(From a Pentagon insider - for 80 years DaDoD has been the biggest, most expensive, wasteful and deadliest federal agency to our own American population and the rest of the world. In addition, it has and is now proving itself to be Israel's bitch - it's primary purpose. It's primary purpose is NOT defense of America! Got that? Read it yourself! Translation: A servant of DaSynagogue of Satan! - CL)
Trump has proposed that the United States, China, and Russia cut their defense budgets by half. If the administration pulls the trigger – death cleaning the Pentagon – most Americans won’t notice and all will benefit. Swedish death cleaning – döstädning – is about getting one’s house in order, in preparation for handing over what has been accumulated to the next generation. The ... www.lewrockwell.com |
Future generations of Americans deserve a new triad: national security, peace and prosperity. Towards that end, a Pentagon death cleaning is in order. If done correctly, useless things will be eliminated, haphazard collections thrown out, accumulated supplies for forgotten projects donated, and clothes worn in a career that ended thirty years ago discarded. We will identify what we want to preserve, as we discover many hidden things we never wanted in the first place.