It’s important to understand that Ukraine today occupies what were the eastern territories of the Khazar Khaganate during the last half of the First Millennium. After the Khazarian’s forced conversion to Judaism and their subsequent conquering by Russian Prince Sviatoslav I of Kiev around 965 AD, the first of several diaporas took place which saw the Khazarian peoples migrate all over the Eurasian continent, especially eastward to Russia and westward to Europe. This was the beginning of the various Khazarian factions that would form within the newly emerging pseudo-Judaic religious collective known as Ashkenazi Jewry. While being an extraordinarily cohesive group bonded together by unrelenting persecution and oppression over the centuries (all self-inflicted), it was their inbred criminal pursuit of wealth and power that distinguished the Khazarian Ashkenazim as being forever thick as thieves. Later in the 19th century the centripedal force that kept them glued together was their exceedingly zealous enterprise notoriously known as Zionism which manifested as the utterly devastating Greater Israel project. However, thieves only get along well as long as they need each other to carry out their massive crime sprees which invariably include egregious acts of terrorism, genocide and warmaking.
“Upwards of 250 million people have been ruthlessly slaughtered since 1900 in the process of establishing the apartheid Zionist state of Israel.”
— Revisionist Historians for World Peace (Quote from The Secret Agenda Behind the Trump Mideast Peace Plan)
• Of greatest significance is the current battleground of Ukraine, which has seen a raging war since the CIA-coordinated color revolution was staged in Kiev’s Maidan Nezalezhnosti, that was purposefully set up as an enormous killing field by the various Khazarian clans. Each of those Khazarian factions has their own delusional designs to take back their ancestral homeland that existed over 1000 years ago as the Khazar Khaganate. In order to achieve this nefarious goal, Ukraine had to be purged of its citizenry, especially fighting-aged men who could pose a serious impediment to the daffy Khazarian takeover scheme. Which means that the whole world has been witnessing different types of highly organized genocides since 2014 of native Ukrainians, beginning with the Russian speakers who populated the Donbas. The other major genocide includes the many Slavic, Christian Ukrainian men who were, and are, viciously forced into the various “meatgrinder” battlefields scattered across the eastern region of the country. This stealthy ethnic cleansing scheme which continues today as millions of Ukrainians, particularly men, migrated to (and are currently escaping the engineered bloodbath) Europe, Canada, Australia and the U.S. Everything points to this slow-motion restoration of Ukraine to its past Khazarian owners as being planned out by Chabad Lubavitch ‘messiah’—Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. READ: RUSSO-UKRAINIAN WAR: An Ethnic Cleansing And Genocide Ordered By A Fake & Dead Chabad Messiah