate.

To determine how long it would take for the majority of the US labor force under age 55 to be working abroad under a 3% annual emigration rate, we model the outflow using exponential decay. Here’s the breakdown:


  • Annual emigration rate: 3% (0.03) of the remaining labor force each year.
  • No return migration, immigration, or changes in labor force size (simplified model).

Answer: Approximately 23 years would be required for the majority (>50%) of the US labor force under age 55 to be working abroad, assuming a constant 3% annual emigration rate.

Deepseek confirms what we already knew from observing the USA and the European Union. Free trade is neither good for an economy or a nation. To the contrary, it destroys both.

Three Ways To Restore Housing Affordability | ZeroHedge

 One system builds communities, another destroys them. Take your pick, but choose wisely.

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The choice is simple: housing is either shelter for citizens, or it's just another interchangeable speculative asset in the global financialization casino. It can't be both.

We tend to think of housing becoming unaffordable as a matter of land prices, zoning and the cost of 2X4s, but it's fundamentally a matter of values. Subscriber John summarized this in an insightful comment on Substack:

"For me, this issue is a reflection of the values of our culture.

1. Lack of value placed on community means that a house is primarily a financial asset, not a home.

2. Lack of valuing community, means that we have not supported local business / industry and allowed these to be centralized or outsourced.

3. Lack of valuing self-sufficiency means that the only way we can view a house as an asset is when it increases in value. How much income does your house generate every month? (even if you count that income in tomatoes).

Most of the housing being built is nothing more than boxes with a roof no matter how fancy the box. There is no awareness of how that housing is a part of the ecology that it is built in."

The “Racism” Conspiracy – Daily Stormer

 Interestingly, it is the same Wall Street bankers, corporate elites, and government officials who wanted people to stop talking about elite corruption by burying them in racial hysteria that wanted to flood America with nonwhites in the first place. They have several reasons for this. The most obvious reason is that flooding the market with cheap labor drives down wages. If real wages had remained static since the mid 1970s, McDonald’s workers in 2025 would be getting paid close to $50 an hour, and the biggest way that these wages have been artificially lowered is by bringing in nonwhite immigrants from poor countries. A bigger and perhaps more esoteric reason is the drive among the elites to homogenize the entire global population, to destroy differences between people, in order to create a kind of singular world system. After all, if there are no demographic differences between nations, then what is the purpose of nations? We might as well have a single world system in order to prevent wars and abuses by “rogue nations.”

It is extremely unfortunate that such a massive and destructive social engineering program could hinge on something as stupid as the claim that “all races are the same and anyone who thinks differently is evil and wants to hurt innocent people out of sheer meanness.” But that’s what happened. And we’ve now entered into the final stages of this program, as whites are a minority in America and white children a minority in virtually every Western European capital.

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Most of human history has been defined by large scale physical violence, so it is truly harrowing to look at the last few decades in America when fear of some sort of “emotional violence” became enough for people to allow their children’s futures to be stolen from them. White people have become incredibly soft, and that will have to change if we are to reverse course as we spiral down the drain.

The hope is that the “anti-racism” that we’ve been inundated with for these past decades is mostly a hangover from the utopian ideology of the baby boomers, and that as younger people have more influence on society, this utopian thinking will start to fade away. In order for that to happen, however, people are going to need to be brave, and start injecting ideas about racial differences into the public discourse.

Germans Never Learn - Vox Popoli

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Vee must become Nazis to prevent zee return of Nazism to Chermany!

In other words, the way that they’re going to deal with the observable fact that so-called “conspiracy theories” are far more reliable than the mainstream narrative pushed by the Clown World puppets in the German media and government is to encourage to betray their friends and family members who have a better grasp on reality that permits them to see through the lies of the Narrative.

It’s not only difficult to have “open dialogue on equal terms” between NPCs programmed by the Narrative and anyone who has his eyes open, it’s impossible. Because the NPCs blithely accept obvious falsehoods and so-called conspiracy theorists don’t.

and about those NPC's -

The Total Irrelevance of 80's Conservatism - Vox Popoli

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Due to its unprincipled and non-ideological devotion to defense, Buckleyite conservativism was always a loser’s strategy. But their embrace of neoconservatism and its globalist imperialism was the deal with the Devil that secured their eventual descent into complete irrelevance and open anti-Christianity.

When you haven’t conserved so much as the ladies room and you find yourself writing articles attempting to make the conservative case for satanic self-mutilation in the name of a psychological disorder while playing second fiddle to diversities blathering about the supreme importance of even more diversity, you should probably rethink your principled lack of principles.

America as Republic, Not as Empire – Europe’s “Sound and Fury” After Jaw-Dropping Pivots in U.S. Policy - LewRockwell

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It is clear now that the Trump blitzkrieg across the American Administrative State could not have been mounted unless carefully pre-planned and prepared over the last four years.

Trump’s flurry of Presidential Executive Orders at the outset of his Presidency were not whimsical. Leading U.S. constitutional lawyer, Johnathan Turley, and other lawyers say that the Orders were well drafted legally and with the clear understanding that legal challenges would ensue. What’s more, that Trump Team welcome those challenges.

What is going on? The newly confirmed head of the Office of Budget Management (OBM), Russ Vought, says his Office will become the “on/off switch” for all Executive expenditure under the new Executive Orders. Vought calls the resulting whirlpool, the application of Constitutional radicalism. And Trump has now issued the Executive Order that reinstates the primacy of the Executive as the controlling mechanism of government.

Vaught, who was in OBM in Trump 01, is carefully selecting the ground for all-out financial war on the Deep State. It will be fought out firstly at the Supreme Court – which the Trump Team expect confidently to win (Trump has the 6-3 conservative majority). The new régime will then be applied across all agencies and departments of state. Expect shrieks of pain.

The point here is that the Administrative State – aloof from executive control – has taken to itself prerogatives such as immunity to dismissal and the self-awarded authority to shape policy – creating a dual state system, run by unelected technocrats, which, when implanted in departments such as Justice and the Pentagon, have evolved into the American Deep State.