
Sunday, March 2, 2025

REPEAT!!! This CANNOT Be Fixed Incrementally - by Karl Denninger - TIME'S UP - GUT IT!!

 Thus the only option is to collapse the cost of living.  That means serious deflation in asset and service prices.  Chief and others say "well but you can be a mechanic for $50/hour!" and that's true but if a car is $100,000 and a house is $500,000 you still can't afford to buy one of each, plus the insurance on both, plus health care plus the skyrocketed cost of energy to heat and cool that house because our government has roughly doubled that along with vehicle fuel via their inflationary policies (never mind the false so-called "climate emergency.")  Every bit of these claimed "ways" to make it all work out were god-damnable lies.

All of this has to have the rug pulled out from under it and it has to happen now.

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