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Where is “the money” in healthcare? It goes from taxpayers to Washington to federal BURRDEN — Bureaucracy, Unnecessary Rules and Regulations, Directives, Enforcement, and Noncompliance activities. At least HALF of the $4.9 trillion the U.S. spent on its healthcare system paid for BURRDEN. Since any healthcare dollars that don’t produce medical care are inefficient, wasteful spending, $2.45 trillion is ripe for DOGE’s cost-cutters.
Polls tell us what Americans want from the healthcare system: timely access to affordable care with access the number one priority. Americans do not want to die waiting for promised care that doesn’t come in time. Price transparency won’t improve access (and won’t reduce spending either.)
Instead of mandating price transparency that won’t work, ask DOGE to investigate dollar (in)efficiency in healthcare. Let them expose the trillions of taxpayer dollars that are diverted from patient care and wastefully spent on BURRDEN. Then imagine if DOGE cut BURRDEN down to proper size. Think of the trillions, not merely billions, that could either go to payAnd for care or be returned to taxpayers’ wallets.
And for more on this: and